港铁铜锣湾站 F2 出口 继续阅读
10:00 - 23:00
现金 八达通
食记 (12)
等级3 2019-07-25
1555 浏览
今日四點幾經過希慎廣場,貼朋友想搵tea食下但係希慎又貴,無意中去洗手間時候見到呢間中與志壽司店。見到價錢中規中矩,而且又唔係好貴,於是就坐低左。我地食左三文魚腩壽司七十五蚊有9件食落都幾新鮮,不過舊飯就有小小硬但刺身黎講呢個價錢算係性價比高😋我地仲買左帶子壽司六十九蚊有6件刺身都相當新鮮,而且帶子仲好大舊!好味呀最貼心既係,除左有豉油付上之外店鋪仲有比生薑而且味道都相當不錯,係一個好讚既地方!而且環境方面,佢比其他便利壽司店唔同既係,佢有位置比你堂食,有好多位比你坐,十分方便!而且環境仲好舒適添! 继续阅读
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等级4 2019-07-20
577 浏览
今日放咗工之後搵嘢食;但娘親就話要食下午茶,所以我就想搵啲輕食嘅嘢啦。中與志其實我都食咗好多次。但今次我就要寫一寫~~食物今次叫咗燒三文魚醬汁卷;其實今次個紫菜比較淋身,其實我都覺得正常!唯一最唔正常係個紫菜唔係包晒成舊壽司。個醬汁其實係燒汁味,而且仲要比平時嘅燒汁還要淡味。三文魚不過不失啦,因為佢都係三文魚肉粒。壽司本身都唔算太過凍嘅,但又未至於到暖囉。壽司飯冇散晒嘅。服務態度因為我只係喺個凍季到拎壽司然後去收銀處俾錢,我主動問佢攞Wasabi,佢哋都會攞俾我嘅。所以我覺得佢嘅態度唔係差。價錢方面$26有12粒算係抵嘅,起碼我覺得個質素好過某一間連鎖壽司鋪 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-11-04
623 浏览
Halloween. I love it! And I love how some places decide to get creative with their food. Such as this Jason's Marketplace's sushi take away counter. It was the last place I'd expect to find  creative Halloween items.It cost $108. You get 12 pieces of sushi. Four of them balls. Two seared salmon sushi. Two scallop sushi. Four tuna sushi with a slice of squid to look like a cross on top of a coffin. One ball of amberjack wrapped sushi ball coated with a stick sweet sauce. One ball just topped with nori and mayo. And two balls wrapped in salmon to look like a jack-o-lantern. Definitely fun. Though the sushi was ok. Not that great. But fun none the less! And who knew so many balls of rice would be so much food.  Makes me wonder if they will do something for Christmas? 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-01-15
908 浏览
偶然想不到午餐到那裡吃,我和同事都會買這家的壽司外賣。原因是超級市場太冷了。這家壽司的價格範圍挺廣的,由十多元到百多元都有。吃午餐的我們,選個幾十元的就夠了。我們選了甜蝦刺身壽司($25),一盒五件,平均$5一件,十分化算。味道雖然不鮮甜,但實屬新鮮!除了甜蝦,我們還買了個燒明太子赤蝦壽司($36)由於放於冷藏櫃中,因此就算燒了也是凍的,所以口感一般。壽司中間夾著一片檸檬,有助癖去蝦的腥味。這個壽司最好吃的部分是明太子,份量也算不錯。為了填飽肚子,我們還買了兩個小卷:小卷:三文魚+蛋($19)小卷:青瓜+蟹柳+蛋($16)味道沒有驚喜,只求飽肚。總結:本人覺得要是買好幾百的,不如直接去日本餐廳吃好了。 继续阅读
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等级2 2017-01-27
984 浏览
I was doing a little grocery shopping in the supermarket at Hysan Place. Later on I felt like having some light bites before heading back home for dinner. Then I walked around the floor to see what might get me. There were actually quite a few choices even on the level B2. And I was choosing between the ramen place and this sushi take-out. At the end I went to this because I thought the other one was over priced. There were different sashimi and sushi but personally I prefer having sashimi inside a restaurant instead of buying takeaway. So I picked an avocado crab temaki sushi because I'm a big lover of avocado!However, the avocado was not ripe at all. It was like rock hard and fairly tasteless. It somehow had a grass smelling. Luckily the crab, tamago and the crab roe helped a bit with the salad dressing. But I thought the heart of this was the avocado, which completely disappointed me. 继续阅读
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