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食记 (2)
等级4 2016-06-22
3831 浏览
從小到大,都是媽照顧我們的起居飲食、溫習功課。爸嘛,專門對抗媽的零用錢管制,考試時間帶我們去遊山玩水,抱著我們上山下海。嬉皮笑臉的背後,爸負起養活一家的經濟壓力,其實有苦自己知。五月給一家之煮慶祝完母親節,來到六月的父親節,又是慰勞我們的一家之主的時候。想吃中菜,又不想忍受酒樓的嘈吵和過時過節、貴夾不好吃的套餐,除了貴價的中菜廳,可以選擇美味又抵食的私房菜。愛私房菜,欣賞店方的用心、對食物的認真,集親切的氣氛,貼心的服務,高質的食物於一身。訂座時,訂好十道菜的餐牌。老板先給我們建議,再按照我們的要求作更改,共有80道菜可供選擇。這天來到,餐牌已印製好,放在寬闊的圓桌上,迎接我們。醉鮑魚拌沙律第一道先來一大碟沙律,一人一隻,共八隻鮑魚,派頭十足。鮑魚都幾大隻,猜每隻有7-8cm長。偏硬的彈牙,很有嚼勁,散發著陣陣清新而柔和的酒香。切成小塊,逐少細嚼,享受滿口腔的細膩花雕香,醉鮑魚實在醉人。沙律新鮮,以軟身的葉為主,跟鮑魚的彈牙成對比。以少量的橄㰖油和黑醋調味,還有粒粒爽口、清甜的石榴。蜜汁雞膶叉燒找到冲菜,全因這道叉燒。試過的同事對它讚口不絕,而極力推介。長形碟子載滿叉燒,一旁是雞膶。叉燒配雞膶,第一時間就想到金錢雞。一塊叉燒,一層肥膏,一片雞膶,有肉的咬口、脂肪溶成的油、肝臟的口感,堪稱最邪惡的人間美食之一。想吃好,又不想放緃,這道菜正合心意。叉燒切成細細塊,跟一般的叉燒相比,甚至可視其為叉燒粒。蜜味十足,夠甜而不過份,入口自然。叉燒不算肥,但不嚡不韌,頗有嚼勁,又夠濕潤。偶爾夾到連著白色部份的叉燒,入口卻沒有化成油香,而是帶香的軟韌,健康又滋味。來自厚度的口感,比大塊的叉燒更集中,細細粒亦使人不知不覺地更留神地品味。再興的叉燒較腍、蜜汁甜而黏,粵軒的較有嚼勁、蜜味較濃、燒得較香,冲菜的叉燒較爽,味道細膩。雞膶帶輕輕的濕潤,口感少少實而豐盈。慢慢咀嚼,享受它在口裡黏黏實實的口感。黃金鍋巴以蛋黃炸的鍋巴,看似某日本牌子的朱古力。咬下去極脆,邊聽著耳邊傳來的咔嚓聲,邊吃到濃郁的蛋黃香,天然地為鍋巴調味。除了味道,蛋黃的粉、鍋巴的脆,原來是完美的配搭。青芥辣西芹拌手撕雞講到芥辣手撕雞,不禁想起陳根記。清新的芥辣加上大排檔的風味,叫人回味。登堂入室來到冲菜,換個充滿線條美的碟子,整齊地堆成一座小山,同一道菜變得優雅脫俗。青瓜和西芹切成手指般粗,混了適量的wasabi沙律醬,沙律醬控制整個醬汁的濕度和濃稠度,芥辣則為其調味。頗嗆,但不過份,淚水就在那流與未流的邊界,十分惹味。青瓜和西芹很爽,甚為清新。新鮮雞造的雞絲,嫩滑、鮮味十足。突然吃到久違的鮮味,感慨生活水平改善,世界卻變得複雜。有些人為了圖利而不惜偷工減料、剝削員工,失去了簡單、原始的味道、人情味。有心的餐廳,在成本上漲的環境裡,掙扎求存,更值得支持。杏汁雪耳白肺湯雖然杏汁味不算出,但在清淡的湯裡,喝到啖啖心機。長時間熬製,用了金華火腿,完全沒有下鹽。又清又稀,不似一般老火湯,表層浮著一層黃色的油。白肺洗得乾淨,毫無腥味,入口滑溜溜,沾點輕輕帶辣的豉油,味道一流。從湯渣裡滋潤的雪耳、熬得又腍又香的豬骨、白肺和金華火腿,證實湯的真材實料。香草胡椒蝦蝦用熱辣辣的鐵鍋上,仍有一絲絲柔弱的白煙,讓胡椒和蝦的香在空氣中傳開。大大隻蝦,腳已去掉,只需簡單地用刀叉把蝦殻扯開,完整的蝦身呈現眼前。新鮮蝦的肉特別爽口,帶蝦的清甜。碰巧咬到一粒胡椒粒,那陣香氣更是惹味,跟蝦亦襯。蝦頭內藏不少膏,嗓出啖啖鮮味,順道吃到醃到蝦殻裡的金不換和胡椒香,味道一流。豆酥桂魚上菜時,店員著我們留心吃豆酥,是這道菜的精萃。何謂豆酥?店員請來大廚兼老板向我們講解。一般豆酥以黃豆渣做,黃豆的香都去了渣出來的汁,渣會淡而無味。這個豆酥的做法是把黃豆稍為打爛,保持咬口,同時保留黃豆味,然後加不同的調味,再經過炒和炸。蒸好的桂魚去掉水,鋪上豆酥,既增加口感,又有調味之效。乾爽又脆的豆酥,鹹鹹甜甜的,為嫩滑無比的桂魚肉輕輕地調味,兩者很夾,入口柔和。桂魚兩旁去了骨,只剩下中間最大那條骨,使其成型。吃下去啖啖肉,又鮮又嫩又濕潤。蜜汁火方第一眼以為是東坡肉,竟是金華火腿。雖然脂肪看似很厚,但經過多小時的熬製,油都被熬出來。熬出來的油,加入各種調味料,製成帶甜的醬汁。老板說,怕肥的話,脂肪可以照吃,汁吃少一點就好了。脂肪部份,入口即溶,卻沒化成油脂,毫不油膩,口裡只遺下一陣豬肉的鮮味。肉則偏鹹。畢竟是金華火腿。浸過糖水的蓮子,炆得腍,少少粉,帶點甜,可以中和火腿的鹹。饅頭夾脂肪,蓮子配火腿,一啖又一啖。講好只能淺嚐,最後卻全碟清光。瑤柱燜節瓜吃完最濃味的蜜汁火方,來個清淡的燜節瓜,讓味蕾從高潮冷靜下來。爽口的節瓜,以瑤柱的鮮稍作調味,清而不淡。腰果露湯圓來到尾聲,以腰果露作結。濃稠的腰果露煮得幼滑,入口順喉。只帶微甜,腰果味明顯。內有兩粒芝麻湯圓,皮薄餡多。入口滑溜溜,皮薄得任舌頭搓圓按扁,又煙韌得不易弄破。咬開爆出芝麻蓉,夠香。不過,湯圓的甜使腰果露變得淡味。吃完湯圓得喝啖水,不然腰果露便吃之無味了。從每一道菜的選材、調味、做法,都吃到店方的心思。每道呈上的菜,都有種珍而重之的感覺,此感覺只有在私房菜才找得到。老板除了在廚房當大廚,還抽空到各枱跟客人談幾句,介紹菜式,毫不吝嗇地分享烹調的方法。爸的好評,讓我為選對餐廳而沾沾自喜。感謝店方讓我們大飽口福,亦心滿意足。 继续阅读
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
等级4 2016-02-18
2032 浏览
For the Lunar Near Year reunion dinner on my dad's side this year, my dad decided to choose a new restaurant for us to try out.  It was a little difficult to find George Private Kitchen as it is located inside a small hotel, and the private kitchen shares the space of a Korean restaurant.  Apparently, the Korean restaurant doesn't get a lot of business in the evening, so George Private Kitchen could use the space.As the restaurant is a private kitchen, my dad set the menu when he made the reservation.In lieu of a corkage fee, George charges patrons who wish to bring their own wine by the number of glasses required, which is an interesting concept and understandable as it is a private kitchen.The place setting is quite standard, but the waiters were quite efficient in replacing our bowls and plates throughout the meal.Sautéed Morchella Mushrooms with Kaofu: The kaofu was a little bland to my liking, as I prefer the sweeter Shanghainese version of kaofu.  But, the rest of the dish was really nice.  The edamame was really toothsome, and the morchella mushroom had a delightful woody flavor.Char Siu & Chicken Liver in Maltose Sauce: Everyone's hands shot up when asked if we wanted some rice when this dish arrived.  The char siu was tender but not overly soft, and the chicken liver was tender throughout without any tough pieces.  The sauce was the highlight of the dish; with the maltose in the sauce, it had a pleasant sweetness that was not harsh and overwhelming!Yangzhou-style Lion's Head in Clear Broth: The Lion's Head meatball was a tad greasy for me and my brother, where we thought that they could have probably had a smaller ratio of fat to meat ratio in the meatball.  Other than that, the broth was really delectable.Stewed Thread Fin Fish: This preparion of fish is different from the ordinary steamed fish, and the fish turned out to be very tender.  The ginger and spring onions were very aromatic and made the fish even more savory!Double Boiled Ham Hock Stuffed with Chinese Golden Ham: I'm not a big fan of pork but decided to try the ham hock anyway, as it is stuffed with Chinese ham which would cover up the pork flavor that I don't like.  The Chinese ham made the ham hock very fragrant, and the skin of the ham hock has melted a bit in the cooking process which made the meat quite succulent!Steamed Greens with Pickled Mustard Hearts: This dish was so good that I was talking about it to the rest of my friends and family throughout the Lunar Near Year celebration period!  The steamed vegetables were perfectly crunchy, and the best part of the dish was the pickled mustard hearts!  I haven't had mui choy that tastes this good in years!  It was prepared perfectly with just the right amount of sweetness and crunch!Classic Chicken with Scalions: As soon as this dish arrived at our table, the delightful aroma of the scallions caught the attention of our noses!  Chef George told us that this is a very traditional preparation, and even though, he's not very particular about which type of chicken he uses, he makes sure the fresh chicken he uses is of high quality.  The chicken was very tender, and scallions and sauces mixture in the bottom of the pot was really delicious!Tofu Skin & Coix Seed Sweet Soup: Tofu Skin sweet soup is not on my list of favorites when it comes to Chinese desserts, but this one really surprised me!  All of the tofu skin had already melted, so, along with the job's tears, they gave the sweet soup a smooth, velvety texture.  My brother and I usually pick out the ginkgo nuts from everything, but we finished them in this sweet soup as the ginkgo nuts were really soft and were not bitter at all!George Private Kitchen emphasizes on high quality, yet simple, ingredients combined with excellent cooking techniques, which delivers delicious dishes with complex flavor profiles!  It is a gem hidden in the midst of Wanchai! 继续阅读
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)