港铁铜锣湾站 F1 出口, 步行约5分钟
唔好睇佢開車房隔離又無冷氣又半路天 (落雨會有少少漏水)都無阻我哋長期嚟呢度食lunch 十一二點會比較多人嚟食 全場大部分都係男仕呢度嘅份量,最滿足到佢哋大大碟 對得住價錢有餘呢度有幾碟飯想介紹俾大家🎃紅酒會牛脷飯呢一個飯唔係成日都有要碰運氣先可以遇到佢但係呢度嘅牛脷有別於出面嘅茶餐廳師傅切到一條條 仲好厚咬落好有口感 唔會好薄亦都係稔身 多到對於一個女仔來講會食唔晒🎃鹹蛋肉餅蒸飯呢個飯一星期都會出現幾次肉餅唔係賣厚身但都唔做得馬虎 唔會俾哂啲肥肉你亦都唔會話好鹹久唔久都會掛住佢
#breakfastforlunch, #breakfastafter11am, #cheapeat, #causewaybayfood, #茶餐廳serves breakfast 7am - 11:15amlove this place.. i happen to hv breakfast without my wife again, I keep asking myself where I should go when I eat alone. the weather gets warmer so decided to come to this place for sure wife would not pick it.. this is mainly a guy place, honestly I rarely found any ladies here... like today, surrounding me 100% guys..
Lunch with boyfriend and originally we were planning Frites. But then he noticed ... this place was open! It seems to never been open when boyfriend is around and he was curious. He wanted to eat in a gritty place, smelling motor oil while wolfing down food.The menu is in Chinese only. There is no 10% service charge. The menu is also on the wall. Seating is outside next to an auto repair shop though their kitchen is inside their listed restaurant address.Lunch time they have several daily meals all for $48. It comes with a soup and hot drink (with cold drink upgrade option).When we arrived they had their last bowl of soup so they gave it to me while the waitress told boyfriend he looked like a non soup drinker anyways. Boyfriend was thrilled. Wait staff that gave him attitude.The soup was really good. A carrot and pork bone soup. It was extremely sweet and rich in flavor. Portion was also very big. Boyfriend had the braised beef brisket with rice. This was really fantastic. May not look fancy but wow was it packed with flavor! The beef was so tender, it literally fell apart.I had the sweet and sour pork with rice. The waitress asked if I wanted a small portion of rice (how thoughtful!) but quite honestly, the small portion looked exactly like the regular portion of rice. It was a lot! The taste was a bit on the sour side. But the pork was surprisingly soft and moist. Usually, most places are super hard as it's been over fried. But this was just right.Generous portions and well created food. Yes, it's filthy but the food was really good. Unsure if boyfriend will be back though. I think this full filled his bucket list item.