08:00 - 19:30
08:00 - 19:30
08:00 - 19:30
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Located in the heart of the city, Pacific Coffee offers a delightful experience for both coffee enthusiasts and food lovers alike. As soon as you walk in, you are greeted by the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee, which immediately sets the mood for a pleasant dining experience.☕️ Coffee: The star of Pacific Coffee, their coffee selection is extensive and impressive. Whether you're a fan of a classic cup of cappuccino ☕️, a velvety latte, or a strong shot of espresso, they have it all covered. Each sip is a burst of flavor and the baristas take pride in crafting each cup with precision. From the first sip to the last, you'll be hooked!🍪 Pastries: Pair your coffee with one of their delectable pastries. The display case is filled with an array of freshly baked goods that are simply irresistible. From buttery croissants to indulgent muffins, and flaky pastries filled with delicious flavors, they have something to satisfy every sweet tooth. The pastries are always fresh and the variety changes regularly, ensuring there's always something new to try.🍵 Tea: In addition to their impressive coffee menu, Pacific Coffee also offers a selection of tea options. Whether you prefer a soothing cup of chamomile, a revitalizing green tea, or a fragrant earl grey, you'll find something to suit your taste. The teas are brewed to perfection, delivering a calming and aromatic experience with each sip.🥗 Savory Options: For those seeking a more substantial meal, Pacific Coffee offers a range of savory options. From sandwiches packed with fresh ingredients to flavorful salads, their menu provides a balanced selection of healthy and delicious dishes. The ingredients are always of high quality, and the presentation is visually appealing.😌 Atmosphere: The ambiance of Pacific Coffee is cozy and inviting, making it a perfect spot for catching up with friends or enjoying some quiet time alone. The seating arrangements are comfortable, and the staff is friendly and attentive. The laid-back atmosphere allows you to unwind and enjoy your meal at your own pace.
最近都喺佐敦上瑜伽堂,所以多咗喺佐敦覓食。今日上堂前早咗d到,唔想食咁飽又唔想skip dinner, 咁啱見到對面有間Pacific Coffee,諗住入去買啲輕食。買咗一杯Double Chocolateromance,即係特濃嘅朱古力沙冰,同埋一份芝士火腿三文治。沙冰就冇咩特別, Pacific Coffee嘅朱古力沙冰係比起Starbucks嘅更加多硬朱古力粒,甚至飲到杯底都好多朱古力粒喺度~至於講到份三文治,真係我食過最難食嘅芝士火腿三文治,明明已經加熱左,都係好硬,又乾,而且個麵包好似比油浸過一樣,難食到嘔!
行街行到攰,就喺附近嘅@pacificcoffee 坐低歇歇☕️順便飲杯嘢食個小食充充電先聽聞佢哋新推出左{慢煮手撕豬肉批}🥧今日Order後師傅即刻加熱唔使好耐已經有得攞攞果時已經感覺到又熱又香鬆脆嘅外批,用刀輕輕切開後裡面嘅肉香已經噴發出來內餡係豐富嘅豬肉餡料配自家制醬汁經28 小時慢煮手撕豬肉絲肉質好嫩滑咬落去肉汁微微滲出配合埋外批一齊入口又脆又多汁,味道恰到好處加上佢地特製嘅凍鮮檸茶特別解渴下次再試佢地嘅其他食品先
下午逛得有点累,想找一个地方坐坐。本来是想到柯士甸道的 Starbucks ,可惜满座了,结果转移阵地到这家 Pacific Coffee 。咖啡店内部不大,加上限聚位,开放的座位不多。最后挑选了一个靠墙带电源插座的桌子。今天的 Americano 水准普通了一点,味道不够浓郁,入口没有甘香,口感实在太一般。另外买了一块曲奇饼,里面带了不少朱古力碎,加上曲奇饼的香味,是喝咖啡的良好配搭。饮杯咖啡,食件曲奇饼,轻轻松松的渡过了三个小时。
由於,今天早上已得知中午之後,西環一帶會有集會活動,所以,一放工便離開港島區,走到九龍區食 lunch!The Nate 座落於尖沙咀及佐敦交界的彌敦道,然而,這間 Pacific coffee 的門口在山林道,附近就是人氣小食店 <利強記北角雞蛋仔>!Pacific coffee 8月會員優惠是指定系列飲品買一送一,我自己一個人食又用不著,男店員告知我,可儲起留待之後用,直至 9/18!真令我意想不到呀!一向給我印象,Pacific coffee 的環境及空間感較另一間連鎖咖啡店 Starbucks 更勝一籌!這間分店卻較為迫狹侷促,所以要扣分!Lunch: 火腿芝士卷、蜜味叉燒批、牛奶抹茶:$78火腿芝士卷 $18烘熱後,外層香脆,包身鬆軟,火腿及芝士都是同口味嘅 friend,兩者鹹香滋味!蜜味叉燒批 $28烘熱後的叉燒批,外皮鬆化可口,滿載粒粒叉燒,甜美又肉質柔軟!牛奶抹茶 $35 (Tall size) 自攜杯 -$3牛奶抹茶混合燕麥奶,感覺無咁甜!