港铁佐敦站 B1 出口, 步行约4分钟
美食之最大赏 (2014)
08:00 - 15:00
This cha liu is featured as a wedding venue, having cute decoration in the stage you can see the small castle, cool having a meal here, simply made you happy haaa, the food quality is nice tooSteamed beef rice roll having so soft and smooth riceroll layers and I'm indeed surprised haa, but the portion is a bit smallSteamed pork ribs rice looking good portion not large but enough for a bite of taste haSteamed chicken with conch rolled having good taste, soft chicken, nice choiceSteamed cane sugar sponge cake with walnut come at first, like the cakes falling on the floor, as you see in the pic, the waitress still telling that is normal but it obviously abnormal ok lollll, how come serving customer with those unhygenic food to us...finally they changed for us lol(but actually the same I think as you can see in the pic lollll, I don't know the cooking dep work, only word I can say is bad!!!!!!), as first you can't serve it like this laaaa, the taste indeed good and I like the walnut so much but it's indeed a bit too high priceee laaSteamed Siu Mai with abalone, the taste of siu Mai indeed a slightly better than other cha liu, it deserves the prize of tourism board's good dish, even though I'm good fan of abalone, still a niceee choice haaa, good siumai(;Deep fried dried shrimp dumplings is good with crispy layersSteamed scallop dumplings with black truffle having good taste, few slices of scallops on the top, and many small shrimps inside, such a good combination, insides:menu:Nice food with a small bad experience of that steamed cane sugar cake sadly, my favorite dish... Can still come for a meal cause overall it's nice shop, but esp those waitress servicing the food having really bad temper...im not come for the bad treatnent lolll other staffs are fine except the cooking dep and waitress delivering dim sum, it turned good service into bad.
今天到佐敦看醫生,之後到聯A酒樓飲茶,怎料,人頭湧湧排長龍,我和Honey轉場到了彩福婚宴,不用等位,立即入座。由於是婚宴場所,樓底好高,所以環境舒適。Honey點了午市套餐:福建炒飯 + 叉燒 $138叉燒不錯呀,半肥瘦,肉厚且腍,甜甜的,好好味!福建炒飯非常大碟,用料也豐富:雞粒、元貝、菜遠粒、小蝦仁……炒飯底炒得很乾爽,粒粒分明,不錯不錯!我們另外又點了兩款點心。蟹粉小籠包。小籠包豬肉滿滿的,雖然蟹味不算濃,但是滿滿的湯汁,很滿足!Honey喜歡吃蝦餃。澄麵彈牙。每粒都非常大粒,啖啖蝦肉,很爽口!好味!Honey點了楊枝甘露。也很好味,有沙田柚、西米、芒果粒……而且芒果湯濃濃的,不太甜,好美味!無論場地、排隊、食物質素……全令人滿意。然而,服務員的服務態度,就…………呼呼喝喝的!我下次還會不會再來……其中阻礙我再來的原因,一定是服務員
最近發生既種種事情,令人覺得應該要好好珍惜現在,珍惜所有,然後呢一日即刻決定要約家人去酒樓食飯,好好珍惜同家人相處既美好時光~佐敦分店真係好舒服~有浪漫既紫燈,樓底又高,大電視掛係高處,基本上坐邊都可以睇到清清楚楚,正~今晚叫左晚餐份三寶,叉燒,魚,咕嚕肉同甜品~彩椒菠蘿咕嚕肉 $85外皮薄薄去好白脆,入面肉鬆化唔乾,掛滿酸酸甜甜既醬汁,仲有好隊菠蘿同青椒清蒸沙巴龍躉班 $148size唔細,有1斤2,抵食~肉質嫩滑彈口,味道鮮,最好正當然係個腩位,特別嫩,滿滿魚油香~三寶入面有燒肉,菜,同蟹,三百幾蚊好抵食啊~隻蟹仲要唔細隻,啖啖肉既肉蟹,肉質嫩唔會散,好鮮甜~紅豆桂花糕 $18最後一定唔少得桂花糕,清甜爽滑,食完飯食佢即刻清一清味蕾~今晚又是滿足的一晚仲有特價龍蝦呢~