港铁上环站 B 出口, 步行约6分钟 继续阅读
食记 (4)
等级4 2016-01-23
1227 浏览
行到上環肚餓想搵野食下,行咗幾條街野食係幾多嘅...但價錢都唔平,閒閒地都要五六十蚊...搵到平野又大排長龍,終於頂唔順,是但買住個雞蛋仔食住先!上環小店野食唔多,都係賣下啲三文治,燒賣魚蛋,腸粉,牛肉球,炸三寶為主其實啲三寶都幾大件同抵食,6蚊已經有4大舊不過好似有啲油同熱氣,所以都係要底雞蛋仔就算雞蛋仔已經有幾底整好咗嘅係到不過叫做有啲野暖住佢,所以都重未凍晒個外表睇落好光滑,但拎上手就知...大獲...輕成咁...一定唔飽食落去就真係好脆口,都有少少香味,不過真係好似風一樣,勁快就食晒好啦...咁唯有再搵下有咩好食啦... 继续阅读
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等级4 2014-07-29
699 浏览
放工行去上環站經過呢間小食店,點咗司華力腸、煎爙三寶。司華力腸味道可以,但個心唔夠熱。煎釀三寶嘅紅腸幾脆味道不太咸,魚蛋都幾足料魚肉好味,豆腐算係幾滑。但雞蛋仔就麻麻,可能因為一底底整起咗放喺櫃已經凍咗,唔夠脆,但味道不錯。 继续阅读
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I was really missing those octopus tentacles skewers that I had at Dor Dor eatery, but the service there was a bit annoying so I tried the octopus tentacles skewers next to it.They also cost $8.As this shop was not really busy, the staff there was quite patient. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Octopus tentacles:You can have these hot or cold, so I had them cold.They were clean as I did not get food poisoning the next day.The tentacles here were rather chewy and the mustard sauce tasted a bit off and the sweet sauce tasted too sweet.It was also quite spicy because there had been some spicy sauce in that bowl.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ 继续阅读
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等级4 2011-09-03
216 浏览
八月上旬‧晴不知大家知不知道,這是油池。不過不知也不要緊,因為這已是沒有幾多地方會做得好的一味。是日經過這間小吃店,見有一大堆油池,就買一件吃一吃。外微脆,而內裡塞滿蘿蔔絲,不算甜美,也不算腍,粗粗的不幼細。還記得以前在街邊即買即吃的時候,今天,也不要要求那麼多了。 继续阅读
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