港铁长沙湾站 B 出口, 步行约1分钟 继续阅读
08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
AlipayHK 支付宝
食记 (5)
等级2 2020-09-04
573 浏览
我:唔該,一個春卷沙律侍應:無沙律,得薯條我:……………………是但啦(餐黎到)我:請問有無沙律醬?侍應:得茄汁我:……………………是……但……啦😪(進食中)我:呀靚女,啲春卷“叔“既?侍應:下?係咩?可能擺得太耐我:😵😵😵😵😵😵😵,放得太耐????侍:換雞翼俾你啦我:我仲有得揀咩?侍:不過要加返六蚊我:你鍾意啦春卷“叔“既,雞翼一咬落去就滴啲血水出黎…………… 继续阅读
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The area is residential, mostly grass root and blue collar in its heyday but is nowadays roamed by pensioners with walking sticks.  It is a felicitous  backdrop for a food stall selling street foods used to be sold on a cart pushed around the busy streets of Hong Kong.  Evading hawker administration officers was daily routine.Carts no more but foods remain.  The Fish meat soup with lettuce was an improved version of the good old days'.  Healthier with a greater proportion of genuine fish meat rather than dough, the soup was clear and came with no sesame oil or MSG, though a bit too salty to my palate.  The Lettuce, not a generous portion, was fresh, crispy, and refreshingly green. The Shark fin soup was even better, the colour, taste, and aroma was very much alike that of the old day's, in which MSG and frozen, shredded lean pork meat were invariably used.  The great variety of textures, from the smoothness and thickness of the soup, to the coarseness of the lean meat, in addition to the chewy "shark fin", were a great enjoyment to every taste buds.  继续阅读
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等级3 2020-02-24
427 浏览
呢間我由讀書時期仲係舊舖幫襯到而家佢既食物都係啲地道小食而佢既味道都一直keep住椰菜餃(8隻) $36好味指數 😋😋😋😋餃子既大小岩岩好 皮既厚度適中而我最鐘意既係佢包既餡料椰菜同馬蹄令餃子食落好爽口佢地每一隻都係人手包 好足料嫁生菜魚肉(大) $23好味指數 😋😋😋😋生菜魚肉應該係每個香港人都鐘意既地道小食但每個人鐘意既魚肉口感都可能會唔同而我就最鐘意明發呢種彈牙既口感豆腐花 $9好味指數 😋😋😋😋好滑 有豆味$9大大碗 絕對係超值除左我今次食既 佢仲有個招牌就係醬爆肉可以配麵或飯 因為佢個肉炒到好香我個人會比較推薦配飯👍🏻正明發除左價錢平 食物質素唔錯最主要係你可以食返細個個陣既味道我誠意推介比大家去試下😊 继续阅读
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等级1 2020-02-06
217 浏览
What’s up food hunters 😎want to eat like a hongkie(local people)? 明發金牌魚肉魚翅this dumplings restaurant is one of my favor place to eat dumplings , the outside of the dumplings are crispy and the meat inside is so so juicy yummy yummy and tofu pudding is so smooth with sugar ginger syrup yeaaaa🤗if u like my review please hit that LIKE❤️button thanks and i will see u guys on the next one , love n peace ✌🏻IG : detourguides 继续阅读
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有日同友人入深水埗買野.突然想食碗仔翅.周圍望下有無上海店.真係搵到間👍🏻明發小食🥢店鋪沒有招牌.一眼望哂餐牌🥳🥢🥢二溝生菜魚肉碗仔翅 $ 23 有陳皮味道.即刻變得很懷舊的感覺.魚肉新鮮.沒有魚腥味.很少店舖有二溝😋🥢煎餃二溝(椰菜+韮菜) $37D菜超新鮮.煎得超脆皮.皮都好薄👍🏻🤣啖啖菜. 不過煎得好似有少少熱氣😆$37 /8隻 好似有少少貴😅韮菜味椰菜味總結. 推薦二溝生菜魚肉碗仔翅驚餃不過不失出完門口見到佢地🤣 继续阅读
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