港铁黄竹坑站A2出口, 步行约3分钟 继续阅读
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07:30 - 19:00
07:30 - 19:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
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食记 (8)
等级4 2019-07-20
2004 浏览
每個星期六 #小秘書 都要過嚟 #黃竹坑 學游水,如果大家有去過果頭,都知荒原幾里都無地方shopping,唯一好彩嘅就係仲有間 #Starbucks🤪因為之後要落水,#小秘書 都唔敢食太飽,叫咗杯 chocolate black tea latte ☕️ 外賣嚟項住先。呢排成日都話要「減肥」嘅小秘書,主動叫個 #咖啡師 改用slim milk,同杯 latte 要淡口啲,不過個 #咖啡師 話茶底係開粉嘅,只可以落少啲... 佢今朝梗係食咗誠實豆沙包😅 個 #咖啡師 都幾好笑容㗎,仲主動叫我可以試飲一淡👍🏻 不過我又無咁高要求,加上 #咖啡師 又咁nice ... 加分加分😅👍🏻👍🏻 改良過嘅Latte係淡口咗少少,不過加埋服務同環境,我要比個like佢呀! 继续阅读
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今天小米在這邊踼波,自己就在小米訓練期間,到附近早餐。不過咖啡癮發作,只好來到這家咖啡連鎖店。點了最便宜的咖啡,幸好自己有帶杯,可以扣減4蚊。不過這個咖啡味道很怪!  All-in-one Bagel雜錦烘包   原來買Bagel奉送Cream Cheese。   視覺:Bagel外層顏色很深,還有白芝麻,罌粟籽,小茴香?孜然?看來很豐富。手感: Bagel經烘烤加熱後變得硬身,Cream Cheese也很硬身,不易推開。終於成功塗抹在整片Bagel。不過Bagel真的很硬,要很用力才可將其分件。  口感&味道:包包很硬,反而覺得表面的粒粒不太硬。包包無包味,Cream Cheese不夠酸,襯托出粒粒各有獨特的香味。嗅覺:咖啡店本應有咖啡香味,但鼻子感覺不到咖啡香。可能現在客人不多! BODY REPORT:中午12點已經很肚餓。  美X集團的空氣包,果然名不虛傳。 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-06-02
724 浏览
Was in this area today and heard from people that the cold brew offered by Starbucks were sold out in many of its branches. So figure I will come here to test my luck to see if I can get one. Surprisingly many people were also ordering the cold brew. I was able to get one but it was not that special. I had some cold brews at other boutique coffee shops and never tried such a large chain one. The taste was nothing short of a normal iced coffee. I ordered the cold brew with vanilla cream. It was just iced coffee with milk the coffee wasn’t the greatest probably would be better off ordering the usual ice cap. 继续阅读
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等级2 2016-09-04
1135 浏览
I had the lemon tart and a cappuccino as a palliative following a failed dining experience at a nearby eatery. The tart was more sweet than, well, tart, but recognisably a food product, unlike the substance I tried to eat at the 'restaurant' around the corner. Good ol' Starbucks. Always know what you're getting, so you never leave dissatisfied. 继续阅读
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Working here at Wong chuk hang can be frustrating sometimes as you don't have that many breakfast options, as many restaurants don't open till 11:30am. That leaves us with Starbucks, mum, GCX, Sensory zero and bread & bistro at One Island South.The other options are too overpriced I think, so many of us would just go to Starbucks for a quick coffee/party. Starbucks is always filled with people in the morning. Got here today to grab a bagel, surprisingly there was no line. Got a multigrain bagel, but sadly, they ran out of cream cheese so they got me jam and butter instead. The bagel was hot and crispy. Quite chewy and not too hard, which means they were fresh! There was a lot of grains on the bagel, enough to give you the additional crispy texture. I always find it interesting how there are so few places that serve bagels in HK, and it's always tough to find good bagels here. I'd say starbucks' bagels are good but not great. But they are good enough to satisfy your craving!I also ordered a banana honey yogurt. I like how it's packaged - they separated the cereal with a small plastic thing on top so they don't get soaked. There was three huge pieces of bananas in the yogurt, which is good but I also wish they'd cut it into smaller pieces so it's easier to put in your mouth. There wasn't a lot of honey and somehow the honey became pretty watery. Overall - I'd give my breakfast a 7/10 - a quick and easy grab-and-go option around here! 继续阅读
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