港铁铜锣湾站 B 出口, 步行约2分钟 继续阅读
10:30 - 22:30
食记 (34)
等级4 2015-11-18
421 浏览
無驚無險又收工,今晚有酒聚,路經大代都係打個底穩陣喇,免得空肚就劈過您死我活,無野劏呢 ﹗近來晚晚都好旺場喎,7 點幾想搵個靚位都難,面壁都照坐啦,食少少野十 多分鐘啫。豉椒蒸排骨,收銀叔叔話剩返一碟都放一段時間唔係太靚喎,不如即刻蒸碟新比您好無?好呀好呀,麻煩晒 ﹗當然新鮮出爐最好味啦。約五分鐘搞掂,香噴噴 ﹗大量蒸氣向上飄啊, 好有氣氛。肉味香濃甜美,肉多骨少又無咩肥膏,啖啖肉愛死您 ﹗豬肉甜美中泛著少許豆豉及紅椒味道,更加好味 ﹗原盅淮山杞子螺頭燉雞腳湯,老實講我有 9 成都係因為個燉湯而黎架乍,足料大碗又經濟。螺頭海味味道特濃,螺頭肉嚥嚥韌韌,燉完湯都仲有攝人既海螺味道。湯汁清徹而香濃,淮山杞子天然甜味併上雞湯底,好味到唔停得口,就連湯渣都好好味呢 ﹗ 膠口嫩滑雞腳、粉口鮮淮山 ! 继续阅读
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等级3 2015-07-03
198 浏览
銅鑼灣軒尼詩大廈入面有個隱世food court, 雖然係由food republic主理, 但每次黃昏時間去都唔多人, 好易搵位咁水靜鵝飛, 難怪個food court都要搞d印花優惠, 食滿3次$40就有$10 cash coupon我之前已經嚟呢個food court食左兩次, 一次食韓國野, 一次食星馬野, 兩次都唔好食,不過反正只差一次就有coupon, 見呢間又幾多好評, 所以就嚟試下見到晚餐嘅set有唔同配搭, 主要都係 盅飯 and/or 點心 and/or 菜印象中盅飯有大約5款選擇, 點心就有十幾款~唔想食咁多飯, 所以揀左"兩個點心+菜"嘅set, 價錢係$48包杯飲品首先揀左個四寶淮山雞扎, 因為見到"淮山"呢兩隻字即刻感覺健康原本仲諗緊第二款點心揀咩, d店員就力推我點蝦餃平時係茶樓食蝦餃, 唔係特點都係大點, 咁抵食, 就一於聽佢地建議啦~菜就係蒜蓉炒菜心 (原本仲以為係油菜, 想叫全走...)叫左野食之後, 佢會俾張飛你去飲品counter換野飲, 同埋有個裝置話你知幾時拎得野食, 我保持我一向嘅健康習慣, 去飲品counter叫左杯熱檸水因為我坐得近曉廚軒個counter, 所以後尾個店員都親自將食物拎到我張檯俾我, 夠細心!等左一陣, 野食陸續到齊, 可以開餐~蝦餃 --> 呢個價錢真係估唔到有四粒蝦餃咁多! 仲要每位都唔算細粒, 外皮軟滑, 入面嘅蝦亦彈牙, 呢個價錢食到咁有水準嘅蝦餃真係好surprised!!四寶淮山雞扎 --> 魚肚好大片, 淮山好大片, 火腿好大片, 雞肉好大片, 樣樣野都好足料好抵食!蒜蓉炒菜心 --> 又係好大碟嘅抵食之選! 仲要條條都係芯! 條條都切到好幼好細方便入口, 加埋蒜蓉好惹味, 不過略嫌油膩至於飲品counter出品嘅熱檸水, 同我上次嚟食一樣, 都係好澀, 因為d檸檬唔係靚貨之前係呢個food court食左兩次都好失望, 估唔到呢間咁有驚喜, $48咁多野食仲要味道唔錯!如果大家夜晚經開銅鑼灣又想食點心, 不妨嚟呢度試下 继续阅读
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等级2 2015-06-06
243 浏览
一個餐($48)包一個飯同一款點心。飯係酒樓盅飯份量,無點心係一定唔飽,大食既我,擔心一盅點心唔夠,最後決定加錢加多盅點心。北菇滑雞飯係真係幾滑,伙記無推介錯。咖喱魷魚就不過不失啦,本身都唔難整得好食既,唔會好辣,啱香港人口味。薑汁糕薑汁味都夠,幾好趙又襟飽,係底部蒸時吸水較多,相對林少少姐。好想讚下呢度既伙記,伙記見我論論盡盡豉油都唔記得加餐具都唔記得攞時既時候好好心咁提下我。 继续阅读
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Came here because the previous review had pictures of delicious fried rice which had Chinese pickled olive vegetables 欖菜 in it.When I got there, it was NOT ON THE MENULUCKILY I showed them the picture from openrice and they were able to ask the chef to serve it Decided to get the set which had soup.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fish maw and whelk soup:The soup tasted ok but the ingredients were crap especially the fish maw which was fishy and the whelk was a bit mushy and didn't taste fresh.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ 潮式欖菜炒飯:The fried rice was good because the rice was al-dente and loose with tasty pickled Chinese olive vegetables in every spoonful.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★PLEASE NOTE that pickled Chinese olive vegetables is name made up by me because I couldn't google the English for 欖菜!!!!◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎The bill: $78Service: OKService charge: noNapkins provided: yesToilets: noPortion sizes: bigNoise levels: NoisyGlass of water provided: NoEnglish Menu: yesAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ 继续阅读
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等级4 2015-02-12
372 浏览
Hu's Kitchen's motto is that they serve Hong Kong's favorite food. What that generally means is that they are a food court that serves cha chan teng items. Seeing as six reviews for this place was from one person who seemed to love it so much, he came every day to eat here, I decided to give it a go.Located inside Food Republic, I arrived around 3  PM for the afternoon tea set. What I ordered was the sauteed fish in cream of corn sauce and rice. Tea sets include a free drink. Price was $32. The staff told me that I had to wait 15 minutes for the food to be made as it was made to order and gave me a pager while I waited.Drink is from the drinks counter of Food Republic. I had the ice lemon tea. Was not memorable. But it came with my meal so why complain?Sauteed fish with cream of corn sauce and rice ($32). This was horrible. The fish was fried for so long, it was dry and crunchy. The sauce didn't have enough corn and was too watery. I should have gone to Cafe de Coral for this as it was the second floor. Or for this price, you can get better stuff at the cha chan teng's down the street.This place was pretty bad. Won't return. 继续阅读
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