港铁铜锣湾站 D4 出口, 步行约2分钟 继续阅读
由伦敦十大海鲜餐厅J Sheekey前主厨James Cornwall 带领,供应海鲜菜式。餐厅内部装潢华丽 ,再配上拥有 8,000 呎进餐区域,以及 2,000 呎顶楼露天酒吧区域。 继续阅读
12:00 - 00:00
Visa Master 现金
食记 (63)
等级1 2017-07-26
4781 浏览
my boss asked me to call see if there is a chance to book a table with the best view because he would bring his client to there for a drinks.  however the tel. no. post on openrice and their website is NOT reachable at all, i was calling them from 2pm till 9pm at night, they still have nobody pickup the phone and direct your line to mail box but this is full and not able to leave a message.improve the customer services first no matter how outstanding of your restaurant with the best night view or the best seafood and drinks.  enroll the better CS hotline system of use internet booking services if you are that famous.Good luck 继续阅读
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等级2 2017-07-20
3161 浏览
location:just 3mins walk from the causeway bay mtr stationview: greatcity view of causeway baydecor: it's almost like an aquarium with lots of real seafood n seafood model lying around. it reminds me of rainforest cafe, too bad hong kong one is gone ages ago!food:wonderful! especially love the slow cooked octopus. man that was one of the best i have ever had! all the sauce for each dish are carefully paired. all the ceviche are made to surprise! we ordered a few ceviche to compare, coudlnt find the one we love most because they're all delicious!price: about 600hkd per person given we had 5 people sharing 11 dishes. pretty good! 继续阅读
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
等级1 2017-07-05
2144 浏览
Girlfriends dinner came with a wonderful surprise - Janet, the lovely waitress, somehow overheard that it's our friend birthday today, so she brought us a piece of lovely cake with candle on it without letting us know! We are absolutely impressed.Apart from the extraordinary services, we love the decor here and also the food. We are all fulfilled with the portion and taste of the 4-course tasting menu (@$498). Nevertheless, we do feel that the wine pairing menu can do better. All in all, we will come back again ;) 继续阅读
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
等级3 2017-06-30
1793 浏览
係open rice 訂座可以係七點前享用sunset menu, 兩個course $298, 三個就 $348,見咁平就可以試依間餐廳,當然就訂位試試啦。總統商場拆咗之後,我都係第一次黎依個新起既商場,其實依度應該係商業大廈,因為只有地下係商舖。餐廳係最高個層,一入去就覺得裝修得幾靚,樓底又高,由於到達時大約六點九,天未黑,望出去可以望到好遠,好靚。餐廳服務幾好,好多侍應,可能時間尚早,全程都係同一個侍應招待,佢好熱心介紹菜式。我地點咗兩份三個course, 無額外點餐飲都無黑面。點完菜,佢仲好熱心同我地講可以經露台樓梯上頂樓,係天台酒吧,望出去仲靚,可以係等上菜前先去影吓相,咁我地當然就上去睇睇啦。嘩,個景好開揚,無玻璃遮擋下好靚,今日天氣又好,真係可以望到好遠,剩係依個景都值回票價。影完相,返落去已經有前菜,係額外送既,一口份量,幾開胃。未幾就送上前菜,我點既係海鮮薈,有啲似送個款,但多啲唔同既海鮮,有啲似食日本刺身。另一款係吞拿魚他他,好好食,好濃郁既吞拿魚味,無筋。主菜點了煎焗三文魚同意大利飯,個三文魚外皮脆,肉又多汁,好好食,係份量少了點。意大利飯都好好食,不過又係細份咗啲。甜品就要咗芝士餅,賣相不錯,味道就一般啦。總括內說,依個價錢係有驚喜既,本來以為依間野食未必咁好,但黎到無論賣相同味道都好,不過可能係sunset menu, 份量相對少了點。如果正常惠顧,係依度食一餐每位應該要過800,所以咁既價錢可以試到,剩係個景已經值回票價。 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-06-30
1354 浏览
見環境好靚,所以約朋友去試一試, 去到時環境確實不錯, 枱與枱之間有距離,大家傾計唔會影響隔離枱, 樓底好高,好舒服 極上海鮮拼盤 - 可以不用試,海鮮絕對唔係最新鮮,魚生一般, 蝦肉係"梅"既, 其他蟹腳都唔新鮮, 攞出嚟食時啲雪仲未溶, 生蠔還可以,但唔係隻隻都咁新鮮, 總括來說,海鮮拼盤可以絕對不叫 煎帶子 - 味道正常, 但係上枱時唔係太熱 炸海鮮小食 - 正常, 粉漿唔會太厚 虎蝦意大利飯 - 係成晚最好食嘅菜式 蘆筍、沙律、火箭菜 sidc dish - 全部都正正常常舖頭叫seafood room, 唔好期望去食海鮮,反而叫其他熱食仲好食, 另外室內氣溫好熱全晚都好熱,外籍服務人員好好,但係其中一個本地男waiter態度非常差, 除咗環境好之外 , 冇其他吸引嘅地方 , 如果沒有改善 ,唔會再去幫襯 继续阅读
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