港铁上环站 A2 出口, 步行约6分钟
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 22:30
上個禮拜同老公喺到度過咗一個好開心嘅生日晚餐。雖然唔算平 (但講真啦,好嘅壽司應該都唔會平啦),但係呢度嘅質素、氣氛同地點都好正,所以一分錢一分貨啦。Manager好friendly又迅速,同我哋講解清酒應該搭邊款壽司,因為個日本大廚好害羞嘅。午餐嘅menu都好吸引,好想嚟試下啦。
路過荷李活道看到呢個門面,之後打電話俾佢,佢話要預約先有位,又話要做預授權先付款仲有的確認,去到呢步我都覺得好正常,ok流程做完,就等到時間去試下咯,因為沒去過,所以定了午餐。 去到午餐個日,中午12:30一個人都冇,心底感覺不妙。個日本佬40唔到個年紀可能係傷風緊,從我一進門就在抽鼻🥶。個餐廳經理係香港人,但係全程除去問我飲茶定飲酒之後就未出現過了🤷🏿♂️。午餐set選了988,竟然還有1480⋯(真係好慶幸未有嗌個個😅) 988個set,9貫sushi同埋前菜一道魷魚仔,一個miso汁,兩小粒綠茶朱古力。個經理開頭落完單之後就不知去向,也不在旁邊講是哪幾種魚的sushi,最後收錢仲要加一。真係唔知係咪個個「最偉大嘅地方」的人過來開店呃錢。魚也沒有稀少品種,也沒有稀少部位,仲有一貫sushi黏著跟頭髮,完全冇驚喜就只是坑⋯真係伏中之伏,萬望各位Omakase同好注意避坑,真係要多加小心。 全程只得我一個人食,中午一個人都冇,真係踩坑。最後買單,唔知呢個經理搞去邊,仲要個日本佬去後廚叫人仲要等好耐先返來收錢。真係唔知搞邊科🤷🏿♂️。anyway,伏中又伏,伏到激!
嚟到先發現原來日本老師傅Kimijima-San已經返番日本😂 餐廳仍走最傳統 #omakase 嘅路線 整體嚟講味道唔錯 但冇太大驚喜 個人認為午餐呢個價錢性價比唔算特別高😛
We finally came back to Umi after almost one year (we had tried to book a few times already but failed due to restrictions or our own scheduling) and we found that it was still a lovely experience with the new Chef Harada. While he was definitely not as talkative as the previous Chef we found that new chef exuded a gentle zen-like humbleness and a genuine hospitality. It was a delight to eat each piece of sushi nigiri and was pleasantly surprised to taste the different quirks of each piece. We especially loved the expertly sliced squid fish, which we watched him score with light precision and when he held up the slice of thinly cut fish, we can see all the knife marks sliced perfectly but the whole piece of squid sheet itself was still intact! The manageress was also a different one then last time but she was bubbly and attentive and not overbearing at many other sushi bars. Overall, we had a great time with the ingredients and service still maintaining its quality and we cannot wait to be back soon!
The omakase dinner at UMI on Hollywood Road is the worst omakase experience I ever had for the following reasons : 1. we made the reservation one month in advance but couldn’t get the spot we wanted. The male staff told us that they were only able to confirm reservation the day before, hence couldn’t give us the seats. It however turned out they were only reserving the better spot for a bigger group. 2. They have different menus for dinner, but the staff couldn’t explain the differences properly, as a result we couldn’t get the food we wanted. 3. We liked the dessert (it’s a strawberry mochi, which would literally take one bite to finish!) and asked to buy an extra serve, the staff however told us that there is no time to serve another dessert because others are waiting for the seats and we have to leave. 4. The most ridiculous thing is that there is a 2 hour time limit for an omakase dinner, which cost over 2000 HKD Per Head! And we were not made aware of this when we made the reservation nor when we entered the restaurant, which is completely absurd! When we spend more than 6000HKD for food and sake, we would be expecting top quality food, top tier service with no time limit, which this place has obviously failed to deliver on all measures! ***In conclusion: ordinary food, terrible seating arrangement, abominable services with complete disregard for the comfort of the customers. I will never go to this place again and I would advise you to do the same. You will have a better dinning experience at a conveyor belt sushi.