11:00 - 19:00
好小的店面啊~地址写皇后大道中,结果在一个小巷子里~蛮难找的~兆英商业大厦的保安肯定被很多人问过地址~一问就很熟悉的指路,哈哈进门的时候闻到好熟悉的麻辣香味,以为很正宗很好吃,结果麻麻地~点了两个套餐1) 酸辣粉+口水鸡~这个不错,粉很滑,鸡味道挺好~2) 担担面+凉拌木耳~担担面不好吃~木耳一般~
最近,我經過中環皇后大道中,見到已經開咗新餐廳,食四川菜嘅「渝」。呢間舖前身係一間乳酪店 Hot & Cold ,開咗兩、三個月就結業。呢一、兩星期,放工經過「渝」,都坐滿食客。由於地方淺窄,實質呢度有兩張枱,加一張細橫枱;容納唔夠 10 人。昨日經過終於無人,可以走嚟幫襯!主打四川菜,招牌菜:重慶酸辣粉及成都擔擔麵。其實,我怕辣!偏偏要走嚟試吓,好在有些少食物唔辣,例如:清湯雜醬麵,以雞湯為湯底;還有鹵水雞翼配涼拌素菜及絲苗白飯套餐。可惜,我有感冒唔食得雞。咪無嘢好食?店主建議我食四川排骨麵 $32佢話用豆瓣醬,只係微辣;如果我嫌辣,可以另俾清湯加落去。( 呢度要先俾$$!) 唔使5分鐘,就攞得。嘩!碗湯咁紅嘅! Oh No!!! 我試一試啖湯,味道好濃!好惹味!幾香! 未算辣可以接受!麵質有點煙韌,食到尾都未腍!可能係份量唔多啦!排骨有 5~6 件,幾腍夠入味!其中1件係豬軟骨。食完成碗覺得微辣,我都頂得順。因為我咳,所以唔飲凍飲。熱飲只有兩個選擇:菊花茶及豆漿。叫咗比較健康嘅熱菊花茶 $10幾濃!唔係咁甜,好純正!反而我覺得好飲,亦可解辣。想特別一提,不論堂食 / 外賣,用上即棄膠兜、紙杯、竹筷子、膠匙羹;好唔環保!
I had my first experience eating 酸辣粉 in Hong Kong at Yu in Causeway Bay. I thought it was pretty good considering there wasn't many of these shops around and hence little competition.Yesterday I noticed around my work area that a branch had opened up. Like sequels to good movies, I'm very skeptical of branches of the main shop when it comes to food. But I decided to try it anyway. To my pleasant surprice, the quality and taste were very similar to the original shop in Causeway Bay. Now I know you can get much cheaper 酸辣粉 elsewhere, but in Central where the rents are expensive, I thought $20 for a bowl of good noodles was reasonable.The noodles were cooked just right, not too mushy and not too hard. Unlike another shop on Jervois street that also serves 酸辣粉, this place really knows how to cook the yam noodles. You have a choice of various spicy levels and I chose 中辣。The broth is very rich in spices and on first taste, it didn't taste too spicy....until you have a few more mouthfuls and then the spiciness kicks in. My tongue and lips were pleasantly numb afterwards, which is the correct effects of a properly made 痲辣 base. As for sides, I chose the 口水雞。They pretty much deboned the chicken but you still have to watch out for the bones. Fortunately, it's also spicy enough that you can't chow it down and choke on a bone. The taste was similar to other 四川 restaurants, so not bad at all. The portion is enough for a lady but probably not a guy or a big eater -- like me. One of the highlights of my visit is the cook in the back kitchen was an old lady who looked like she was the main chef. I didn't actually see her cook, but I hope she was the one who concocted the various spices and tastes for my dish.If I were to complain about one thing is the excessive use of plastics. Even for dining in, the shop uses disposable plastic bowls -- very environmentally UN-friendly.