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17:00 - 02:00
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食记 (9)
 Although I have been here 3-4 times already myself and during the previous Osaka Horumon name guise too under a different ownership structure, I did some Market research somehow as to determine why Michelin 1* Ginza Iwa 銀座 いわ ‘s sister Yakiniku restaurant doesn’t get more appraisal. To me I have covered it before here too once (http://www.hkepicurus.com/2015/03/yakiniku-yoshimitsu-affordable-yakiniku.html) .  It also seems like from below I was the 1st to cover here omg I didn't know!   The pertinent question to ask is, why is Yakiniku Futago, Iroha or the other new Ramen shops popping up on the same street here all have people waiting in a queue. Obviously, I already know the answer as a Hong Kong Customer but you will have to dig my brain for the explanation. It is actually simple, it is simply HK Specific Culture.. Kainomi Bottom Flap or Bottom Sirloin -A Special Cut today. Not easy to find in Hong Kong. Only from the 1* Ginza Iwa Group restaurant, Yakiniku Yoshimitsu.. Momo Niku -Leg Wagyu meat. Seemingly from Australian Wagyu Kuro-Ge? I really liked the marination technique and this was my favourite cut this particular night. ~ 8/10. Many Cow Parts here on the Pictorical Diagram - Reminds me of Yakiniku Great, although the prices are higher over there as they use even better Wagyu. Here it was equally butchered but probably lesser in Wagyu grades. Suits the family better in price point..Beef Horumon – Big Intestines The fat is still retained within the intestines, and the marination technique made sure we could grill it just well. You could also taste a subtle bit of the miso within. ~ 9/10.Uchi Harami - Inside Skirt Steak. I always order this for inner Livery taste. Here it was quite marbled and I loved this so much I could just come back again and keep ordering it.. ~ 12/10.Rib Eye Cap Muscle - A little Leaner than we expected. But still good. I don’t this cut and it was butchered cleanly. I don’t know if it is personal but I find Rib Eye Cap or Culotte slightly harder compared to the rest of the Rib-Eye cut, which consists of usually 4 different muscles. ~ 7/10. Cheese Kimchi Chichimi - Korean Pancake with Kimchim & Cheese.Not much Cheese, but grilled Crispy in the end upon the Grill, I don’t just accept it as it is served but have to heat it up. ~ 8/10. King Prawns - King Prawns were freshly done. Or Freshly served. A bit of Olive oil and Salt could help elevate things… ~ 8/10. Fried Bacon -I like the Oil rendered out from the fat. Then Yakiniku it until nearly crispy. ~ 8/10. Chicken Strips with Black Pepper - Ok wor for the pricing pointing of only $58 from memory. May be my love of Yakiniku concept has changed my Objective judgment, it is almost like free-style BBQ. ~ 8/10 . Scallops - I never understand why some restaurants charge $180 or more for a few scallops appetizer. Here they are plump and fresh. And I could sear them just the way we wanted, not overly meaty stringy or under-caramelized like in many places. Such is the good thing about Yakiniku yourself. ~ 9/10. Potato Salad – $28. Takana Cha-Han Fried Rice - I think this is a Kyushu Specialty from memory. It somehow needed more of the pickled Mustards if you ask me. But overall satisfying. I have had better though.. ~ 6/10.Karubi - The normal Karubi meat from the Ribs. I like this for the even distribution of fat vs red meat. Once again, I personally think Yakiniku Shops concentrate too much on top grade Wagyu. This is what customers can eat regularly to me. ~ 8/10. Yakiniku Grill - Can’t say I am not addicted and it’s probably the only meal I look forward to every day...Misuji – Near the Chuck Actually this cut is revered but it seems like everyone butchers or defines it slightly mysteriously. Sort of like Karubi or Harami itself, which has different micro-parts. This is within the Chuck area usually but others define it as behind the chuck. ~ 9/10 . Namul Vegetables – Korean inspired but one of my Favourites when Ordering Japanese-Korean Yakiniku. Just for Balance. Here done right and good portion. Forgot the price though.. ! ~ 8/10.Grilled Beef Tongue - Of the thinly sliced type. I liked this but wished they offered a Thicker cut too as an option. ~ 7/10.Specials Menu and the Vacuum Chimney’s - Remaining mostly from the Osaka Horumon days, until it changed to Yakiniku Yoshimitsu under 1* Ginza Iwa Group lately. Price: $350 + 10%Food: ♕♕♕♕ 1/2 Address: G/F, Golden Dragon Building, 41-43 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay銅鑼灣登龍街41-43號金龍大廈地下Ph: 2591 1821 继续阅读
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等级3 2015-11-05
827 浏览
又跟未婚夫一齊explore銅鑼灣登龍街。原先想回去之前到過的永光中心,最後被這間位於地鋪的小店吸引了。立即上openrice查看食評,食評數量少於5, 估計應該是新開的食店。猶豫了一陣了,因嗅到傳出來的陣陣燒肉香味,我倆打算入內一試!餐廳面積不大 (地鋪貴租呀...唉...又是土地問題)椅子和桌子都放得密密麻麻的,為了省位置,椅子都沒有椅背,而且椅子的座位還可以揭開,擺放隨身物品!餐廳在晚膳時間差不多坐滿客人。幸好餐廳剛好還有兩個位置容納沒有預先訂座的我倆!有別於一般燒肉店的烤爐,這餐廳的烤爐很「的式」,應該是因為安全理由,烤爐已用螺絲鑲緊於桌上。避免燒肉的油煙充斥著餐廳,每張桌子的天花板都吊掛著一支煙囪,幫助抽走油煙!餐廳的牆身可以望到有一幅「I love 燒肉」的海報,很配合餐廳的主題。餐廳有 set dinner,可選擇A餐或B餐,十分方便我這些有選擇困難的人!最後,我倆選擇了「B餐」($600/2位,另加一)。套餐包2杯飲品,可選汽水或烏龍茶或礦物質水。我和未婚夫選了烏龍茶,哈哈,原來只是普通樽裝烏龍茶,都幾hea...頭盤是野菜沙律,味道一般般,但總算頗海鮮的,醋的分量也剛好。前菜有泡菜盛合,因為是辣的,我沒有食,未婚夫覺得普普通通。餐廳先上蔬菜,套餐包有香菇、粟米、雞脾菇。個人認為,燒蔬菜有難度,慶幸半燒膿的粟米仍保留鮮甜。套餐亦包肉類,這碟是牛肉五種類 (包括:橫隔膜肉、內橫隔膜肉、上腿內肩肉、牛小排及牛舌)。牛肉五種類放埋一堆,完全分不到那是那。。。牛肉的分量不多,每款約有2塊,一人一塊。其中有2款牛肉特別好味,薄燒一流,入口超滑,可惜真的分不到是牛肉那一部分。。。同一碟的另一邊是海鮮,有蝦和扇貝。蝦只有2隻,個人認為蝦不太新鮮,但總算頗大隻。至於扇貝,其實是帶子(因為已經去除了貝殼),帶子是冰鮮的,不是太厚切,但經過燒烤後,總算頗彈牙。除此之外,還有一碟魷魚。魷魚有喜出望外的驚喜,份量多,而且新鮮,魷魚煙肉經燒烤後十分爽口!跟餐的還有海藻湯和咖哩和牛飯。味道一般般吧,其實我和未婚夫都已經很飽。另外,由於烏龍茶真的太hea了,所以我倆再額外order了飲品 - 白桃汽酒及 Shandy Gaff ($48/杯)我十分滿意我杯白桃汽酒,不過未婚夫說太甜。整體而言,這間餐廳都值得再來,適合跟大班朋友聚會,當然,由於枱與枱之間座位真的太貼,未必適合要求有高私密度的朋友,又或者希望營造有浪漫氣氛的拖友。 继续阅读
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第N次食燒肉善充,忍不住寫個食評贊下。係香港可以以親民價錢食到正宗日式燒肉算非常難得。地點易到,又可以同朋友飲生啤,吃燒肉配白飯一碗。而且牛肉全部新鮮,油脂分佈均勻,入口即溶。我地仲一定Order 牛脷同牛腸。好好味!四個人食每人平均$200。真係好抵! 继续阅读
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等级1 2015-10-25
273 浏览
日本同事請食飯,帶我黎到登龍街,一帶食店林立,E間燒肉店地方細細三,四十個位,有D逼夾,但係日本同事就話E種感覺就好似返到家鄕咁,同朋友食飯感覺就更加親近窩,同事點菜,我就盡情享用啦,大生啤碰杯先,先黎牛脷,加檸檬汁吃,軟滑!追加一碟!黑毛和牛橫膈,油花分佈平均!肉味濃!追加兩碟!牛胸腹板,鹽味醬油味各一碟,鹽味食到黑毛和牛既肉味同油香,醬油味就非常香口,包生菜同芝麻葉食,一流!腸仔就日本標準有肉粒既, 唔係廚師腸果隻肉漿野,個韓色煎餅,海鮮香蔥韭菜餡料,香口!非常好味!今餐吃到飽一飽,以為都係埋單時間啦,點知同事再叫個乜乜 ( l ❤️ずっぽし)咖喱飯,頭先一人都食咗一個白飯啊,邊處仲食得落呀?日本同事話E個咖喱飯一定要試吓,唔到你唔信完全清洗!總結今次戰果,order既份量雖然比較小,但係佢地用既黑毛和牛係高質貨,相對價錢就算合理,味道就喺日本食既無乜分別,回味無窮,環境氣氛都非常日本地道風味,E間小店一定會再次幫襯! 继续阅读
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日式燒肉是KsMeow秋冬愛吃食物之一,那夜,小妹與友好來到銅鑼灣登龍街《焼肉善充》聚會。她家以紅色及啡色作裝潢主調,每桌的小火爐,跟日本當地的燒肉店風格可說是一模樣,既然短期內未能出國,那就先讓味蕾遊走日本吧!餐牌上的食物選擇不少,包括和牛、牛內臟、燒海鮮、日式料理、泡菜煎餅等... 當晚點選適量的紅肉跟海鮮作主食,始終女生都不愛太膩嘛!先嚐開胃的「薯仔沙律」粉糯的薯蓉混進紅蘿蔔及青瓜絲等... 清新又怡人,感覺就像媽媽做的料理般溫馨。「牛後腿肉」油脂分佈緊密,入口軟嫩細滑,沒半點黏牙的感覺,吃畢,餘韻仍在口腔里打轉。燒至8成熟的「和牛後腰上蓋肉」油份適中,牛味頗濃,嚼勁剛好,輕曬鹽花品嚐已夠美滿!一口牛,一口飯,這就是人生喔!看著牛牛由生燒至熟,熱力把油份迫出的一刻,絕對是「相機食先」的美好時光!牛牛表面沾上燒烤橫紋,更添吸引!當晚沒有「牛心」供應,改點選「牛腸」其軟綿綿的脂肪層,入口爆油,極具甘香,很邪惡!「拼盤」里有鮮菇、翠肉瓜、大蔥等... 以清新菜蔬平衡也不錯!點選適量海鮮,把膩感調和!「原條鮮魷及大蝦」前者質感超彈牙,不柴口,有驚喜;後者蝦膏特多,蝦殼極爽脆,易於進食。燒至半熟狀態的「帶子」質感又軟又嫩,微帶海洋鮮味!外表金黃的「芝士煙肉煎餅」邊位香脆,極富迷人煙肉鹹香;要是想再香脆些,可放在燒肉爐上稍烤,美味指數更高!感謝欣賞 KsMeow 小分享! 继续阅读
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