港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 P3 出口, 步行约1分钟 继续阅读
集團式經營的中式酒樓,以宴會主題作佈置,環境富麗堂皇;供應高質點心及粵菜,另主打婚宴服務。 继续阅读
07:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 现金
食记 (6)
等级2 2018-05-01
1049 浏览
第一次去這間煌府,要搭升降機,如搭自動電梯上唔到去。我去2樓,地方不太大,枱排得不太密集,尚可接受,可能不是太多食客的原故。點了不同旳蒸點 點心,所有點心都好夠熱。我喜愛熱辣辣嘅中式食品!食品有質素,而且份量適中,又有我愛的古法薑汁糕,服務也不錯,waitress 主動上前問要唔要加水假期下午茶時段一樣也有免茶介,但要俾加一服務費,但是整體都好抵食。 继续阅读
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等级2 2018-03-18
525 浏览
婚宴,乳豬皮堅韌,少黑及隆,桂花糕得甜味,冇桂花味,甜品粉紅糕,食膠1樣,冇味,其他餸菜正常,酒樓職員有求必認,酒樓阿姐落力叫敬酒,做埋司儀嗰份,新老爺掛住飲酒,佢提番新人同其他人等埋老爺先再去下枱,部得人驚,差唔多上滿人時chok上chok落,另1部壞埋 继续阅读
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Lunch time 三五成群一班同事最佳的午餐地點莫過於茶樓飲茶。一籠四件,炒粉麵飯,一定可以醫到所有同事的肚皮。但吾知大家有否想過1-2人都可以lunch time去飲茶?可能疑問隨即以來,一籠四件1-2人怎能吃得下,就算吃得下,又怎能可以點到不同款式呢?所有的疑問煌府午市能夠解答到你。客人需搭Lift上3樓,一出Lift便會看到店員在接待處,其後便會帶你到合適的座位就坐。3樓全層屬煌府,可見面積比一般酒樓迷你,大廳大概只有20張枱,另設一個房間。酒樓始終都要照顧三五成群的客人,所以都提供了4人/6人套餐,如果1-2人光顧也可考慮右上角粉麵飯的選擇,都只需$58.8一碟。點點心與一般酒樓無誤,同樣也是選擇好便可遞給店員。但提提大家,由於所有點心即叫即蒸,如放飯有充夠時間為佳。同大家報下價先,分別是小點、中點、大點和特點在午市和下午茶的價錢。如客人有指定時間內光顧更免收茗茶費!為何1-2人也適合飲茶?因為煌府蝦餃和燒賣推出了一籠2件,只需$18一籠。客人便不用擔心因人數少而吃不下一籠4件點心。但提提大家一籠2件只限於蝦餃及燒賣。蝦餃和燒賣都有一貫酒樓的味道,由其蝦餃皮晶瑩通透,而且非常薄身,稍為用力少許夾也會散開,這也是即叫即蒸才會有的效果。所選用的蝦size 也不小,而且頗彈牙。鮮蝦菜苗餃:餃皮與蝦餃皮同樣晶瑩通透,有即叫即蒸效果,而且餡料十足,香濃豆苗味,蝦彈牙,名副其實的皮薄餡靚!山竹牛肉球:牛肉球非常腍身,有香濃牛肉味,而且馬蹄份量足夠,變得有層次感,所以適量的馬蹄會為腍身的牛肉球加好多分。磨菇忌廉湯鮮竹卷:見點心紙有個Fusion點心,當然要試試,傳統的蠔汁底搖身一變了西式的磨菇忌廉湯,效果比傳統的遜色。只喝忌廉湯尚有少許磨菇味,但當與鮮竹卷一起吃時,濃濃的鮮竹卷味完全覆蓋了磨菇的味道。加上湯底黏稠程度高,將鮮竹卷的油份鎖到湯底去,令磨菇忌廉湯帶點油膩。總結,我覺得磨菇忌廉湯底與鮮竹卷沒有為對方帶來任何特別效果。宮廷桂花糕:最後用甜點為今餐作結,桂花味足夠,質地比想像中軟身,用力點夾會容易散開,桂花糕的清晰度可接受,沒有太多雜質。——————————————————————整體評語:味道 -擁有一貫酒樓的水平,但勝在材料新鮮,即叫即蒸。——環境 -座位與座位之間不太擠迫,而且午市人流比較少,所以不會太嘈吵。——服務 -服務態度欠奉,服務員工作態度比較懶散,有時聽到粗口橫飛,有時聽到哼着歌搖,態度不太積極。——衛生 - 衛生也欠缺,一坐下只見碗內有污跡,需要更換。如上圖(宮廷桂花糕),碟上有少許污跡。——抵食 - 抵食度一般,但勝在推出一籠2件只需$18,可以用較便宜價錢同時享用到蝦餃和燒賣。 继续阅读
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等级4 2016-07-07
1816 浏览
自上次同媽媽慶祝朋友大壽~今次又是跟媽媽朋友去酒樓吃中菜!芝蔴雞醃料豉油很香, 雞的烹調時間掌握得不錯,所以能炸得皮脆又香, 雞肉嫩滑可口,雞皮是薄薄的, 接近沒有脂肪,加上芝麻粒既點綴 , 偶爾咬到芝麻粒粒還散出芝麻香味好食指數真心5粒星 !完全係得輸 ! 大力推介 !粟米蕊, 草菰,竹生小唐菜清清地, 滑滑一pat豆粉獻包圍住呢個餸~蟹子沙律, 伴炸大蝦這裡的炸野食幾有水準, 徐了炸芝麻雞,炸大蝦亦是推介,炸野既油有話好”千年油”既感覺,炸大蝦配上凍凍地既沙律, 咬落去有juicy既菠蘿,油膩感大減!黑松露象拔蚌炒西芹還滿滿期待黑松露的獨特味道,好可惜… 係只眼見黑色點點在餸菜表面,但出奇在丁點兒松露味道也沒有! 為什麼會這樣呀!象拔蚌有點un , 而且不入味 , 普普通通的菜式!~馬拉糕壽包仔壽包仔蓮蓉幾滑可惜冇鹹蛋黃啦~細包仔通常都冇馬拉糕好軟熟, 可惜太油啦, 食既時候唔覺,但拎上手, 或放o係碗會見到油笠笠~ 继续阅读
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等级4 2015-01-12
1093 浏览
Palace Wedding Banquet is a pretty huge restaurant group that specializes in hosting wedding banquets. They have branches all over Hong Kong, the most famous branch located in The One where they have a spinning catwalk for the bride and groom. On this evening, I came to attend the wedding of a coworker. Didn't take photos of the food as seating was super cramped. So cramped, I couldn't put my phone anywhere on the table. So only food descriptions will be done.Photo of the menu we had for the banquet.We started the meal with roasted suckling pig. It came as always with poppy Chinese music and two red flashing light bulbs stuck in the pig's eyes. Skin was crispy and a good portion of meat was attached. Meat was moist and pretty good.Second course was sauteed shrimp and squid with broccoli and celery sticks. Shrimp and squid were cooked well. Springy and not over cooked.Third course was deep fried crab claw. At least on the menu but in actuality it was a deep fried square mayonnaise salad dressing cutlet. I didn't taste any crab but inside was a piece of shrimp. I don't know why this was not changed on the menu. It was ok as I generally like deep fried mayonnaise salad dressing. It's a weird trashy side of me.Fourth course was braised conpoy with straw mushrooms and bok choy. It was ok. Not that great. The sauce was a bit too watery.Fifth course was shark fin soup. This was a rarity as for the past two years worth of weddings I've attended (probably a total of 15), shark fin was not served. Anyways ... the soup was not great. A bit too thick with cornstarch so it was almost glue like.Sixth course was oyster and abalone. What I got was actually abalone and bok choy. There was no oyster. Again I don't know why the menu was incorrect. The abalone was braised long enough so it was easy to cut with my knife.Seventh course was steamed garoupa. Fish was sweet and meat was well cooked. Nothing wrong with fresh fish.Eighth course was roasted chicken. Meat was dry and skin was chewy. This was perhaps the worst chicken I've ever had at a banquet.This was followed by braised e-fu noodles and fried rice. Both were unseasoned and bland. the rice was oily.  The noodles were soggy and wet. Not good at all.Chinese petit fours were actually osmanthus jelly and heart shaped pink coconut jelly. The jelly was super hard and was not sweet at all. It was actually kind of flavorless.Food overall was ok but not great. Decor of the restaurant was white with pretty dangling lights all over. Making it very bling bling. Layout of the restaurant was cramped. Tables and chairs were so close together. There were so many columns that blocked the view of the stage where the married couple were saying their vows. Set up of the TV screens to allow guests that couldn't see the stage was not helped as they were located in the back of the room where staff stood in front, further blocking the view. Service was a bit chaotic. It was odd that the reception table was moved around twice at the start of the evening, making guests entering into the banquet to look around in confusion for where to sign in that they had arrived. Even I was lost when I first arrived and found no reception table at the entrance of the restaurant, only to find it after walking into the restaurant. One coworker was vegetarian and though the restaurant knew of her presence, she was not served any food until the rest of us had eaten three courses in. We asked the waitress where her food was and was replied with an apology that the kitchen was falling behind in food preparation. Another time was another coworker had brought her own personal bottle of wine for us. My boss asked the waitress for a round of new wine glasses. Though awknowledged and we had asked again and again, the glasses never came. My boss ended up tossing all our wine from our wine glasses in the washroom.I don't know what happened with the service that evening, but for a group that specializes in weddings, this branch did a fairly poor job of it. I've been to other branches and they were fine. I don't know what happpened this particular evening. 继续阅读
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