港铁黃埔站 C2 出口, 步行约3分钟 继续阅读
上海王家沙老店,早在1945年開店,在當地享負盛名,以上海點心而聞名,其中「四大名旦」—鮮嫩味美的蝦肉餛飩、滲滿肉汁的蟹粉生煎、酥香可口的豆沙酥餅和香脆鬆透的兩面黃—更是家喻戶曉。其他食品也多是用蟹粉炮製,招牌菜有蟹粉小籠飽,招牌青豆容湯丸和醉乳鴿等。 继续阅读
11:00 - 22:30
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 银联
招牌青豆容湯丸 招牌蟹粉小籠飽 首創鮮拆蟹粉撈河 醉乳鴿 蟹粉金山勾翅
食记 (27)
等级4 2017-10-15
1042 浏览
家庭晚餐的不錯選擇👍🏻 3人食到飽,人均消費大約100蚊,唔算太貴。小籠包,擔擔麵呢d其本上海野都有叫,擔擔麵可以再辣d,小籠包湯多皮薄,唯一缺憾就係個包太痴蒸籠,令皮好易穿。另外再叫了魚湯蒜子白菜同排骨菜飯白菜魚味濃,蒜子夠唸好惹味,食晒所有都唔覺口臭哈哈排骨無骨食得好方便,味道啱啱好唔會好油 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-10-08
491 浏览
今日中秋節大部份人都喺屋企做節又或一早訂咗枱去酒樓食飯, 原本諗住去食西餐, 但最後揀咗呢間, 6點左右唔駛等位已經可以入座醉嘉美雞 - 好似有少少藥材味道, 雞肉鮮嫩, 好味鎮江肴肉 - 肴肉都好味香糟豬手 - 味道有少少藥材味, 豬手唔算太淋, 有啲比較硬蔥油紅蜇頭 - 冇諗過會係一片片, 好味好爽口, 底層全是爽口青瓜蘇式鮮肉小籠包 - 皮唔算太薄, 肉質鮮多汁香蔥咸薄餅 - 唔算太油, 薄餅都幾好食乾煸四季豆 - 味道都不錯, 四季豆都好爽口, 配埋啲碎肉食更加好味醬燒排骨炒年糕 - 全碟嘢都好杰身, 同埋好濕, 可能醬汁既關係, 但味道係可以既紅燒大排擔擔麵 - 湯底好多, 麵既口感都不錯, 好爽口總結 : 相隔咗差唔多2年冇去呢到食, 今次再光顧食物品質保持到, 唔會差咗亦唔見好咗, 冇退步已經好好 继续阅读
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等级2 2017-04-19
989 浏览
98蚊套餐 兩個涼菜 一個點心 一個菜 一個湯 加野飲 幾抵食 個豆漿滿曬!唔似其它茶餐廳會比少d,不過呢個酸辣湯,簡直就係碗仔翅,其他野都麻麻 除左麻婆豆腐 不過真係抵食 服務ok 雞湯好少油!gd! 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-03-24
721 浏览
Wangjiasha provides traditional Shanghai food, that’s why my friend and I were excited to come to try the xiaolongbao here tonight after shopping around in Whompoa. Xiaolongbao is the most famous and recommended dish here, so I ordered the one with crab, which was extraordinary to me because usually xiaolongbao was made with pork only. The experience of tasting this was better than I expected as the orange- coloured soup was full of crab essence. It was filled between all the gaps in the xiaolongbao! It was so juicy and it tasted savoury and umami. When I bit it, the crab juice just kept bursting. Delicious.The wonton with spicy sauce has strong Chinese herbs and spices taste, the sauce was dark red in colour because of the specialized chilli oil, but it was not too spicy. The size of shrimps were large enough for us and they were chewy =) It was nice that the wrap of wonton was thin enough.For main dish, we chose the fish with pickled vegetables, which was not listed in the main menu but the chef's recommendation menu. It was also not too spicy, where the pickled vegetables were sour and very chunky. The fish meat was snow white in color, very tender and soft in texture, and most importantly, without bones. We also had fried rice and it was normal. I will come again to try the other xiaolongbao and desserts! 继续阅读
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等级1 2017-03-24
573 浏览
$800埋單超唔值,担担麵超難食,其他食物都差,服務態度差,在客人背後取笑客人,完全失望,不會有下次,真不知為何還有咁多人去,起初還說一定要叫高力豆沙但眼見樣樣食品都咁差真係唔敢再試 继续阅读
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