港铁香港站 B2 出口, 步行约7分钟 继续阅读
食记 (162)
等级3 2019-09-05
1153 浏览
過左中環近碼頭,吹住海風搵下野食hea下見到有間食西式薯條漢堡既餐廳  裝修唔錯!  不妨一試叫左炸魚薯條 及 炸洋蔥圈炸魚內芯魚肉好滑,而且超熱.. 外表脆口, 炸得好香脆薯條是較為粗身個款, 表頭有少少鹽令佢更香口停不到,只是較熱氣而已 味道一流!炸洋蔥圈真係好香  唔係生洋蔥而是有炒過既 甜甜地.. 所以微甜帶脆勁好食! 继续阅读
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等级3 2019-06-25
1359 浏览
Signature Fish n Chips 招牌炸魚薯條真係好鍾意食炸魚薯條架🤣中環碼頭呢間白鬍子炸魚薯條White Beard Fish n Chips好多人都有介紹,又真係幾好味喎,即叫即炸 ~ 粉槳炸到好薄好脆裏面又唔會乾👍🏻👍🏻金黃色嘅薯條都係唔錯粗幼度啱啱好,覺得口渴叫埋杯lemonade飲下啦😆 继续阅读
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等级4 2019-06-04
1092 浏览
在中環總會想起炸魚薯條,今日經過當然要回味!下單後可在另一邊觀賞廚房環境,期待快要炸好的美食!招牌炸魚薯條(一份) $77長條形炸魚一件,炸漿薄身兼完整,內有已去骨的魚肉,魚肉結實嫩滑,薯條又脆又厚身。白啤酒炸生蠔(三隻) $50在白啤酒的帶動下,蠔的外衣蓬鬆酥脆,外脆內軟,蠔肉濕度高且嫩,烹調時間恰到好處,是一份有原汁原味的海鮮小食。每款食品可跟一款調味醬汁,分別選了韃靼醬和蜂蜜芥末醬。韃靼醬有淡淡酸味,可解炸物油膩。蜂蜜芥末醬是我的至愛,味道柔和,是細緻滑順的醬汁。無論是那一款醬汁,配海鮮或薯條都一樣好味!在店舖旁,一邊細嚼,一邊聽聽海浪聲,乘客進出踏步聲,渡輪泊岸離岸的固定行程,讓美食享受增添更多色彩! 继续阅读
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等级4 2019-06-02
780 浏览
朋友圈個個都話一定要試的fish and chips 是日路經中環碼頭~ 當然要把握機會一試龍與鳳喇~ 店員係講英文既~ 一落完單~ 佢就即係準備~ 名副其實即叫即炸~ 熱辣辣~ 我地叫左鱈魚~ 鱈魚炸完都仲好嫩滑~ 完全唔乾~ 想試真d個魚既味~ 可以唔點醬食~ 咁就會試到淡淡魚味~ 點醬食就會惹味d~ 我地叫左他他醬~ 下次就想試下個蜜糖芥茉醬~ 薯條就不過不失喇~ 香同脆~ 唔算好有驚喜~ 如果去tst 又諗住搭船既你~ 不防買上船一邊睇海一邊食~ 继续阅读
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等级1 2019-05-29
548 浏览
My boyfriend and I looked on OpenRice the evening we got into Hong Kong and saw that many places offer fish and chips, so we searched specifically for fish and chips because that sounded good to us just then. We were hungry after traveling in from Chengdu. We decided on White Beard since it has good reviews and is close to the hotel we are staying at. We ordered the standard fish and chips. The food came out super fresh and hot! The portions of fish and fries were generous. I liked that there was a variety of dipping sauces on the menu, instead of just the standard tartar sauce. I got the garlic aioli which was tasty with the fries. My boyfriend got a reasonably priced beer to go with dinner (price comparable to US). White Beard is a decent, solid fish and chips place; not mind-blowing but definitely good! Would recommend if you’re looking for a hot, filling, no-frills meal in this area. 继续阅读
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