港铁铜锣湾站 E 出口, 步行约3分钟 继续阅读
10:00 - 20:30
10:00 - 20:30
10:00 - 21:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付宝 现金 银联 微信支付
食记 (36)
等级3 2024-06-13
130 浏览
買完限量版玩具,另一半想食印尼嘢,都係開apps隨機揾一間,原來幾間都好近,睇吓今次咩彩數~福興印尼餐廳。 柯打咗~印尼牛肉丸麵,加多加多飯,半打串燒(牛羊各三),凍咖啡同奶茶。 牛丸無牛肉味,感覺粉多,湯底又無乜味~中伏。加多加多飯~我之前都有喺第二度食過呢個菜式,印尼香料味重同辣過呢度好多,真係又無味又唔辣~唔知想點?係幾塊牛𦟌夠淋,但真係味道一般。串燒~應該最穩陣,牛肉ok 淋淋哋,未落醬汁都已經夠「鹹」,相對羊肉比較好食,不過都幾多肥膏。加埋二杯飲嘢?$316幾。回頭度 :3/10 继续阅读
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等级3 2022-06-29
1768 浏览
Nasi Kuning 🍚🟡📍: Sedap Gurih, 21-23 Yee Wo St, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong💰 : $74⭐️ : 6.5/10Review: Compare it to resto in Indo and you will get quite disappointed 😞 It’s not as flavorful as I expect it to be, but this might be the the right place if you crave some Indo food 👌🏻🥺 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-05-12
1054 浏览
✨ Sedap Gurih Indonesia Restaurant ✨ 餐廳中文名是福興印尼餐廳,身為半個再半個印尼人嘅我,梗係要試下印尼菜啦。入到餐廳好friendly,同疫情前一樣會搭枱坐。  🥘  N. Kuning 印尼黃薑飯 $74 同係印尼食到嘅差吾多🤙🏽 小菜十分足(雞髀/雞蛋/雜菜+辣椒醬) 如果吾係好食得辣建議叫上小啲辣椒醬 黃薑吾夠味,有點小失望🥲  🐓Sambel Goreng Ayam 辣子雞 $110  雖然餐牌標明係有三隻辣椒🌶️🌶️🌶️ 個人覺得比起黃薑飯上嘅辣椒醬吾算好辣 師傅會用甜豉油連辣椒粉所以甜味更搶 但慢慢食會越嚟越辣,辣得好爽   ┄ ♡ 評分區 ♡ ┄ 💰價錢:7/10 🌆 舒適:4/10 😚 返兜:6/10  📍#SedapGrih  地址:銅鑼灣怡和街19-31號樂聲大廈地舖 继续阅读
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等级3 2021-10-05
1012 浏览
中文請拉到底部In mood for a south East Asian. Came across this restaurant. Ordered Nasi Goreng, a bit disappointed how come no prawn crackers come with it. If u grave for south East Asian food during pandemic, this is the place to go. Food partner ordered a fried rice. I sort of expect there will be a lot of MSG. Surprise, I wasn’t that thirsty after this place. Ordered a coconut sweet dessert roll. Can’t remember the name and also forget to take pic. $8 I won’t recommend. Is too local. Not my cup of tea. Staffs are polite. I feel comfortable . U often received pretty rude service when going to local HK restaurant. But they are friendly . 而家冇得飛,唯有過吓癮.好少食呢啲嘢基本上一年都冇幾次就算有得飛. 到咗一啲傳統食物,但唔知點解冇跟蝦片識開嘅係有跟蝦片. 朋友嗌咗個炒飯,我喺出面外賣部攞咗一個椰絲綠色卷嘅物體$8.好難食食咗一啖冇食.唔啱我哋口味價錢預咗貴,姐姐們多數買外賣所以平好多.外賣飯盒20+已經有. 食物不過不失,冇乜大嘅期望逗號只係想食東南買嘢.唔知係咪太耐冇去旅行,入到去有一種去咗東南亞餐廳嘅感覺都幾正宗. 如果全餐廳都係港人的話咁我就唔覺得去咗東南亞. 呢個係可能心理因素你哋好可以討厭吓.好食程度.冇乜特別. 雖然冇大財團東南亞餐廳咁靚環境舒適,但係感覺真係好似喺旅行時食嘅餐廳.員工幾friendly *都會介紹人去*未必會再去因為我比較鍾意泰國菜 继续阅读
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等级2 2021-06-12
980 浏览
Ordered ayam penyet w/ rice (grilled chicken rice) and a fried cucur udang (prawn fritters) with my mango slushie.It's my 2nd time here, but if you want to save up better go on weekdays as they have set meal which is worth every penny. Weekends is somewhat pricier.The ayam penyet actually comes with a chilli soya sauce as condiment but if u want to change it to sambal (chilli paste), u'll have to add another $5.Overall, the food was great and the best part was the mango slushie. Its a must order drink, compliments so well with the spicy food. 😁 继续阅读
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