無肉餐單詳情: 每天供應少量素食菜式
11:30 - 14:30
11:30 - 14:30
11:30 - 14:30
秋葵野菜豆腐生薑燒定食 $128 — 🥗🍲 — This set from the dinner menu also comes with a Crab Roe Salad and a Miso Soup. The Crab Roe Salad looked and tasted like it came from a plastic box. That’s it. The Miso Soup had actual seaweed and toppings but you can definitely tell it was from a plastic bag for instant soup. — 🍱 — The okra is chopped into very small pieces which made it annoying to pick up and eat. The seeds also fell out so there was little to none left. There was also only The tofu is very thin, it was pan fried first but then it was drenched in the sauce which made it insanely soggy. The mixed vegetables were cabbage, carrots and shiitake mushrooms. The cabbage took up 90% of the dish, some was very big pieces whilst others are very small. The cabbage is very crunchy and refreshing, although a big pieces was too crunchy 🤨. The carrots were all very thin and small pieces with very little of them as well. The mushroom was good with the rice but not enough. The sauce was is definitely the component that made the dish decent. The sauce is not too salty and thick. The mild taste made it delicious to eat with the rice and vegetables together. Also, there is NO ginger taste at all, I forgot it should even be there until I looked at the menu again. — 🍚 — The rice is a huge disappointment. The rice in the middle is completely mushy and it was hard to separate it as well as it cooled down as a lump of rice. 😐. Nonetheless, eating it with the crunchy vegetables helped give it some kind of texture and the sauce gave it a good flavor. — ✉️ — Overall, I do not recommend this dish as it is way too expensive for the actual quality. However, it is the only vegetarian portion available for tonight’s set menu. This dish should be worth $50.
很久沒有去科學園 想不到在假日變了親子地方及單車友的補給站 遊人多了 食店也很熱閙為何會選擇這店 原因是被店前的宣傳牌吸引 我是芫荽控呢 可惜在落單時才知道已售罄 😭店的週邊是採用透明玻璃 外面景色一覧無遺 內裡佈置像快餐店 圖片可見 送餐的托盤也頗殘舊 價錢比普通的日式店貴了一些我們共點了3個丼飯 一客牛扒餐及兒童餐 水準很一般 沒有特別之處 因為沒期待 所以就沒失望幸好吃飽後 可以沿著岸邊看小朋友玩泡泡槍 在廣場看平治車展 消磨半日也不錯
這日本餐廳在科學園已開了數年 ,一向都是這裡的午飯精選,我從前也在科學園上班一段時間,某天工作做得特別好,想獎勵自己,便一定來這裏,吃個貴一點的日本套餐!這週末,帶娘娘拜訪這小店,由於她一向喜歡食蠔,今天似乎戒了選擇障礙症,很快便從餐牌點出那“南蠻吉列蠔定食”, 雖然蠔 比較細小,但炸得出色,加上清新的沙律,是一個不錯的配搭。我如常選擇了魚生,我挑了一個“北海丼定食”,有海膽、帆立貝、甜蝦、三文魚魚生不但新鮮 ,值得一讚的是魚生下的壽司飯,帶點點酸酸甜甜的醋味,濃度適中,增進了食慾!