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食记 (110)
等级1 2024-09-28
0 浏览
星期六晚夜收工,9點去到銅鑼灣timesquare,仲有兩個friend on the way,佢哋點名要食呢間,我先去搵位。個reception 話9:25 last order,10點要閂。費事週圍走,就照樣攞咗張三位枱。呢間餐廳都有啲落後,冇qr code落單,唯有影相send畀正在路上嘅朋友,等我可以幫佢哋叫定野食。決定好想食乜嘢,想搵個侍應落單, 周望都搵唔到一個人,要行離開張枱大聲嗌先有人出現。啲食物嚟到份量夠多,味道都唔錯!食完之後問佢攞牙籤,位阿叔非常之唔情願咁拎過嚟… 樓面應該有四、五個人,基本上全部喺度等收工。令我哋感覺到好似好不受歡迎,匆匆忙忙食完就走。 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-05-23
531 浏览
If you're craving some authentic Vietnamese flavors in the heart of Hong Kong, check out Nha Trang Vietnamese Cuisine. Their lunch set for two, priced at around 90 HKD per head, is a steal!You get two main dishes, a bunch of sides, and drinks, all for a super reasonable price. My friend and I shared the roasted beef with noodles and the chicken noodles, and both were bomb. The beef was super tender and flavorful, and the chicken was juicy and perfectly cooked. The noodles were on point too, with that perfect chewy texture.The sides were small but tasty, like little flavor bombs to get your taste buds going. We had some crispy spring rolls, other fried goodies (can't remember exactly what, but they were good!), and some fresh veggies.The portions were generous, so we were both stuffed but not in a food coma kind of way. The food looked great too, like they put some real effort into the presentation.The staff was super friendly and helpful, making sure we had everything we needed.Overall, Nha Trang Vietnamese Cuisine is a great spot for a quick and delicious lunch. The food is awesome, the price is right, and the service is top-notch. If you're in the area and looking for some Vietnamese grub, definitely give them a try! 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-05-11
504 浏览
其實都幾好味㗎,個蜆好重薑味,一啲都唔鱣,都算多粒,但放凍一陣就開始有味,要快食。個蝦就抵食多隻,個汁辣度剛好惹味。又係蝦賓海春卷,個皮太簿同細,包唔咁多料呀,牛油果細塊咗啲囉。牛肉湯河,一流,河濃。順化是小辣的,算多料,夠份量。 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-04-26
453 浏览
因為auntie 鐘意食越南,泰國食物,所以帶她試試這間。我通常都叫生牛河,湯底鮮美,牛肉鮮嫩多汁,河粉用越式而非港式那種,口感細滑,香滑爽口而且不會掛湯,配上羅勒葉、辣椒和青檸等香料配菜,感覺清爽。我加少少魚露,酸酸,不過我知食完會好鹹。Auntie 要豬頸肉飯,她竟然大讚豬頸肉好味,煎得好香夠juicy,而且是薄切,滷得入味,不油膩,食落去肉質鮮嫩多汁,入口即化,白飯很大碗,加埋伴碟的香葉和紅蘿蔔絲。食品出品賣相靚,相當吸引。但我覺得好靚都是他的座位擺設和裝修。食過大圍,將軍澳和旺角,覺得裝修幾靚。 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-03-27
467 浏览
This restaurant chain, and BEP, which is also in the same group, is one of my favorite Vietnamese restaurants in town.Haven’t been to here for quite a while and noticed they’ve renovated. It’s more spacious now.Usually Vietnamese restaurants that deliver authentic taste don’t have comfortable seats and tables. Nha Trang and BEP are the exceptions. Love their pho and the beef soup. Their beef is of high quality and I really like the way they did the seared beef. It’s full of great barbeque flavour yet it still maintains its tenderness and also being medium rare. The food was consistently delicious 😋. The seared beef with pho was even better than before!Their cold vermicelli bowl with grilled salmon is also of great value. There are 2 large salmon steaks and they aren’t salty. You can taste the dill and garlic flavour in the garnish. These, along with the pho with thin-sliced beef 生牛河 (also medium rare) are my must-have items every time.This time we also tried their rice, which was great! The rice was full of coconut flavour. The eggs cake was a bit dry though.Their lychee smoothie was very refreshing. 继续阅读
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