11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
11:30 - 23:30
11:30 - 23:30
Visa Master 现金 美国运通
紅咖哩牛肉面珠 香茅青檸特飲 香茅熱情果茶 泰式牛肉沙律 越南地道蓮花茶 越南海鮮湯
食记 (43)
等级1 2010-08-30
565 浏览
蓮LIAN 裝修高雅,好有格調,價格少許偏貴,但我想AFFORDABLE我星期六中午去到,都等了20分鐘.被安排坐在中間一張大檯前面,好像同不同人搭檯般,但那張檯好美,中間有個荷塘,圍住荷塘食飯感覺好棒...庶蝦真的好好食,肉厚彈牙,28元一隻,正還吃了牛肉河,88元, 好味但頗昂貴 继续阅读
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等级4 2010-07-09
300 浏览
跟太太撐枱腳,試試這間位於IFC的高檔越泰菜。因没有訂位,七時入座,要八時交枱,反正不會久坐,也無所謂。先說環境氣氛,是高格調的典雅裝修,光線很柔和(或可說很暗),不同一般越南/泰國餐廳的光猛。正中間是一個水池,同時可供人用膳,算是特色之一。點了以下餸菜︰椰汁雞絲湯 - 味太濃及太鹹法式芝士焗茄子 - 個汁似日式醬汁多些紅咖喱牛面珠跟飯 - 餐牌是跟法包的,但轉了飯; 咖喱汁一般,牛面珠就大大件,但太鹹,連牛肉味都掩蓋了有汽礦泉水總括來說食物水準屬一般(甚至不及其他較大眾化的越泰菜),且價錢超貴,侍應則殷勤有禮。來這裏的原因都是地點及環境吧! 继续阅读
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We arrived 8 on the dot, and were seated to our cart table (a comfy U-shape, with sofa seats). Tonight was a full house at Lian, signs of a good restaurant (and reservations here are a must!). There were five of us and we ordered the following: Tiger Prawn and Lotus Root in Yellow Curry ($178) which came with a side of sliced baguette. The picture doesn't really do this dish justice, the yellow curry was excellent, and the tiger prawns were very large and fresh. However, this dish is quite spicy, despite being a yellow curry. My only complaint would be that the lotus root could have used a little more time in the heat as they were rather crunchy for my liking. We also ordered an extra side of rice ($20) (which took a ridiculously long time to arrive, probably because they were so busy and quite short of waiters) for my brother to mop up the sauce. Seafood and Abalone Rice in Lotus Leaf ($128) was nicely presented. The rice inside is actually fried first, with plenty of turmeric (explains the yellowness). The rice was so good, nothing like I've had before... just wish the portion was slightly bigger! Whole Lobster with Garlic Butter ($250): Size first - it was one lobster split in half, with its claws shelled and the claw meat on top of the body. I would estimate there was about 7 or 8oz of pure lobster meat? (Yummy!) The sauce in the middle is a tangy (lime), salty (fish sauce) and spicy dipping sauce which was rather tasty, but only if you wish to wrap the lobster meat in the lettuce. The lobster itself was already rather tasty - fresh and juicy with the fried onion, garlic and breadcrumbs on top. Also, there was at least two tablespoons of red lobster roe in the head/neck parts of the body. This dish reminds me a lot of 避風塘-style fried lobster, because of its presentation. Red curry salmon ($160) also came with a side of baguette. I've had this on a previous visit and remembered it to be a very mild curry - very suitable for people who cannot take spicy foods. The salmon is a nice large piece of fillet, fully cooked but just enough so the flesh doesn't become dry or tough. Last to arrive was White Miso Marinated Sea Bass Wrapped In Cucumber Ribbon ($195). The purple dices are japanese pickles (plums?). The cod was lightly pan fried, although not as smooth and silky as the cod fillets I am used to (my last was at Ippei-An, and this could not compare to the cod there). Flavours for this dish seemed much more Japanese than Thai or Vietnamese. The sauce is a slightly sweetened miso sauce, and I suspect the use of honey. The cucumbers were so thinly sliced and paired with the fish quite well - a pretty healthy dish altogether. Nonetheless I am confused as to why this dish was available at Lian, a supposedly Thai and Viet (fusion) restaurant. It simply didn't fit in with the other dishes on the menu which were all very Thai / Vietnamese-influenced! We also ordered a lime soda ($35) which was slightly sweet, sour and very refreshing!Lian offers quite a long list of desserts, mostly paired with home-made ice cream such as honeycomb etc, from $70-80 per each, but none of us really had room for them, as most of the desserts (save for ice cream) sounded very rich.... next time perhaps! With the AE plat card our bill came to only $725 - a steal! 继续阅读
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等级1 2010-06-01
89 浏览
Me and my 4 other friends didn't reserve. Originally, we were going to eat at another restaurant, but because we would have to wait about another 40 minutes and we were really hungry, we decided to find another restaurant. As we were walking, we came across L.I.A.N. and asked the clerk for a table of 5. There was only another group of 3 waiting. And in less than 5 minutes, a waiter brought us to our table.We sat at one of those tables with a couch surrounding three sides of the table. I have the admit although restaurant was packed and somewhat loud, the atmosphere was still pretty relaxed. Though that sense of comfort was soon gone as we lay our hands on the table. It was still sticky from the last customers. A waiter then drops off the drinks list and a couple of menus and walked away.After I decided on what to eat, I took a look at the drinks list. I was going to order the "Rumba" (non-alcoholic fruit juice mix) and it cost $60, at first I thought about not ordering it, but then since I didn't have any plans to return, I just thought "what the heck". And so we called a waiter and ordered.The speed was actually quite fast, even though it was obviously packed. Within 10 minutes dishes that could have been already prepared arrived (salads, cold dishes, and etc). What caught my attention was the papaya salad my friend ordered. The taste was average, but it was really spicy. There was also the sliced pieces of pork (cold-warm) and the foie gras salad. The pork was good but I didn't try the other salad. As for my "Rumba". For a $60 drink, it's taste was pretty average, knowing that I could drink something of the same volume and taste for about $30. My friends didn't order any special drink, but instead ordered cups of tap water. However, the water didn't come, so we needed to remind them again. But then they still didn't come, so we needed to remind them for the 3rd time until they came (took about 5 minutes?).After the first round, a waiter took away the plates and after another 10 minutes, the second round of dishes came. This time we had some fried rice, really spicy, the chilli (with the seeds) were cooked with the rice. It actually tasted really good, but again, too spicy for me. My friends had the soft shell crab rolls, I think, and they said it was really good. The curry was average. The vegetable rice paper rolls were decent, and the broccoli tasted pretty average. As for the Pho Tai? (the noodle, soup, with raw beef in it), it tasted good but I've tasted better. Also, they seem to have totally forgotten about something my friend ordered even though we asked them about it several times.Once we're finish, the waiters/waitresses didn't take away the empty plates. We set the place at the edge of the table so that they could see it better. But no one ever did, even though some of them were joking with each other right infront of us. And just a note, the waiters/waitresses that night were quite easily distracted with each other. They sometimes forget things and not notice things, but the service is OK besides that. My friends then asked a refill, but again we needed to remind the waiter/waitress twice before they did. In the end, I have to say the food was pretty good, but I can definately say that there is another Vietnamese restaurant in Central that is cheaper (in my experience) and has better tasting Vietnamese food. 继续阅读
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O係openrice 揾左幾間餐廳比朋友揀,最後我地都係揀左呢間。尋日夜晚around8點半我地兩人入到去竟然得BAR台淨...重要係對正門口...好彩等左大概4個字就有得轉位, 重要係窗口位TIM!!!!兩個人坐真係坐得好鬆動, 門口reception態度亦幾好, 唔錯唔錯事關我地兩個都唔係好餓, 最後決定一人一杯drink,一碟小食再加甜品。我點左一杯alco drink - amazing thailand, 大概70元。叫做不過不失咁啦。我朋友點左一杯有mix berries 既 mocktail 都係around 60-70元。朋友話幾好飲同埋都算足料,D Berries 杰到可以用匙舀喎。不過可能係佢鍾意飲smoothies 既關係所以先覺得好飲啦。等左一陣,我地叫既小食軟殼蟹米紙卷到左。碟米紙卷擺得幾靚,令到我地唔捨得破壞佢。不過竟然都唔記得影相。味道OK,陣薄荷葉+軟殼蟹既味幾MATCH。之後我地甜品揀左souffle同一個有斑蘭葉味雪糕既甜品。賣相幾吸引,斑蘭葉味雪糕加酸酸甜甜既薄脆既味道幾好,隻味幾Fresh。事關塊薄脆好好味,我食左一啖後成塊薄脆已經比我個FD KO左。不過淨係食雪糕都唔錯。至於souffle就有鴛鴦口味,雖然相比蘭葉味甜品比較失色同埋略甜,但係都可以一試既。最後我想講講個環境。其實除左窗口同SOFA位比較闊外,中間有蓮花池既位置都排得過密,有點快餐FEEL。燈光亦過暗,可以話黑到有D離譜,食到人勁眼訓,令人影D相亦勁核突。Overall D食物同環境係OK既,但係真係有D overpriced 左囉。 继续阅读
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