港铁鰂鱼涌站 A 出口, 步行约4分钟
11:30 - 19:30
Small family korean shop, Best Taste Great cheap price with variety of food and nice service. Strongly recommend! I will visit again.韓國家庭式小店用心經營,性價比高,老闆很友善. 價錢喺鰂魚涌嚟講算抵食,附近fusion超市起碼都要70蚊一set. 以後一定會經常幫襯BABIYAWhatsApp Pre-order at BABIYA for two dishes today, very fast & convenient korean takeaway lunch:C2 牛肉拌飯The Bulgogi (Beef) Bibimbap (mixed rice)($50) Add fried egg($3) with Spicy and sweet red sauce, taste Great! I just can’t stop thinking about it. Beautiful color and fresh healthy taste of variety different vegetables.I will try again in future!B4 泡菜醬牛肉黃油拌飯Kimchi beef with soy sauce scrambled egg Cup Rice ($45) , I have add a fried egg ($3) The dish is really yummy cooked with kimchi and sesame oil. I LOVE KOREAN FOOD! It's spicy, sweet and somehow feels like comfort food.The shop manager is so polite with nice & fast serviceHot Citrus Tea 熱韓國柚子茶 ($14)Persimmon Punch (canned) 生薑肉桂茶 罐裝 ($12)
泡菜黃油牛肉拌飯+紫菜卷+汽水一罐 $45+$14我之前喺foodpanda外賣,但係之後又唔記得咗係邊一間,今日終於搵返。啲嘢食新鮮滾熱辣,價錢完全唔貴,蛋加牛肉加泡菜夾起嚟真係勁好食,行完一大段路返屋企仲係熱辣辣。服務態度亦都非常之好,極級推介!This time I ordered an egg beef and kimchi cup rice, alongside +14hkd for a side of gimmari and a can of soda. The waiting time was very short.Although it took me quite some time to get home, the food was still piping hot. I never knew that such a combination would be so heavenly, and the food tasted very authentic as employees there were also Korean. Would definitely recommend it as it is very affordable and gives you a taste of Korea.
Been getting takeaway from this little place since 2016 and I still can’t resist their kimchi cup rice and japchae (vermicelli)!A place you’d wna go grab KR food but definitely not light - portion is just right and food is of course authentic! The owners are Koreans btw and very friendly (I believe they should be a family?)Apologies for the bad picture... was too hungry from work 😂I always come back anyway, definitely recommend their cup rice apart from this jap chae!Ordered delivery for dinner a few times as well with the other small dishes which are equally nice 👍🏻
話說小弟今日係叫外賣嘅,叫咗幾樣野,韓式炒年糕收28元得好少 ,最狠係廿三元紅燒雞亦得2隻,炸餃子就40元得5隻,而個韓式炒粉絲淡而無味,得個雞肉拌飯叫做正常dd,大家去尖沙咀坐低食都唔使咁貴!食物味道很一般,自己整個辛辣面都無咁勞氣,擺明騙財!擺明騙財!擺明騙財!很重要的,所以要講三次!!!!又貴又唔好食大家千其唔好上檔!!…..............................
Nickel雖然不喜歡韓國影視潮流,但對飲食文化還是多少鐘愛好像炒年糕、泡菜、石鍋料理等,都是我的Wish-List之中。最近海光街新開了一間韓式簡食店, 當然要試一下吧!^Babiya-韓文解作「飯」。的確韓國人飲食與中國人同源,無飯不歡。所以Babiya主打都是蓋飯類的簡餐。可是我卻偏好韓式年糕,於是便點了No·1最愛的辣炒年糕。 辣炒年糕:只有一两片魚蛋和十塊年糕,而韓式辣醬卻沾不滿年糕。年糕煮得有點腍,不夠彈牙;而韓式辣醬汁一面死鹹!吃罷整個年糕不夠飽之餘,加點熱水才能將醬汁變成湯喝進肚子裡稍為裹腹。要吃辣炒年糕,還是去「韓點」比較穩定一點!