港铁中环站 D1 出口, 步行约4分钟 继续阅读
食记 (28)
等级3 2024-01-06
977 浏览
The FCC known for its Indian dishes I decided to order the Kadhi Chicken Biryani, a dish that I don't see very often in Hong Kong.  I didn't have to wait long for the dish to arrive, as expected it is served with a sliced boiled egg, a side of yoghurt and curry sauce. The Biryani is aromatic, sufficiently spiced for the Hong Kong palate (though I would prefer it to be a little more spicy), the chicken is well seasoned and not dry. The side serving of curry sauce gives the rice additional heat and moisture, and yoghurt a refreshing balance to this flavorsome and must order dish! If your friend is member, ask them to bring you to the FCC, the food is good value, drinks are cheap, staff friendly and good atmosphere. The meal with gin and tonic was only a snip over $100.   继续阅读
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等级4 2023-01-14
2170 浏览
This place is a good top choice for both lunch and dinner. Not only do they have a wide international menu including Western, Indian, and Asian cuisine, their Chinese food is surprisingly delicious and authentic. Also to note is their wide selection of wine choices with very good price 🥂. Definitely a good place to hang for happy hour as well as for proper dinner gatherings. 继续阅读
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等级3 2022-08-08
2271 浏览
朋友推介海鮮湯,喝下去估計是新鮮蕃茄、洋蔥、可能有點菜煮成,足料海鮮,味道清甜可口,令人想多嚐幾口。侍應建議可加點附送辣汁,加了真是多了味覺層次,這個頭盤的確真不錯呢!朋友建議1份咖哩加份印度餅便足夠兩人分吃。 果然是份量不少。未開動前,侍應拿了幾樣伴吃,給我們選擇。我選了黑提乾、生洋蔥和咸檸皮。這幾款伴咖喱吃,增添味覺滿足。我吃了2塊印度薄餅,加上1/3份咖喱魚已飽了。咖喱汁有椰香、魚味道新鮮、肉厚結實和彈牙。沾了咖哩汁的蒜蓉印度餅,香脆好味。印度飯略嫌有點多油,可能這是印度風味啦。朋友建議試下薑味梳乎厘,個人認為略甜,份量太大了,淺嚐便是。等候時間頗長,趕時間便可免了。 继续阅读
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等级4 2021-08-07
2501 浏览
邪惡指數: 🐽🐽🐽好食指數: 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️我同事有FCC membership,自從佢帶過我去食飯之後就愛上左,每次佢吹雞話去食我都一定舉手🙋🏻‍♀️😆佢Menu有好多選擇, 中餐西餐印度野都有,我試過嘅都好唔錯,大碟抵食🙌🏻 今次就講講近排食嘅中餐啦,水準依然keep到,尤其係鍾意佢哋啲炒粉麵飯:⭕️ 星洲炒米 - 炒得夠乾身有鑊氣,咖喱粉香,又多配料,正👍🏻⭕️ 乾炒牛河 - 又一鑊氣十足之作,醬油均勻,牛肉片大大塊,加埋辣椒油食咁正🌶⭕️ 煎蛋免治牛肉飯 - 好經典嘅懷舊碟頭飯,醬汁惹味,拮穿埋隻流心蛋撈埋一齊食,滿足🥰 继续阅读
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等级2 2021-07-11
1732 浏览
這裏的咖喱是必試食物,正宗度全東南亞數一數二。大大話話在記者會用餐經驗都十幾廿年了,服務和食物水準永遠如一,季節性的新推介也常常有驚喜,相熟的服務員也已經很有默契,基本上已經知道你的要求和選擇。朋友快離開香港在這裏追尋一下大家的回憶。其實喺中環大把西餐有得食所以喺度多是選擇亞洲風味的菜色。 講返咖喱肉類很有層次感,香料風味獨特,細心準備好的配料為本身已經很出色的主菜增添色彩。呢度嘅海南雞飯其實都係要一試嘅菜式之一。 继续阅读
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