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07:30 - 22:00
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食记 (11)
等级1 2024-07-01
83 浏览
又貴又難食,食物質素同價錢吾合乎正比,外賣慢,可以等半個鐘都拎吾到個外賣,以為堂食會好啲,點知堂食落單錯,仲要怪個客,問個客做咩唔講,所以生意差係有原因嫁,好耐無食過甘差既餐廳。 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-01-13
267 浏览
鹹魚叉燒粒炒飯 $56啲叉燒粒都切得幾大粒而且成盒飯都好大盒好足料,炒飯係加埋啲鹹魚碎同雞蛋炒出嚟,食落都幾香口,幾好味!焗咖喱薯仔雞扒飯 $64啲薯仔切得都幾大嚿,雞扒都係好足料,食落去好juicy!一開個飯咖喱味勁香,咖喱食落去唔係好辣,而且d飯唔係普通白飯而係炒飯底,所以令成盒飯更加好食! 继续阅读
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等级1 2023-09-21
366 浏览
極少寫食評,逼人非寫寫評既餐廳好少(荃灣富華餐廳都是其一)呢次食左幾啖,完全無胃口食落去,太得閒,寫下食評先。本來食過幾次已沒什麼期望,以為豉椒排骨飯應該正常吧,想不到這次更大伏。🤢🤢一上碟,幾件沒什肉的「排骨」,份量少得可憐。食落排骨無味,肉質又柴又騷。完全無法食落去。🤮🤮同一價錢$66既話,我寧願揀雙餸飯,都唔揀呢個「排骨飯」係因為附近無其他餐廳既關係吧,但都唔使以咁既價錢,俾啲咁差既質素吧?成碟飯最終食左十分之一,我就放棄了。 继续阅读
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等级4 2021-10-10
1336 浏览
🐽咖哩牛腩呢度既下午茶都幾抵食,尤其係飯同粉麵類,我幾鍾意食佢既咖哩牛腩飯,椰香味都幾重,辣辣地,幾好送飯,最緊要係幾多汁🤤而且牛腩都唔會韌,但又未算好淋😂,份量都幾大,都幾夠飽🐽奶醬多包烘得好夠脆,奶醬都好夠多,但花生醬未算好濃 继续阅读
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等级2 2021-10-09
574 浏览
We don’t live in the immediate neighbourhood .. only coming here occasionally .. and service and foods are usually good .. but never made it here for breakfast .. and we happened to make it there 10:45 .. and were rushed to order breakfast as it’s closing .. what the heck .. this early closing never ever happened before anywhereI must have order fried fish filet breakfast 30 times in the past couple of years .. some tasted better .. others were smaller .. but this one was by far the smallest .. cut it into 6 pieces of no more than a sq.in. and it was thinly cut .. realised the fish tasted sour upon eating the 3rd piece .. told the waitress and she was nice enough to offer something elseSecond thought .. offer was declined .. who knows what psychopath might be working in the kitchen .. really didn’t want any saliva flavoured food .. This fish filet probably cost no more than 2 dollars .. and it had to be smelly and slimy before getting breaded and fried .. why served 3-5 days frig fish to customer .. totally idiotic That early evening I had diarrhea .. most likely culprit .. the freaking bad fish .. food poisoning possibly .. Though we're still driving through that area .. but definitely not coming back anytime soon .. reputation can be ruined forever .. Why can’t they throw out the freaking food when it’s in doubt .. very screwed up kitchen management 继续阅读
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