港铁中环站 D2 出口, 步行约2分钟 继续阅读
主打高级日本刺身及手握寿司,选用时令刺身,均自日本空运到港。菜式设计简单,务求尝到刺身真正的味道。餐厅于晚市共提供两款厨师发办的菜单。 继续阅读
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 银联
食记 (19)
等级3 2020-09-23
4108 浏览
近排就嚟到我嘅生日,我朋友上網搵咗幾間阿媽家姐,其中一間就係鮨琥珀😋咁我就決定同我朋友過嚟呢度試吓食個lunch🤪嗌咗一個千$5嗰個套餐😃其實都幾多嘢食👍🏻都有二十幾樣😀我之前試過佢嘅姊妹公司☺️鮨中本,都幾好食😙今次嘅體驗都係唔錯😀但係你叫講,有咩特別深刻記憶好食嘅嘢🥺又冇乜😆因為我淨係鍾意食白子😂最後提一提👍🏻嗰個師傅好好人,超細心,知道我生日要影相,即刻叫個侍應清晒所有枱面嘅嘢等我影得好睇啲!呢個服務係貼心嘅😎 继续阅读
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等级1 2020-09-13
2213 浏览
本人從未試過お任せ,就算去日本旅遊都未嘗試過,因為語言上的不通,所以今次決定約朋友一齊動身一試。剛進餐廳,就座的位置只有七位,我同朋友一齊就座在師傅的旁邊位置,感覺好舒服好安靜,內部裝修充滿日式的設計,桌上的餐具都好華麗,最重要係在場有一位翻譯員為大家作翻譯的工作,例如介紹師傅整緊咩壽司種類、轉述師傅的說話等,完全感覺到依個係直正的お任せ,味道方面絕對係頂級,創新的味道、新穎的上菜方式,完全係一流,所以值得推介。唯獨不足係叫的酒的分量有啲少。 继续阅读
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等级4 2020-06-05
2992 浏览
[🇭🇰香港- 中環].🔻師傅風格係行傳統路線,用時令最新鮮嘅食材,食原本嘅味道,所以唔會有gimmick嘢;全晚壽司,刺身同熟食加埋有25道,第一道係壽司,之後就有時刺身有時壽司,唔係平時食完刺身先到壽司;刺身最鐘意烏貝同櫻花木煙燻過嘅伊佐木,壽司最鐘意紫海膽同中拖羅,好難得個Chūtoro好重魚味,冇筋同一件有幾個層次嘅口感;價錢都唔平,值唔值就見仁見智啦🤓.🔻🍽 鮨琥珀📌 地址: 中環士丹利街10-12號萬利豐中心高層地下1號舖.#tummysready #tummysreadytoeat #tummysreadyinhongkong #tummysreadyatcentral #tummysreadyforomakase #tummysreadyforseafood #tummysreadyforsushi #tummysreadyforjapanese 继续阅读
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等级4 2020-04-23
5630 浏览
Chef Chiba Hirobumi-san (千葉博文さん) focuses intently on the fish and all kinds of ingredients and condiments before him and talks with passion and warmth about where all the fish we are eating have come from and the point of the seasonal cycle we are at for each of them. It took us an hour and a half from the first course through to dessert, an engaging and fine adventure into deep sea umami and complex flavors—mostly sweet tastes with mildly savoury and citrusy notes. Although there were inevitably one or two pieces of fish that weren’t my favourite kind, the fineness of each and every piece could not be argued, the most memorable being 甘鯛 (tilefish), 鯵 (Japanese jack mackerel), イカ (squid), 穴子 (eel) and 赤身のづけ (marinated tuna). As I left the restaurant and stepped back onto Stanley Street in Central I felt as though I had just stepped out of Doraemon’s どこでもドア (Anywhere Door), previously having been transported to a quiet sushiya in an alley in Tokyo. It was a fine day after two consecutive days of zero newly diagnosed individuals (without travel history). Life seemed good. In chronological order, we had (all nigirizushi unless stated otherwise):- 梅の茶碗蒸し steamed egg with plum- 甘鯛の炙り刺身*** seared tilefish sashimi- 赤貝の刺身 ark shell sashimi- ホシガレイの刺身 starry flounder sashimi- 金目鯛 red snapper- かすご鯛(小鯛)young sea bream- イカ*** squid- イカ*** squid- 鯵*** Japanese horse mackerel- 赤身のづけ*** marinated tuna- 中トロ*** medium fatty tuna- ハマグリ** (?) large clam- イクラ salmon roe- 赤ウニ*** sea urchin- 玉子 grilled egg- 穴子*** eel - マグロの巻き寿司 tuna sushi roll- みそ汁 miso soup- 黒ごまプリン sesame pudding While every course was as fine as one could expect, it was the eel and Japanese horse mackerel that were assuredly the best I have ever had. The eel had transcended its humble roots into something of a silky and fluffy cloud of pure goodness. I did not know that eel could taste like this.Let me add that service was impeccable all around. The waiting staff were beyond courteous and thoughtful, and while I had some questions relating to a certain fish I had eaten in the past (was it ヒラマサ or カンパチ, they still wondered), both Chiba-san and the server were eager to solve my puzzle. What a pleasure. 继续阅读
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等级4 2020-03-22
3129 浏览
IKI Omakase Dinner Course正統江戶前壽司料理套餐Cost💰: $1980好滿意整體💕帶我來食嘅朋友係來自日本,佢聲稱sushi kohaku係佢飯堂,水準一流尤其前幾味, 食落好似升咗天咁😇主廚好有心機介紹每一道, 有幾道需要長達3日時間準備,一D都唔簡單。主廚更請我地食羊羹 - 以紅豆為主嘅日本甜點,加入蕃薯同栗子而成! 又有得食又長一智😊店員亦精通多國語言,配合唔同食客需要十分滿意係鮨琥珀嘅體驗,下次會中午來試 继续阅读
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