港铁太古站 D1 出口, 步行约6分钟
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
Recently dropped by the French restaurant in Tai Koo, I would say this is definitely a good spot for celebration with affordable prices, and high food quality😋.🔸Set Dinner $328/person(1starter + 1main + 1dessert)👍🏿BreadThe meal commenced with a selection of sourdough bread, served warm and easy to handle. The crust was perfectly crisp, while the inside remained soft. The initial taste was pleasantly tangy, gradually revealing a rich grain flavor. For those who prefer, butter is available as a spread! Notably, it received a commendable score of 9.5 from dad👨🏻🤭Score: 8/10👍🏿Foie Gras Terrine (+$48)Although this incurs an additional charge, it was deemed exceptionally delicious and worth the extra cost🥰The terrine maintained the rich aroma of foie gras while presenting a smooth, creamy texture. It was complemented by a crunchy, slightly chewy bread, enhancing the overall experience. A chutney with a sweet and sour flavor provided a refreshing balance to the richness of the foie gras💗Score: 8.5/10👌🏿Fruits De Mer (+$38)The seafood platter included small yet fresh oyster, lightly seared tuna with a subtle taste, and shrimp as well as shellfish. They’re simply so so, which might not offer sufficient value for the additional cost. Score: 6.5/10👍🏿Roast ChickenThe roast chicken was highly recommended for its aromatic flavor and tender, juicy meat. It was thoroughly seasoned well and additional sauces could be skipped. However, it still accompanied by a unique sherry jus, which offered a delightful blend of sweet and tangy notes, although I found the sauce less appealing than the chicken itself. The mashed potatoes were rich and creamy, further elevated the overall flavor🤭Score: 8/10👍🏿Merguez Sausage OrecchietteThe orecchiette pasta was noted for its satisfying texture and creamy sauce, accented by a mild spiciness. Featured a prominent herbal flavor from sage, which was pleasantly aromatic. Generous cheese added richness, while the merguez sausage provided a distinct lamb flavor that permeated the dish. However, we found it slightly salty after multiple bites. Score: 7.5/10👍🏿Chocolate MousseThe chocolate mousse was described as exceptional, with a rich chocolate flavor complemented by a hint of orange liqueur. Its smooth texture made it a delightful conclusion to the meal. Pity that dad felt it was just average, but I’m really into itScore: 8.5/10👍🏿Crème BrûléeThe crème brûlée offered a smooth texture with a balanced sweetness and a subtle egg flavor. The caramelized top was crisp, but the overall sweetness slightly overpowering. Score: 7.5/10With the quality of French cuisine offered at a price point of around $300 per person, this dining experience is considered worthwhile🔥The overall dining atmosphere was comfortable, with friendly service predominantly in English, reflecting a welcoming environment. This restaurant is recommended as a good choice for a reasonably priced celebration😚.Overall Ratings:Taste: 8/10Ambiance: 8.3/10Service: 8/10Cleanliness: 8.5/10Price-worthy: 7/10
最近係太古城發現了一間CP值高的法國餐廳,半開放式,藍白間主調,裝潢簡約高雅,散發著濃濃的法式風情。除咗食物質素高之外,價錢亦一流,店員殷勤有禮,我又有多一個同朋友Chill嘅地方!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️午市套餐 $148 有前菜,主菜和餐飲(部份菜式要加錢)前菜🩷🦊例湯-南瓜湯/🦊沙律-菠菜葉沙律主菜🩷🦊蟹肉沙律-多得滿瀉的蟹肉,沙律有新鮮番茄、菠菜葉,蕃茄,青瓜,配上秘製酸奶油醬汁👍超大碟,份量多,十分推薦🤩🦊香烤西冷牛扒-牛扒烤香味濃,香氣四溢,雖然叫左well done,但依然保持肉質鮮嫩,味道不錯,係面層有一大片蒜香牛油,配上份量超多又熱辣辣的薯條。是日甜品 🩷🦊朱古力撻-朱古力撻厚滑香濃,甜度適中,灑上糖霜、朱古力醬拉花和草莓醬,賣相精美!大愛❤️飲品🩷 (另叫特飲)~吃完飯再Chill🤣Cocktail🦊ELDERFLOWER SPRITZ接骨木花水 ,清新淡雅,順候清涼🦊HOUSE ORANGINA橙汁和sparkling water混合,清新香甜
Dining City舉辦「品味香港 Chill E.A.T.」,有300幾間餐廳推出限定優惠套餐,當中仲有唔少得獎熱店,部分餐廳超搶手🔥今次就試咗依間性價比好高嘅法式菜,一個價錢包哂前菜、主菜、甜品同飲品!做到11月30號咋!Lunch Menu $148—— Starter **Stuffed eggs mayo****Potato leek soup**前菜必試雞蛋﹐入面嘅沙律醬好有驚喜,充滿檸檬味,食完好開胃,質地細滑,好特別嘅前菜—— Main**Barramundi** 鱸魚搭配法式橄欖醬,味道清新,仲食到魚肉鮮味,外皮咬落好脆,魚肉夠哂嫩滑**Duck Confit** 鴨腿肉好入味,外皮微脆,肉質滑溜,沾埋個醬汁更惹味**Steak Frites (+$48)** 牛扒質素唔錯,肉質幾腍,煎得啱啱好,香草牛油係成個菜精粹!融化後更香,薯條份量都超夠—— Dessert**Chocolate mousse****Chocolate tart**兩款朱古力味都好濃,主要分別係個質感,mousse就整得好滑身,朱古力噠似NY cheesecake 質地,我就較鐘意前者,有埋紅桑莓醬更加balanced 🌟推薦指數:9/10▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️ 📍 A POELE (太古)太裕路5號興安閣地下G514號舖🔎分類搜尋:#FTHK_西式 #FTHK_太古
餐廳:A POELE地點:太古太裕路菜式:法國菜餐牌:平日午餐$148另加一,包開胃菜同主食,可加錢要甜點、飲品或者小菜。某些菜式要加錢。麵包每人兩小件,麥味香濃,配有白色牛油一小片。冷切拼盤冷切拼盤一客三片,有辣肉腸同巴馬火腿等,配有芝士片同橄欖粒。火灸吞拿魚 加$38 另加一火灸吞拿魚一客三片,賣相一流,色彩奪目。吞拿魚整得外熟內生,面頭加有開胃柑橘汁同松子仁加蔥花,好味醒胃。香烤法式土魯斯豬肉腸香烤法式土魯斯豬肉腸好大條,食落唔會太乾。面頭加有炒洋蔥同蔥花,下底有唔少燉扁豆配馬鈴薯泥,味道都唔錯。香烤西冷牛扒 加$68 另加一西冷牛扒好厚身,有明顯烤印,連少少筋,我叫左半生熟,口感味道都唔錯,面頭一片蒜味牛油,好邪惡。配有熱辣辣炸起幼身薯條,服務員主動問你要唔要茄汁,好貼心。是日甜點 加$38 另加一是日甜點係朱古力撻,份量好大件。餅底上面既朱古力慕斯又濃又滑,灑上糖霜同加有朱古力醬,特別欣賞廚師加有少少酸酸地既莓醬係朱古力撻上面,可中和油膩度。House Orangina $48 另加一House Orangina係橙汁加sparkling water,色水呈淡橙色,加有兩片香橙,味道酸酸地。Almost Amaretto 0% $48 另加一Almost Amaretto 0%色水呈奶白色,都加有香橙兩片。飲落帶杏仁味,微微甜,好特別。今餐食物質素都唔錯,餐廳裝修一流,呈半開放式,環境氣氛好chill。服務員態度友善。
今日來訪位於太古嘅靚靚法國菜餐廳🤩🌟 裡面裝修美觀又雅緻,滿滿嘅歐陸風情,超有外國渡假feel🤭✅ 聽熱情友善嘅職員介紹下,㨂咗以下幾款前菜主食同埋甜品😚 前菜叫咗經典必點嘅法式洋蔥湯同埋法式焗蝸牛🤤 洋蔥湯表面佈滿厚厚一層埃曼塔芝士,經焗製後散發著誘人嘅香氣🤤 內裡洋蔥絲滿滿非常足料👍 湯品飲落濃郁甘甜,當中帶有芝士嘅鹹香❤️ 整體不會過膩過重味✅ 恰到好處嘅滋味十分高質🌟 焗蝸牛非常容易超肉👍 口感彈牙煙韌,嚼感極佳🤤 食落風味地道,超級可口😋 主食首先㨂咗一客法式紅酒燴牛面❤️ 牛面頰煮得好軟好腍,食落嫩口又多汁,紅酒汁令牛肉嘅鮮味更出眾,非常惹味🫶 跟碟附有入味十足嘅蘑菇同埋馬鈴薯泥🤩 令人可以盡情享用牛面頰嘅精華滋味😋 再來一份經典簡單嘅烤牛排❤️ 㨂咗五成熟,火喉控制得好好👍 外層焦脆燻香,內裡肉質紅潤多汁,食落軟硬度剛剛好,唔會過韌過硬🌟 配搭濃郁辛香嘅黑椒汁,食落滋味一流😚 跟牛排還附有大大罐薯條😆 超正🫶 甜品㨂咗職員強烈推薦嘅巧克力慕斯❤️ 食落軟滑細膩,每一啖都充滿可可嘅醇香,味道不會太甜,感覺好高級🤭 再㨂咗個奶油烤布蕾🥴 即係焦糖燉蛋📍 表層嘅焦糖甜美薄脆,內裡燉蛋細嫩柔滑,蛋味濃香😙 加上淡淡嘅雲呢拿香,滋味更上一層樓❣️ 飲品㨂咗House Orangina 同埋 Almost Amaretto 0%🌟 兩杯都非常清新,充滿柑橘類嘅酸甜感,解膩又消暑嘅佳品❤️