港铁太古站 A2 出口, 步行约2分钟 继续阅读
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13:00 - 22:00
13:00 - 22:00
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食记 (43)
沒錯,我是個回頭客🤭✌🏻自從在油麻地食過招牌口味炎燒布丁梳乎厘之後就一直心念念,想再回訪~今次來到太古康怡分店試下😝·.同樣是黃色卡車為主題,主打售賣梳乎厘、牛角包窩夫、日本雪糕和奶昔等..𐐂單點 A La Carte 𐐚。甜品。❥ 特濃朱古力香蕉梳乎厘等號碼時亦可透過「車窗」見到梳乎厘的製作過程,都是即叫即整的🫶🏻作為主打的甜品,梳乎厘有多款口味可選,在多番糾結下我選了朱古力香蕉口味~是目前人氣排行第三👌🏻在原味的梳乎厘上淋上了香濃的朱古醬,其後再灑上朱古力粉,所以仍然食得出梳乎厘原身的蛋香味,它的口感非常綿密鬆軟,QQ彈彈,空氣感十足,香蕉片上的焦糖經火槍燒過而變得香脆😍❥ Harajuku宇治抹茶雪糕店員好慷慨,給我好大一球😋,香醇柔滑夠creamy,奶香味突出,同時帶有抹茶的回甘,近排天氣酷熱,最適合食冰涼雪糕解解暑💦..𐐂溫馨提示𐐚7月感謝祭買兩塊梳乎厘只售$30咋❣️平均每塊$15(除了炎燒布丁 / D24榴槤,限星期一至五).. 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-06-12
606 浏览
Always wanna try the souffle pancake from this dessert shop, so I was thrilled when they opened their store in Kornhill Plaza. .My sis and I tried their Tiramisu Croffle during our first visit, taking advantage of their opening discount. With a crispy exterior, the croffle had a soft and piping hot interior. On our second visit, we bought three pieces of their Original Soufflé Pancakes. Topped with cream, the pancakes were fluffy and airy. It practically melted in your mouth once u had it. During our third visit, we ordered two pieces of their Crème Brulé Soufflé Pancakes. The crème brulé custard cream matched nicely with the fluffy pancakes. The slightly burnt surface and the intense caramel aroma enhanced the attractiveness of the pancakes. For our fourth visit, we tried two pieces of their Tiramisu Soufflé Pancakes. Covered with tiramisu powder and cream, the pancakes were creamy, yet not overly sweet..The shop had only a limited number of tables without seats for dine in. They frequently offer different discounts, so staying tuned to their ig account for the updates is advisable. 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-11-05
56 浏览
太古康怡Am.Pm 嘅特濃朱古力牛角包實在太好食🫶🏻踏入佢哋第7週年,依家逢假期星期六、日仲會平$10㗎,即係$28就可以食到,咁嘅價錢咁嘅食物質素,真係抵到不得了,如果唔鍾意朱古力味嘅話,仲有其他好多款唔同味選擇㗎,全部都係即叫即整,新鮮yummy…yummy…😋總有一款係啱你嘅口味,你哋都快啲去買嚟試吓啦👍我已經決定,等我放假嘅時候就再試埋唔同嘅味道,到時再話俾你哋聽,有冇新嘅驚喜啦😬 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-07-29
372 浏览
每次經過黃巴士,有大大杯雪糕🍦燈嘅Am.pm-太古店,都忍唔住要叫番個酸酸甜甜,清新自然嘅芒果🥭香甜,新鮮熱辣睇見佢Q彈好治癒嘅梳乎厘,食完身心靈都好愉快😁NASA 最愛Harajuku Ice Cream日式椰子味雪糕🍦超級香嘅椰子味,而且滑溜無比!!不會過甜,感覺好fresh!sooooooo yummy!! 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-07-26
258 浏览
am.pm.hk specializes in soufflé pancakes with a catchy yellow school bus interior 🚌 light, fluffy, and airy 🥞 enjoy 2 pieces for just $30 (average $15/pc) until Aug 31* 💫 also offer crispy chewy croffles 🧇 and soft milky Harajuku ice cream 🍨am.pm.hk 以亮眼黃色巴士造型 主打日式梳乎厘班戟 🚌 輕盈鬆軟 有空氣感 🥞而家限時優惠至8月31 買兩塊梳乎厘只需 $30 ,平均每塊 $15* 💫 仲有酥脆煙韌牛角窩夫 🧇 同柔軟奶香特式日本雪糕 🍨 🥞 提拉米蘇梳乎厘班戟 特價HKD$30 (原價 HKD$50)tiramisu souffle pancake即叫即整 輕盈鬆軟 ☁️ 有空氣感tiramisu 咖啡味香濃 ☕️ 整體不會過甜🧇 黃金布丁燒牛角包窩夫 HKD$40caramel custard croffle滿滿吉士布丁醬 🍮 槍燒後焦脆香甜 🔥牛角包窩夫厚實 🥐 酥脆煙靭 🖤黑芝麻雪糕 black sesame ice cream + HKD$15芝麻香濃 軟滑綿密💜香芋雪糕 taro ice cream + HKD$15芋香奶濃 軟滑綿密*except creme brulee and D24 durian, only available Mon - Fri (除了炎燒布丁 / D24榴槤,限星期一至五)📍 太古康山道1-2號康怡廣場北座2樓S11號舖 (various locations) 🇭🇰 继续阅读
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