港铁湾仔站 A3 出口, 步行约5分钟 继续阅读
主打巴西烧烤,食材由日本进口。晚市供应套餐,价钱合理。主打宫崎A4和牛,外层烤得香脆,肉质软嫩。 继续阅读
*最後落單時間: 21:30 (晚餐); 00:00 (飲品)
11:30 - 01:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 银联
食记 (83)
等级1 2020-01-04
2879 浏览
雖然住附近,但平時都好少行利東街,每次搭車經過都見到人頭湧湧,算係打卡熱點。今日心血來潮行入去八卦吓究竟條街有咩嘢食。最後就被一間好colorful 既餐廳吸引左入去。坐低左後waitress都好有耐性同我講解Lunch Menu。$118 一個Set Lunch,都份量都幾多吓,又湯、又小菜、天婦羅又成。最後都係食唔嗮個飯。跟餐仲有得加$28有杯啤酒。餐廳兩邊門都開嗮,感覺好開揚。禮拜六嘆住杯啤酒望住街景都幾寫意。 仲俾我八到個好消息,問過Waitress可唔可以帶埋狗仔一齊,佢地話如果坐近門邊D檯都冇問題,不過最好打電話去預約先,因為門口D檯好受遊客歡迎。以後可以帶埋我隻衰仔落樓一齊食飯、飲酒。講真係灣仔可以帶埋毛孩一齊消遣既地方真係好少,今次又俾我發掘到個新地方。 继续阅读
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等级1 2020-01-01
1082 浏览
I went there yesterday on New Year’s Eve and it’s the worst experience I’ve even had. 1. They will keep asking you to order drinks. Don’t worry when they tell you it’s their “final order”; there will be many.2. Ask them the closing time before you order. We went there at around 22:30. One waitress told us they will close at 00:00 (when she came to offering the second “final order”) and later another one told us they would close in around 10 minutes (that’s even before 23:15). We did not even finished our drinks. We were confused and annoyed and some “manager” came to explain that her employees need to leave early to enjoy New Year’s Eve with their family and friends as well. Ummm sorry, but isn’t their WORK? If they do want their employees to have a good rest, then why not allow them to take the evening off OR just tell every customer the exact closing time before any order (rather than keep pushing for ordering and trying to kick customers out when they refused to order more). 继续阅读
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等级1 2020-01-01
680 浏览
On New Year’s eve, we ordered a few drinks here and planned to stay until midnight. We arrived at around 22:20. When we were not even seated, the waitress started to push us to order and said it’s the final round. So we ordered. It’s already 22:30 at the time. When we started to play board games, someone came to us and said it’s not good for the other customers to see us playing cards. We told her it’s board games not poker. Still. So please note that board games are not allowed at this place. Then we stopped after one round. Interestingly, the waitress came and asked us to order again - I thought you already had your last order. We were not even halfway through our drinks, so of course we needed not order another round. I asked when they were closing. She answered 12 am sharp. 2 or 3 minutes later, another waitress came and asked us to order and said they were closing in 10 minutes, i.e. 11:10. We were outraged and asked for the manager. You would not believe what the manager said - there were no customers. Hello? What about our table of 7? I confronted her that at least she should have told us when we were ordering drinks that they were closing in 30 minutes. She retreated. Then the funny thing - a waitress came to take one of my friends’ glass. As my friend was using the glass to hold down something, she said she would love to keep the class. You can’t believe what happened - the waitress just snatched the glass and said she needed to clean it. Shockingly, not even before she left our table, she talked to her fellow waitresses and laughed: why would someone keep an empty glass. This is the worst experience I have ever had at any bar. They think they will always have business because of the prime location. Well, they may be correct, but I still want to let other customers know what happened to my friends and I. 继续阅读
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等级3 2019-12-03
879 浏览
With everything happening locally, one needs a drink or three. Had HH with a good friend last week at this Japanese Peruvian bar at Lee Tung Street aka The Avenue. I like this area because it is clean tidy and has much less people than LKF or Soho.We spent the last hour using the warmth of our fingers to clear the fog and bore a hole into our cocktail glass of our last drink. It was completely made out of a hallow ice globe which housed the cocktail. 继续阅读
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等级1 2019-11-10
920 浏览
Avoid this place as they clearly do not want or need your business. The waitress did not notice me when I walked in and sat down at a table. She was too busy sitting down at the bar and typing away on her laptop. No one came over to greet me or give me a menu. So I got up a left. Worst service ever. 继续阅读
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