餐厅: | Feuille |
优惠: |
于此国泰伙伴餐厅用餐赚里 ! 国泰会员于伙伴餐厅消费可赚高达HKD4 = 2里数。受有关条款约束。 |
港铁上环站 A2 出口, 步行约4分钟
米芝莲一星餐厅 (2024)
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
*Last Order Time: 14:00; Last Order Time: 20:30
餐厅: | Feuille |
优惠: | 国泰会员于伙伴餐厅消费可赚高达HKD4 = 2里数。受有关条款约束。 |
Visited for lunch when it soft opened and already foreseen that it will be Michelin starred very soon (and it did in the very same year!) Last week we made a timely revisit to Feuille after a recent delightful meal at its half sister shop Jee. The nature inspired tasting menu that focuses on the growth and natural evolution of plants started with grains and seedsSesame crackers topped with eggplant, black garlic mustard seed, shiso and sea grape. There was a bit of everything so I wasn’t sure what ingredient it was trying to highlight. Oyster with a tinge of juniper and shallot. Briny and fresh.Signature egg custard with locally sourced baby corn and cumin emulsion. Luscious texture.Moving on to the mains, conceptualising the Roots, Stems & Leaves, we were first presented with the Feuille Bread with Dill Pil Pil sauce. Served as a dedicated course, the bread had a delicate, cloud-like interior encased in a perfect crust. In alignment with Chef Toutain's zero-waste philosophy, the intriguingly briny vibrant green dill pil-pil sauce was said to be crafted from unused fishbones collagen. Addictively buttery minus the usual heaviness of butter.Next up spiny lobster skewers with pumpkin and saffron sauce. This dish was a sensorial delight that captivated the senses even before we take the first bite. Smoke engulfed the dining room when tables nearby were being served with the same dish. Apart from the slice of spiny lobster at the tip of the skewer being slightly overcooked, the rest was chargrilled to perfection. The richness of pumpkin and the delicate essence of saffron further elevated the different layers of flavours.Armoise - Sea Bass - Girolles. Balanced flavours.The star of the evening was definitely the Pithivier, a round enclosed pie usually made by baking two disks of puff pastry, with fillings stuffed in between. Feuille’s stuffing is pigeon breast wrapped in spinach and goose liver. The pigeon was pink perfect. And the puff pastry was heavenly flaky. My personal favourite of the evening!The journey ended with a Pineapple and Pandan mousse with a hint of chili Péyi and a chocolate hazelnut tart. Friends and I agreed that we prefer the former refreshing pineapple flavoured dessert. Overall, this is still one of the best French restaurants in town that consistently delivers quality ingredients, execution and service.
一間以植物生長過程嘅概念星級餐廳,故事都幾得意😎為平時超忙嘅城市人帶出另類治癒方法😂故事開始,餐牌已經告知:生長過程嘅故事😄可以係餐牌內了解食材來源Grains & SeedsChia Seed - Lemon Tree Kombucha先由種子開始,好清新嘅一杯飲品🥃Madras Curry - Frog Legs - Rosemary咖哩田鷄腿,好滑好香,,可以點埋佢哋嘅特色咖哩,又係另類美味😋Roots, Stems & LeavesFeuille Bread - Dill Pil PilFocaccia 麵包加入南瓜籽及葵花籽旁邊嘅醬由魚骨骨膠原及刁草組成Special order: Cumin - Egg - Sweet Corn題外話:見到人哋介紹呢隻蛋,唔係menu內,特別order😋 真係好食、好creamy 輪到根、莖與葉啦😅French Bean - Clams - Lovage主菜係法國青豆配上蜆肉,加入酸甜忌廉,個人覺得開胃,幾清新😋揭開,建議混合一起食用😄Green Pea - Scallops - Wild Garlic青豌豆🫛配帶子,據講帶子經過「蒸」熟,所以比較軟身,食落的確質感似粉團,但濃郁帶子味可以證明確實係帶子😅味道與上面法國青豆有啲相似,係較為清新嘅一道菜😋Dark Head Porcini - Three Yellow Chicken - Juniper黑牛肝菌配三黃鷄,個鷄件好滑、皮脆👍🏻Flowers & FruitsHazelnut - Chocolate - Herbs嚟到開花結果啦😄就咁睇,好似食泥,其實係好香濃嘅朱古力,配上旁邊嘅花花葉葉同食,去除太甜嘅味道👍🏻餐廳環境,另一邊太多人就唔影啦😅
已經好一段時間無寫reviews, 呢間真係甜品失望至極,想寫低唔想大家中伏。慶祝生日,朋友 suggests 嚟呢間,話soft opening 時食過,覺得上次幾好食,不如再去,佢唔介意再食多次,我又未食過,於是就book 了食晚餐。開業唔夠三年已經拿到一星同綠星,呢個點亦係我想嚟既原因,呢到重點係食local 食材,但好可惜今餐我無感受到local食材有咩特別好食,感覺好似係佢話用咗就係特別咁。全餐頭盤到主菜都係正常,頭盤既擺盤好靚好精美,feel 到有心機整的,味道都算ok, 最好食係個生蠔,食到呢個生蠔好驚喜,主菜既話龍蝦都算幾好食,魚都好嫩,只係我同朋友都覺得ok 好食,但呢樣嘢又無咩特別,好多西餐廳都做到,米芝蓮餐廳做到就無咩特別。乳鴿嚟講,我去之前睇過menu, 見到人地既 pigeon好吸引,但係我去到既時候,個pigeon 唔同樣,呢個位好失望,不過我知無guarantee 既,味道都算ok.如果就咁end 既話,我反而覺得係一間ok 既餐廳。可惜衰係個甜品到,甜品走一個fusion 風,啲人話色香味俱全,佢係由個樣我已經唔鍾意,好hea, 頭盤整得好靚好有心機,甜品相比起好求其,味道更係一言難盡,我自問唔識欣賞,唔明點解第一個甜品後勁有陣膠味,難食到我想放棄,今年都食過好幾間米芝蓮,佢成功成為我食過最難食既甜品既餐廳。朋友都覺得好失望,話之前嚟個甜品好好食,今次個甜品食完我只係記得,頭兩個都唔好食,第一個個脆紙仲有陣奇怪既膠味,第二個個脆片圈好多餘,諗哂又有啲油益味,仲有一切彈到周圍係,點解唔用個tart 做底呢?食落好唔方便。食咗兩個下下既甜品,我只係希望佢最後既唔好再fusion, 只要佢一般,我已經覺得好好,起碼比我好好咁總結呢餐,好彩既係最後三樣都算係咁。如果佢係普通fine dining 餐廳,甜品難食,我都可以話佢頭盤同主菜ok, balance 返,唔會咁harsh. 但佢係米芝蓮一星喎,咁既甜品,我覺得完全唔合格。可能係佢太fusion, 又或者係我唔識食呢啲fusion 甜品啦,我個人比較鍾意classic 啲的。
食物質素不錯,擺盤有心思。臨時換了菜單,最期待的乳鴿批沒有了🥲最喜歡前菜的生蠔,口感清新但層次豐富麵包與沾醬很獨特,風味佳!青瓜獅魚這道菜不過不失鱸魚蓉配上魚籽,有新意乳鴿有煙燻味,冇腥味,配上沾醬,是令人舒服的菜餚甜品全場最佳,甜而不膩!!會因為甜品再來一次的程度! 環境典雅,但正值午餐時段,身旁的兩檯客人說話超級大聲,尤其是旁邊的三位女士,用高八度的聲音大聲聊天,令單純來用餐,旨在享受食物的我感到困惑,但未見有任何人制止。 不過五百幾蚊可以體驗到米芝蓮Lunch而且咁多道菜,性價比算不錯Staff態度良好,會幫忙拍照和說冷笑話,但可以講述多些每道菜背後的故事和採用了哪些本地農作物,因為他們對於這兩點隻字未提,畢竟呢間係綠星餐廳⋯⋯
這家法國米芝蓮二星大廚Chef David Toutain在香港開設的餐廳, 取名Feuille也就是法文的葉子, 從餐廳的裝修以及菜單的設計, 不難想像這是一家相當Eco-Friendly的Fine Dining餐廳, 但又不只會提供素食, 而是希望透過本土栽種的蔬菜, 用上不同的部份配搭其他食材, 從而做出舒服而又令人滿意的用餐體驗, 畢竟素食Fine Dining對我們來說還是比較新鮮, 而且不少食客會覺得同樣的價錢換上蔬菜, 未必物有所值, 這樣的做法取中庸之道, 也是一個不錯的舉動, 和Roganic一樣有米芝蓮綠星加持, 也是對其經營的鼓勵和認同.這裏的麵包混合了南瓜籽及葵花籽, 除了令口感層次更突出之外, 也有烤串過的堅果香味, 再加上由蔥油, 黃瓜, 鰤魚以及香水檸檬結合起來的沾醬, 甘香中帶鹹鮮味, 尾段的微微果酸相當舒服, 食材之間的味道和平共處, 正如身處大自然中的調和. 鱸魚切碎,配上三文魚籽和豆角, 相比起麵包沾醬味道簡單直接得多, 本以為如此但不為意食材裏面加上臭草, 這位綠豆沙的好朋友在法國菜中出現, 相當神奇, 聞起來沒有刺鼻的味道, 但吃下去和豆莢的味道結合起來, 就是臭草和綠豆沙絕配的味道, 這個調合才是這道菜的主角.主菜的乳鴿批形狀真的像一枚精緻的樹葉, 視覺效果很不錯, 味道方面就是乳鴿肉碎的甘香, 配上牛肝菌的濃香, 再加上酥皮的牛油香, 結合起來就是很秋天的菜式. 酥皮層次分明, 也夠酥脆, 大開大合的味道風格, 比起外表的恬靜, 反差的美也是值得欣賞的地方.