港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 D1 出口, 港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 L1 出口, 港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 N5 出口
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
今日同同事去重慶大慶食下印度菜, 去到間門面好似快餐店嘅舖頭, 但係原來隔離間裝修好d嘅舖都係同一個老闆的, 我地就入左去隔離坐。一入去即係每人叫左杯mango lassi $30未飲已經見到杯嘢顏色好黃, 入口好濃芒果味, 同出面d舖頭唔同, 足料咖哩牛肉配dasa牛肉辣辣地, 好霖好好味dasa配3種醬, 一種有d咖哩味, 一種辣辣地, 另一種有d似千島醬penner butter masala 有d似豆腐, 甜甜地mushroom mutter味道唔錯, 又唔辣, 配薄餅或飯都唔錯羊胺略嫌燒得老左小小薯條剛炸起, 加埋印度醬料一齊食, good
I don't know why but Chungking express springs to mind, but since it was my first visit to ChungKing Mansions I decided to go there on Halloween.As you know, I am fearless to go anywhere for food so finally checked it out and discovered the ground floor which was amazing.When I got there, there were so many people touting you and trying to lead you to a different restaurant. I foresaw this situation so had a clear mind where I wanted to go and refused to listen to anyone because it was funny how they tried to twist the restaurant name and claim it was the one you wanted.I liked this joint because it was blue and there was a clear menu.The guy was friendly as well.NOTE: On the ground floor, the prices are more reasonable and authentic. As for the upstairs I am still looking for some REAL recommendations from expats or natives.I wanted the Murtabak and fish roti but this is only served on the weekends so I had the VADAI which is like a savoury fluffy donut served with delicious dips.The vadai was nice and it was laced with black peppercorn pieces.If you know where to go, it shouldn't be that expensive.In the UK, if you go to West Croydon, there is a whole street of Asian food and I got three big naans for one pound!!!Next time I want to try African food there but I have read some very discouraging posts online that they don't want you to be there.
樓上的印度餐廳食過好多次,總覺得有點遊客,好想試試地面比較有個玻璃櫃,比較「貼地」嘅餐廳。正門入行到尾,穿過一班咖喱仔,轉右在洗衣鋪旁,藍色裝修都幾易認。我哋嚟嘅時候有一枱鬼佬客差不多食完,同我哋講佢覺得呢度喺best curry in hk, 哈哈,有無咁誇呀!餐牌也比較簡單,沒有中文,那些英文名字是連如何發音也不懂的。侍應會說簡單的廣東單字,「雞」、「菜」、「魚」同「埋單」,雙語麗音切換我哋有時都轉唔切。第一次來,還是叫了點大路的東西,masala雞,個汁有不同的蔬菜攪爛在內,好濃厚,味道豐富複雜咖喱魚的汁比masala稀一點,魚塊好新鮮好嫩滑,魚油頗多,一啲都唔柴皮。有點辣度,椒味突出三個餸中自己最鍾意呢個雜菜,啲青豆好似魚子咁喺嘴內爆開,再加薯仔軟棉嘅口感,有咖喱香但不會辣呢個叫「m什麼什麼b什麼什麼」,因為唔識叫,週遊列國的朋友戲稱佢做motorbike,朋友話應該係印尼菜,好奇點解會喺印度餐廳出現,而且仲可以選豬肉或牛肉餡。賣相好靚,有啲似台灣的蛋餅,餅皮煙韌,內有肉碎、蛋、洋蔥粒、椰菜絲,材料豐富,非常飽肚。我們叫naan, 但這裡的比較像roti, 起酥的。呢度啲餅即叫即煎,煎功了得,攞上手一滴油都無。我哋入座後,陸陸續續有好多東亞皮色嘅客人幫襯,坐到爆場,他們點的菜同我哋點嘅好唔到,好特別。有啲會點像饅頭的東西,好像叫idty, 又有啲會點外型像米線的東西,這些都是我在樓上咖喱屋沒有見過的,非常有趣。每人才$60,其實餐牌有點亂,下次還是看牆上的圖,喜歡試什麼就點什麼好了!!!