港铁铜锣湾站 C 出口, 步行约7分钟 继续阅读
設有桌球及大型電視 继续阅读
11:00 - 05:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 Apple Pay
食记 (5)
等级2 2016-06-18
1944 浏览
今晚突然間想打桌球  但南華會又full左  於是朋友就建議去王子酒店 入到去啲侍應話pool table暫時full左要排waitlist 叫我地飲住野先咁我地就坐低嗌左一pack Asahi同埋嗌左薯條食個薯條出奇地好食喎 佢係叫做美式啤酒薯條 食落去有啲似扭扭薯條 我諗佢係用左fish and chips 嘅方法 用啤酒溝粉然後拎去炸 外脆內軟特別香口 啱晒我地餸啤酒忍唔住我地再encore 夜媽媽食呢啲野實在太邪惡啦 继续阅读
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
等级4 2015-12-03
1555 浏览
同朋友仔去飲野 佢想打桌球所以上左去食野飲返杯叫左 fish and chips 同炸魷魚時間係等得耐嘅 係感受到新鮮出爐但味道普通 fish and chips 唔係魚扒 而係魚柳條薯條算普通 粗身不太香脆都尚可接受魷魚偏鹹 唔夠脆身 继续阅读
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等级1 2013-08-08
1230 浏览
From the website, Joe's looks like a welcome escape from your normal pool hall.  Their website paints a picture of a pool hall that you could take family, friends, or even a date you wanted to impress, to.  The menu looks delicious, and has a multitude of tasty looking options on it.  Tables look clean and well maintained, the decor looks classy and clean.When the doors to the elevator open, all your concepts of Joe's will be shattered.  Tables, while they seem to play straight, are old and faded.  Felt is not wiped down or clean.  The floors are old and dingy, the paint and posters on the walls are faded.  While it there are little no smoking signs everywhere, don't let that fool you -- no one cares about the signs.  Even if no one was smoking, the smoke permiates the ventiliation system so bad, that you reek of smoke within minutes.  This is all before you actually get a table.  There was no problem getting a table, the place was nearly empty despite it being prime time on a weekend.  Going to the bar to order food was an experience in itself.  Half of the items on the website's menu aren't actually on the menu at the pool hall.  Namely, Joe's Classic Hamburger.  Touted on the website to "surely dazzle your taste buds", it is not available nor is it on the actual menu, even some basic condiments aren't available.  The food that you do get, when you order, comes out overcooked or dry and tasteless. (4 items tried in total.  0 items suggested).  I won't even mention the items we tried, as I do not suggest you try anything there.All this being said, the tables are straight, but I do not think they are any better then the tables at some of the other Pool Halls in Wan Chai.  The old, dingy, and faded interior detract way more than the tables can make up for.Note: one thing Joe's does, amazingly, well is hire good photographers for their website. 继续阅读
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等级1 2012-12-28
585 浏览
我去LE 間餐廳食聖誕節大餐,掙係等位都等左半個幾鐘,等到好唔耐煩,最唔好既就是等野食等左個幾鐘,D侍應態度又唔好,真係激死我同D朋友。我叫左個烤乾酪辣味玉米片,一樣等左好耐,d野食又難食,下次我一定唔會再黎e間餐廳食野,本來唸住開開心心咁慶祝聖誕節,食餐好既,但結果一肚氣地走了...... 继续阅读
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等级4 2008-07-23
421 浏览
朋友是波迷, 由溫哥華督到回流都仲督緊, 經他介紹下, 上來督吓對啤及食飯.一路督一路飲,好快水準已下降到唔知督緊乜...餓, 叫了 steak and eggs.問一問才知原來老闆也是加國回流的, 以前食開Denny's既 steak and eggs, 好懷念, 所以開了這餐廳也有這菜.不止他, 我食吓食吓都有點掛住以往讀書的日子...特別好味, 在此多謝阿Joe. 继续阅读
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