港铁上环站 A2 出口, 步行约9分钟 继续阅读
11:00 - 19:00
食记 (5)
等级3 2018-05-26
861 浏览
三十幾度炎熱的中午來到呢間餐廳,full house!oh!! 店員好親切的叫我地在外面等一等,原來有枱熟客見我地特登來冇位,所以讓張枱比我地!感覺店老闆同d客人關係很好,有傾有笑,店舖好細,只有十幾個座位,裝修簡單佈置有小心思,整體感覺幾舒服。我們叫了一個today special, 白松露海鮮意粉,老闆強調是用真正白松露醬,因為坊間絕大部分餐廳的都不是真的!十分香!另外叫咗份腌列,放了basil增加香味亦不錯!聽說晚上佢地係做私房菜,fusion style, 客人可以比材料老闆再幫你訂製菜式,靈活高! 继续阅读
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等级4 2018-05-15
346 浏览
Discovered this place a few weeks ago and realized they served food as well as coffee.The menu was sophisticated because they had osso buco which isn't something that is served everywhere and the joint looked small yet they could offer a good variety which is impressive.As this place is always full, finally went on Mother day's afternoon when everyone should be busy pampering themselves for the evening or occupied with their families and in-laws etc.  When they gave us the menu, we were told the specials that day were white truffle omelette and butter chicken!!My eyes literally lit up when I heard that because I love butter chicken and it was kind of odd to find it here as not many Hong Kongers know/eat this dish.They said it was served with Indian Rice which really got me excited.I already had my mind on the butter chicken, although the white truffle was also good because black truffle is getting boring these days and cheap truffle tastes like petrol.When it came, I was so happy as it really was Indian Rice!!!!The sauce was so damn good, just like the stuff you get from Marks and Spencers or any decent Indian place and the chicken pieces were tandoori chicken so I ate every piece.Normally I leave the meat found in curries and whatever in Hong Kong because 99% isn't fresh leaving me malnourished but their butter chicken left me satisfied.If there was more Indian Rice, I would have downed it because I LOVE INDIAN RICE!The staff were wonderful as well as I asked for advice on cooking Indian Rice and they gave me sound advice like adding butter/ghee to it which isn't what an average HKer would know.While I was there, someone was smoking outside, it was really considerate of them to close the front door before the smell was enough to agitate anyone. 继续阅读
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等级2 2018-02-01
607 浏览
黎到上環太平山街一間特色coffee shop, 門口只見招牌只有wine just coffee. 黑色門框襯上黃色鐵閘門相當好顯眼. Coffee shop設有2張室外bar枱, 而室內亦有4-5張雙人枱. All day breakfast相信係好多人健康之選, 番茄上碟時仲係好熱, 炒蛋既口感好滑, breakfast配上熱朱古力更是一絕. 熱口感香淳, 店主還介紹店鋪採用純朱古力, 不夠甜自己可加黃糖, 不過本身味道已岩岩好, 不甜亦不苦. 另一周末特別推亦是煙三文魚蛋黃汁意大利粉, 其中意大利粉可選長通粉. 這可說足料之選, 原塊煙三文魚配上香草, 蛋黃汁, 豆苗, 濃香奶味同煙三文魚好夾, 份量亦適中. 配上淡淡而香滑mocha亦係精選誠意之作.意大利粉和All day breakfast 奉送飲品, 2份餐Set埋單$140 亦叫化算, 店長服務態度好好和健談, 樂意分享食物心得, 星期六下午Teaset時段人流不算多, 可說是上環文青好去處. 继续阅读
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上環區好奇怪,公眾假期同星期日想搵間餐廳食都好難,因為大部份都唔開,好彩呢間仲開~睇openrice俾佢個brûlée flat white吸引,所以想試,但係要爬上黎都要少少氣力~叫完之後先發現佢menu有brûlée latte (no coffee),好好奇點樣可以冇咖啡嘅latte,但係我以叫咗了,所以就無再考究~brûlée flat white$45,佢整咗個熊仔樣好可愛,因我好注重latte art,對我來講latte art係飲咖啡不可缺少嘅,呢個會係評分我會唔會再黎嘅因素,所以呢個係值得加分;面果層brûlée好香甜,飲埋底層咖啡苦味,兩樣一齊飲其實原來好配合,味道嘅層次都好分明~另外當然唔少得我哋weekend/放假最鍾意食嘅all day breakfast~ hipster breakfast $108內容好豐富,有煙肉/腸仔/蛋/番茄/冬菇/牛角包/茄汁豆/薯餅,所以非常抵食~ 另外在叫左個hurry hipster $58,價錢平一半,對我來講都好夠食,有煙肉/蛋/牛角包~ 值得一讚佢哋製作好有誠意,個牛角包仲係好熱,鬆脆,好好味,個包新鮮鬆脆到好impressive,又再加分,所以我一定會再嚟~ 继续阅读
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等级4 2016-05-31
2088 浏览
好鍾意太平山街,除咗方便之外,空氣又好,仲加添一份寧靜,得閒都好鍾意過嚟探險吓,今日選擇咗嚟呢度飲返杯咖啡。門口有一部舊相機及一盞油燈,仲有一張癡住咗'HIPSTER'呢幾個字母嘅檯,就咁睇已經知道冇嚟錯地方,肯定係型格cafe;入面有十幾個位,簡單嘅裝修令人覺得舒服,會坐到唔想走。睇睇吓,好似之前嚟過喇喎,乜唔同咗名嘅?入面有個大黑板寫住個menu,比較新奇嘅飲品有Cookies mocha、Cucumber Coffee、Creme Brulee Coffee.... 記得以前嗰間冇乜食物選擇,但而家有$59或$64嘅set lunch,仲有All day breakfast、牛角包、散叫嘅pasta、蛋糕等,雖然食物選擇唔係超級多,但只要你唔係揀飲擇食嘅,應該總有一款啱你嘅!Iced Cookies Mocha ($60)隻杯超級型,雪凍咗放凍飲更加可以保持低溫,冰唔算太多,飲到最尾都只係沖淡咗少少味道;老實講唔係好覺有cookies味道,但咖啡味及朱古力味就超級濃郁,又唔算好甜,夏天飲真係好適合Iced Mocha (唔記得幾錢)其實飲落就同Cookies Mocha差唔多,都係咖啡味及朱古力味濃郁;大口仔平時好少讚咖啡好飲,連佢今次都話好飲到想叫多杯!Iced Chocolate ($55)大雄都對呢杯飲品讚不絕口,朱古力味道天然偏澀但依然易入口,又唔會過甜,飲完都唔會覺得膩Creme Brulee Coffee ($45)畫咗隻熊仔,好靚啊!第一層真係燶燶哋嘅creme brulee,有驚喜有誠意!下層都係超香超濃嘅咖啡,好飲!Hurry Hipster ($58)可惜唔記得影相,即係一個牛角包+炒蛋+煙肉,牛角包酥化可口,牛油香味濃郁,炒蛋幼滑好有蛋香,由於煙肉已經係偏鹹嘅關係,所以炒蛋專登冇乜落鹽(甚至冇落),夾住一齊食鹹度就會適中啦服務OK非常有禮貌,就算我哋帶住隻狗,都好友善咁俾幾張高凳我哋坐喺門口;帶咗狗嘅朋友可以嚟試吓呀! 继续阅读
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