港铁九龙站 C1 出口, 港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 A1 出口, 港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 L5 出口, 港铁柯士甸站 F 出口 继续阅读
餐厅设有室内外座位,充满阳光气息。主打正宗印度美食,菜式香气独特,而且选择繁多。 继续阅读
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
Visa AlipayHK 支付宝 现金 八达通 美国运通 银联 Apple Pay Google Pay
食记 (29)
等级4 2024-07-19
512 浏览
俾人忽視咗嘅角落中東菜其實喺尖沙咀中港城都會有好多唔同嘅Office,有陣時就會貪方便喺2樓食咗一啲連鎖快餐店但係如果用心走上去樓上嘅樓層發現咗呢間中東菜,咁佢晏晝時段係會有分buffet同埋lunch set 聽返上面都會有勁多嘅選擇咁今次就嗌咗三個套餐薯條嗰個真係好過癮綠色醬汁係啲香草嘅調味料另外雞呀,都比較正常,都係會鍾意食嘅中東菜,所以如果喺中港城返工,其實都會多個選擇 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-02-24
825 浏览
This is the best Northern Indian food l have tried from here to India. I was truly impressed by the size of the menu, and they have the largest range of Naans in HK, the Chaats are delish 😋 l had a Mixed Tandoor platter and it was succulent and moist. The Biryani was OK. The Punjabi prawn curry was perfect, but not heavy and creamy, but but light and delectable. This is my new go to Indian restaurant, a true find.You know it's good when you see Indian patrons dining there. 继续阅读
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等级1 2023-12-21
781 浏览
I called yesterday morning to make reservation for lunch buffet for 4 person today from 12 noon. they confirmed my booking.when my friends arrived before 12 noon today, they found a post "private event" stand outside of the entrance.I arrived late but calling this restaurant asking for reason. as if they cancel my reservation, they should have called me in advance. the man answering the call said they have 80 people for the event.. so I asked him can I have my table? he said if I don't mind sitting outdoor.... come-on... it was less than 10°C outdoor event at noon.this restaurant piss off customer with reservation in this manner. I will never come... I never eat anything. but have to give minimum rating and I don't even want to rate this restaurant. 继续阅读
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等级4 2023-12-12
1157 浏览
用餐日期:2023/11/23可用餐時段:12:00-15:00,3小時用餐費用(每人):$118+1(原價10%)餐廳環境:環境整潔乾淨 冷氣足 檯與自助餐區空間有點窄 人多時行走不太方便服務:服務員服務有禮貌態度好 收碟及時 食物及時refill 1-沙律:味道不錯但變化不大2-熱食:這次咖喱有咖喱羊 黑胡椒咖喱雞 咖喱芝士菠菜 咖喱鸞豆 另有烤雞肉塊 雞肉Kabab 蔬菜咖哩角 薯條 餐湯 這次的白飯 烤餅都夠稔不乾硬 咖喱羊肉雞肉都醃得入味夠稔味道傳統好味 薯條是英式那種粗身軟稔內心 如有茄汁提供更好 3-餐湯:還是以往的有意粉在內的蔬菜湯 餐湯味道偏咸不推薦4-甜品:這次有一款帶焦糖味的甜糕 味道比想像中好 焦糖味香濃 不會過甜 口感香脆 推薦5-飲品:這次還是選了Masala tea 茶味道香濃 推薦總結:這家餐廳中午自助餐是星期二四五提供 環境整體整潔舒適 價錢合理 服務員識講廣東話 服務態度好 食物有及時refill 咖哩傳統味道好 菜色定時變換(這次有羊 雞 菜) masala tea好味 自助餐時間長可輕鬆進食 如餐湯都減咸些 自助餐weekdays一到五都有更好 是值得推薦的餐廳 继续阅读
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等级3 2023-10-22
539 浏览
Their Instagram states they're open from 11am every day, as does their own website. But I went there on Sunday at 1130 for the buffet but they said open at 1. I also asked if they serve the buffet on Sundays but they didn't understand English.So I was keen to try the buffet so I walked around Tst for 1.5 hrs, came back at 1.10 & they're still closed. The same staff member called the owner, who said they're stuck in traffic & anyway they don't serve the buffet on weekends anymore. Wasted trip 继续阅读
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