港铁中环站 D2 出口, 步行约7分钟
17:00 - 02:00
17:00 - 03:00
12:00 - 03:00
位於中環的KoKo,是一間日西酒吧餐廳。今日有些不開心的事,令不愛酒的我也想飲番一杯。和朋友來到五樓的KOKO,竟然是一間露天餐廳,看著中環景色Cheers。即時用Bigdish訂座,全餐有折扣優惠哦是次用Bigdish訂位有五折,太掋食啦吧。我們消費一千四,才是七百多呢。Just Berry $75什麼時侯要喝酒呢?開心的時侯,慶祝的時侯,一班人談天的時侯,不開心的時侯,想發瘋的時侯,哈哈。幸好此杯飲品酸酸甜甜,好容易入囗哦。提提大家,飲品沒有折扣優惠哦Sashimi Platter$388最愛吃Sashimi,壽司刺身勻是我必點食物。這個刺身拼盤,包括: 拖羅,北海道帶子,甜蝦,三文魚子,炙燒左囗魚邊,鮑魚。原本$388的拼盤有五折後,掋食多啦。帶子軟腍滑嫩,鮮甜美味。拖羅不夠肥美,若果多點脂肪就好啦。鮑魚爽囗彈牙。三文魚子多得可以拌飯,哈哈蕃薯條$68喝啤酒,下酒菜是必需的吧。我和朋友也喜歡吃蕃薯條多於薯條,就要一份嚐嚐。蕃薯條份量不多,一人吃也可以哦。外皮炸得厚身,軟腍不油,撒上紫菜粉,有點愉快動物餅的感覺呢抹茶朱古力心太軟 $98一直都不喜歡吃心太軟,可能我的心太硬掛,哈哈。直至有一次嚐過某甜品的抹茶心太軟,從此愛上,看到有抹茶心太軟都會嚐嚐看。餐廳燈光較黑,我看不到是黑色還是綠色的蛋糕呢朱古力蛋糕內裡是溶化的抹茶朱古力醬,苦度不高,以甜度為主,非常適合今天的我吃呢。配以小球雲尼拉雪糕,還是覺得未夠甜未夠開心,唯有多點一份甜品。
第一次來呢度dinner, 其實係朋友生日慶祝,大家想試下新野。餐廳環境型格舒適,裝修設計都好有心思,indoor 同outdoor area 沒有界線清楚劃分,感覺好開揚。menu 上的選擇不算很多,但菜式設計特別,員工亦好有耐性介紹菜式。我地叫左Udon shots, Seafood Platter, 雞球,鱈魚餃子,grilled tofu, Japanese Eggplant, Truffle mushroom rice, & dessert platter認真 全部都好好食! Eggplant 好出色一定要試,Tofu 用左Yuzu Daikon 好香…… 而個飯,其實我地本來已經食緊Dessert, 但係聞到隔離枱個飯實在太香太香所以叫左 一試難忘 整體來說食物相當有水準,一定會再來
Something rare just happened this afternoon. I arrived at my dinner gathering an hour and a half early (It's gotta be a record!) but thankfully, I was in Central so I knew I got enough nice places to spend my spare time.It was around 5:30pm and most places would probably be preparing for dinner service right at this hour except for KOKO, the contemporary Japanese Izakaya brought to us by the folks at Kee Club.Former Japanese football icon Hidetoshi Nakata (中田英壽) is supposed to be a partner of this restaurant but I have never run into him during the few times that I've been here.What everybody likes about KOKO is its unique chill-out vibe. I can probably grab a drink and easily spend a few hours with my friends over here.Koko-licious ($75) - I'm starting things off with one of their mocktails with fresh grapefruit juice, lemon, honey and soda.I really didn't want to get myself too full at this point coz after all, I will be having dinner in a little more than an hour. So just some snacks to ease my food craving.Deep-fried chicken wings and lime ($88) - This was a dish that came highly recommended by my server. The "single bone" wings were marinated with miso (味噌) and deep fried with a light batter. Who could resist deep fried chicken wings that came hot out of the kitchen? These were pretty decent but I thought a little over the top with the seasoning (Grade: 3/5).Tsukune ($98) - I thought these minced chicken would come on skewers but they managed to surprise me with a bit of contemporary twist on this one. The minced chicken balls were actually served on spoons with soft egg, nori and special soy sauce on the side (Grade: 3.5/5).Interestingly, they have placed a small piece of crispy chicken skin on top of each chicken ball to give it a little more bite.Soy sauce with soft poached egg, the usual partner for tsukune (Japanese chicken meat balls).Foie gras and figs tempura ($168) - Easily the best dish out of the three. The Japanese figs and sliced foie gras were deep-fried to perfection with a super thin batter (Grade: 4/5).I love the fact that they have wrapped the foie gras around with shiso leaf to give it something extra in both flavor and texture. That was slickly done.Now that I'm half full, it's time to settle the bill and head over to my gathering.
最近與酒結下不解之緣,的確,近年看到的新聞均以負面為主,令人擔心、憂心又傷心,加上炎熱天氣,胃口不佳,反而更願找地方飲兩杯,一醉解千愁。當中中環蘭桂芳這間KOKO,聽朋友提過好幾次,除有日本退役球星中田英壽作合夥人,店內的清酒及獨特風格都深受好評,上週也來了喝東西。香港六月,白天熱到不行!不過隨著太陽下山,夜晚氣溫又變回正常,加上位處5樓的戶外位頗為當風,我們決定先坐室外位,邊把酒邊好好欣賞迷人的夜中環景致。這裡的支裝清酒並不便宜,但就有 Sake Combo ($290),這晚也來了一份試試。Combo 有三杯60ml tasting portion 的清酒,配上日本鰤魚他他,讓食客享受Wine & Dine的樂趣。我不是清酒迷,但這幾款清酒各有迷人之處,特別是配搭美食及優美環境,令人心神鬆馳。後來朋友們更轉到室內位繼續享用更多美食,不過甜魔媽媽還是走先一步,還要回家照顧兩隻呢。之後一週也有不少飲酒機會。遲些再慢慢分享~