各位,媽媽手握的froyo是不是很誇張呢 事緣數週前的週日,三口子返完教會後,在元朗找到一間任拉任筆Froyo店---位於阜財街的LiLi YoYo。據店員講,由於不少Froyo店搶攻元朗市場,身為元朗首間乳酪雪糕店的它,推出任拉任筆計劃來搶客!! 任拉任筆分為兩種大小,$25是長直身的小杯裝,$30則是較寬的大杯裝;而除了froyo任拉,店內所有配料也是任筆的,噱頭十足!如此優惠爸爸媽媽當然沒有錯過,經過試味(對,任拉計劃下店員仍然樂意提供試食,服務值得一讚),二人決定一定挑戰+分享大杯裝的。當日先爸爸先發功,率先拉了大量原味froyo打底!然後媽媽再向上發展,拉多約3吋高的藍莓味froyo,成品至少有7吋高,握在手裡沉甸甸的,十分勁爆;而在拉完froyo後,整杯可是滿得連配料也放不下,不過反正二人都是喜歡froyo多於配料,也沒所謂了!如以$15 / 100g的原價來計,這杯巨型froyo收費會高達$150左右,而現在只收$30,真是賣大包!! 然而優惠之下,吃得出froyo的乳酸味變稀了不少,講真是不太好吃的;而且少食多滋味,如此大杯吃多了還真悶,去到最後其實幾勉強了,可說是個好玩但不好吃的經歷。 然而任拉任筆Froyo始終是個新奇事兒,如人夠多又經開這一帶,也值得玩玩來過癮的!
元朗有得食yogurt梗係要試啦,$30 2個topping,唔係好平喎,試食左個綠茶味,唔得,就買原味啦!揀左玉米片加orea,一定無死,俾完錢,yogurt一上手,溶了!點解咁快既?味道非常一般,食時不停地溶,完全無口感。以佢既size,絕對唔值得!仲食得出唔係靚野,以我食左咁多間黎講,呢間一定係最差最搵笨。之後仲見到佢地有另一間分店,good luck 喇....
今日行過元朗, 見天氣好, 食返次1yogurt, 叫左一個大杅同女朋友share, 但唔知點解好快溶, 天氣又唔係話真係好熱ja, 個的生果就咁放係度唔夠新鮮, 而且最大問題係成30元一杯但份量好少唔夠食, 食2淡就冇哂服務都ok, 幾polite, 但唔知係咪近馬路邊, 我見到的toping cover有dust, 有少少噁心 ,因為yogurt係fresh的, 見到的黑色dust係上面下次要再來真係要諗諗
LiLi YoYo is the only brand of froyo shop in Yuen Long.I am a ''froyoholic'' and I live in YL,so this shop become my froyo canteen when I want to fufil my addiction to froyo,especially last few months I cannot always try froyo shops in other places in HK until my exam ended.When I first visited it,I thought it was quite tasty becoz I only tried few froyo shop before.Granola was crunchy but they stuck together.The dried grape was too hard.The size was large enough but $30 per cup was as expensive as those more famous froyo shop outside!Since this shop is near school,I usually visit there after school.There is a student discount of $5 per cup.The home-made crumbs was nice since the cinamon flavour was not too strong and it matched with the froyo.The above cup was the worst cup I ate there becoz the strawberry flavour froyo was not froyo at all!!!It was just strawberry ice-cream and tasted bad.ROLL 's strawberry froyo is much better than it.The pineapple were not fresh,it might be canned pineappleThe bear biscuit tasted weired and chocolate in the biscuit was hard.I think it had been put in the fridge for a long time.I also tried mango froyo before in LILI YOYO,it was better than strawberry one but it tasted like ice-cream more than froyo as well.Overall the froyo always melt quickly and not sour enough.So it is really of canteen's quality.Now my exam is over and I think I will not visit it these days.I'd rather travel further to visit shops in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island.
Been to many shops, most are very sweet and milky, and none uses real fresh yogurt. This one does, and i like the fact they are selling real products rather than selling yogurt flavoured ice cream.All the flavours are nice, i prefer original flavour, the next best is mango flavour. You can design your own favorite yogurt, i had a bit of original, mango, and strawberry. The pricing is very fair, its $25 for regular, they say its 150g of yogurt but they always give more, and added with toppings, the total can be well over 200g, so $25 for over 200g is good value!I will be buying one every time i go to Yuen Long!