
港铁會展站B1出口, 步行约6分钟 继续阅读
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Minato擅於融汇多种日本高级料理的技艺与风格,从铁板烧、厨师发办至怀石料理,以现代手法诠释传统工艺,且精妙地平衡两者,呈现沉浸性的高端餐饮体验。 继续阅读
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付宝 现金 美国运通 银联
自带酒水 详细介绍
徜徉港畔 海陸風味薈萃的全新餐飲概念

食记 (17)
等级4 2024-12-09
2958 浏览
🇭🇰Minato·Minato Teppanyaki $1488二人前佢午餐鐵板燒都幾抵食 每人$744 海鮮超級新鮮 超級大隻 好有誠意😍😍而且我地個日既廚師好彬彬有禮 燒既過程都好乾淨 好整齊👨‍🍳環境都好靚 好適合慶祝✨🥳·本地龍蝦 l 時令海鮮佢個本地龍蝦超級大隻 而且好新鮮 煮到岩岩好 好嫩 配埋個龍蝦膏 簡簡單單已經超級好食🦞之後佢個柚子味噌立鱗燒都好唔錯 佢個魚都係煮到超嫩 個皮都好夠脆 配埋個飲得既柚子味噌湯好夾🐟·美國特級牛肉 l 雜菜 l 炒飯之後肉類我哋嗌咗一個牛肉一個豬肉 我自己覺得佢個豬肉好味啲 因為佢肉質好軟嫩🐷而且佢燒到出邊金黃 配埋柚子胡椒鹽好夾😎😎之後個雜菜同埋炒飯師傅都炒得好香 兩個都好好食 尤其係加埋嗰個煎得好靚嘅太陽蛋 滿滿嘅蛋汁好正🍳·沙律 l 茶碗蒸 l 麵豉湯 l 甜品之後佢個茶碗蒸都好滑 入邊仲有啲柚子皮 所以好香🍋最後個甜品就有個卷蛋 食完好滿足🥰🥰··📍灣仔港灣道23號鷹君中心地下G4-G6號舖 继续阅读
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This recently opened Japanese restaurant is located at Great Eagle Centre in Wanchai, offering customers a range of sushi, teppanyaki, and kaiseki cuisine. We come here on a Tuesday evening, with the shoji designs at the door and exterior walls, as well as the art on display, getting me to wonder whether this is another of those restaurants prioritizing environment over food. With some trepidation, we go up the few steps, open the door, and enter into the reception area.  Here the staff welcomes us warmly and after checking our reservation, shows us through a side door into a room with a L-shaped hinoki sushi counter. The room is not very big and provides a cozy and intimate dining experience, with a familiar light wooden tone often adopted in sushi restaurants. There are two menus, and we have chosen Chef Premium Omakase ($1,588) which has more courses. We are served by Chef Kit on the day.To pair with the food, I have ordered a bottle of Noguchi Naohiko Sake Institute Yamahai Aiyama 農口尚彦研究所 山廃 愛山 無濾過生原酒 ($1,280). This sake from Ishikawa 石川県 has nice fruity notes, rich and also exhibiting nice acidity, making it vibrant and fresh, and suitable to pair with most of the food in the menu. I also applaud this restaurant for its reasonable markup so customers will feel more comfortable enjoying better quality sakes.The menu starts with some appetizers. In the cup is Mozuku 水雲 with a nice texture and good acidity from the vinegar marinade, highly appetizing. On the spoon the Goma-Dofu ごま豆腐 has rich sesame flavours, with the salmon roes adding a bit of savoury taste. The Satsuma-Imo さつま芋 is very sweet and soft, while the Shirako 白子 has creamy texture, seasoned with a bit of momiji oroshi and shredded shiso leaf. A nice assortment of small bites with good flavours.Following the appetizers are the sashimi. Chef Kit first takes out the Tai 鯛 which has been wrapped and marinated inside Sakura leaf, then rolling the thinly sliced seabream, one with menegi 芽葱, the other with Bafun-Uni 馬糞雲丹. The seabream is tender and with a delicate taste, with the flavours enhanced by the two additional ingredients in the roll. The other sashimi is Akagai 赤貝, with the ark shell very sweet and bouncy in texture.The next course features Chu-Toro 中とろ, with the chef cutting a slice of the medium fatty tuna and then season with a bit of sea salt and wasabi, plus a shiso leaf, before wrapped inside a nori sheet. The tuna has rich flavours, with the fish oil seeping out on bite but not excessive. The shiso leaf helps to reduce the overall fattiness as well.Then comes Tako 章魚, with the chef cutting sections of the tentacles of the octopus, which has been slow-cooked, resulting in great tenderness and easy to chew. The octopus has also been fully infused with the sauce. Good in taste. While the chef has provided a bit of yuzu sansho as condiment, I do not think it is necessary as the spiciness will over-dominate the whole dish.The fourth serving is Sawara 鰆. The chef first torches the skin to vitalize the fish oil and also give a bit of smoky flavours to the taste, with some deep-fried garlic, scallion, and myoga 茗荷 to season. The stronger taste condiments might be a bit more tailored towards the local palate, but it is not excessive. Delicious.The fifth course is the seasonal Sanma 秋刀, with the chef assembling the fillet into a flower shape, then adding shiso flowers, ginger, and scallion to complement. One of my favourite fish, the rich taste of the Pacific saury is memorable, and there are also a generous portion allowing me to enjoy to the full extent. This makes my day.The hot dish of the day is Grilled Unagi 鰻. Served steaming hot straight from the kitchen, the eel has a crispy skin, with the meat thick but did not dry out. Brushed with a unagi sauce which enhances the umami flavours, it is quite nice. And to offset the heavy body and stronger tastes, the chef has put a pickled myoga on the side to cleanse the palate.Coming to the part on sushi, there are 6 pieces overall, with the first being Shima-Aji 縞鯵. After kneading a sushi with the striped jack mackerel, the chef puts some finely chopped shallot marinated in yuzu vinegar on top to season. The more delicate taste is stimulated by the citrusy and acidity of the vinegar to wake up the palate again.The second piece of sushi is Buri 鰤, with the chef adding a bit of 三星漬 as condiment to the matured Japanese yellowtail. The fish is getting fatty so there is a good richness, and the slight spiciness of the pickles, plus the umami, offers robust and all-rounded flavours in this sushi.The third one is the prized Kuromutsu 黒鯥. The bluefish is a deep-water fish with good fattiness and rich flavours. The chef has torched the surface to vitalize the fish oil to enhance the fragrance further, and then add some grated karasumi 唐墨 on top, providing umami and a bit of saltiness as seasoning. Very good.The fourth piece is Botan-Ebi 牡丹蝦. After cleaning up the spot prawn the chef has prepared a paste from the prawn head to put that back on the sushi as condiment, combining the sweetness and softness of the prawn meat with the umami and intense flavours of the prawn tomalley.The fifth piece is O-Toro 大とろ, where the fatty tuna is tender and soft on the bite, having a good richness of fish oil. The chef shared that they do not put the tuna under a prolonged ageing process, and at most will only age for 3-4 days, to enrich the flavours but not to take the risk and also compromise the appearance.Next comes a sushi roll, with the chef scooping up a generous amount of Bafun-Uni 馬糞雲丹 and together with some shari, wrapped inside a nori sheet, presenting like an ice-cream cone. The sea urchin is sweet and without any weird taste, and while some people might not want the seaweed to mask the flavours, I have no issue at all.Before going to teppanyaki, I ask the chef for an additional Iwashi 鰯 sushi. Very rich in taste, the sardines take a lot of effort to remove the bones and might not be able to fetch a high price, so it is becoming less and less popular for restaurants to offer nowadays. This one certainly makes me satisfied and fulfilled.The Teppanyaki is Wagyu Beef from Miyazaki, nicely grilled with a caramelized surface while pinkish on the inside, tender and juicy. The beef is paired with a bit of rock salt along with some deep-fried garlic pieces on the side as condiment. We like this one as the beef is not too fatty, yet flavourful. The Tamagoyaki 玉子焼 is a fluffy egg omelette, made from mixing eggs with shrimp and other seafood. Not too sweet and quite nice.Instead of the usual miso soup, we are offered the soup in teapot. The clear dashi broth has an elegant fragrance, double-boiled together with maitake mushroom and some seafood. By adding a few drops of lime juice, the flavours are enhanced even further.Finally for dessert, it features the seasonal Japanese fruit of melon and persimmon. The melon is sweet and juicy, while the persimmon offers a nice crunchy bite.The overall experience is very casual and enjoyable, with the chef and staff interacting with us throughout the meal, and the food quality is also quite good. The bill on the night is a very reasonable $4,233 after a 15% discount as member of Brilliant by Langham. A nice place to enjoy Japanese cuisine, and next time will try out its teppanyaki. 继续阅读
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等级3 2025-02-26
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週末限定謎の三重奏便當每日限量二十份,便當以日本手工陶瓷工藝人手打造嘅三層球形瓷器盛裝,賣相精緻吸引,非常適合打卡。打開上層係四款時令刺身,選用時令食材刺身都係每日空運到港,每個便當嘅刺身款式都有少少唔同,每一款都係鮮味十足。中間有頂級A5宮崎和牛丼,牛肉粉嫩油脂十足,口感亦都相當軟滑,加埋蛋汁同燒肉汁拌飯味道更加豐富。下層就係油揚稻庭烏冬,烏冬食落清爽彈牙,簡簡單單為依個精緻嘅brunch作結。 继续阅读
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等级4 2025-02-18
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這間位於灣仔的日本餐廳,由朗廷酒店集團管理及營運,提供多元感官的日本料理。餐廳裝潢高雅精緻,環境寂靜和諧,大門充滿神秘感,完美體現日本美學設計。餐廳午市最新推出每日限量供應的謎の三重奏便當,由日本人手打造的三層球形瓷器盛裝,充分突顯日本傳統工藝有田燒的典雅質感。🇯🇵謎の三重奏便當 $438便當第一層為每日新鮮由日本魚產市場空運抵港的季節刺身,每個便當所供應的刺身款式均有所不同,營造如同盲盒一般散發美味的神秘感。 中層為A5宮崎和牛丼,嚴選頂級和牛的三角肉部位,肉質精瘦,油花分佈較低,牛味香濃,以慢煮方式將和牛製成外焦內粉嫩,配搭細膩的日本七星米及色澤明亮的太陽卵,驚豔味蕾。 底層為油揚稻庭烏冬,烏冬口感爽滑彈牙,自家製木魚高湯清鮮暖胃,配以日本油揚以吸收湯頭的鮮味,天作之合。 继续阅读
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喂喂喂,今次介紹返灣仔MINATO新推出嘅週末限定「謎の三重奏便當」俾大家!每日限量20份,手快有手慢冇呀!💨 用日本靚靚瓷器盛載住三層驚喜,好似拆盲盒咁款,真係令人充滿期待!🤩 第一層:刺身拼盤 — 新鮮空運,驚喜滿分!🐟🦐一打開最頂層,嘩!每日空運直送嘅新鮮刺身真係冇得輸!😍 今次我食到嘅有中拖羅、甜蝦、左口魚同黑鯥,款款都鮮甜肥美,特別係中拖羅,入口即溶,油香滿溢,真係正到痹!💯 擺盤都好有心思,顏色鮮艷,打卡一流📸!不過每日款式都唔同,真係好似抽獎咁,充滿驚喜!第二層:A5宮崎和牛丼 — 入口即化,幸福滋味!🥩🍚嚟到第二層,主角登場!✨ A5宮崎和牛丼,啲和牛切得薄薄一片,入口即化,肉汁豐富,油脂甘香,真係食到停唔到口!🤤 配埋特製醬汁同埋日式太陽卵,戳穿蛋黃嘅一刻,金黃色嘅蛋汁慢慢流出,撈埋啲和牛飯一齊食,真係人間美味!😋 份量啱啱好,唔會太膩,令人回味無窮!第三層:油揚稻庭烏冬 — 湯底清甜,烏冬彈牙!🍜最後一層係油揚稻庭烏冬,清甜嘅木魚湯底,配搭煙韌彈牙嘅稻庭烏冬,同埋吸滿湯汁嘅油揚,簡直係完美嘅配搭!👍🏻 食完前面兩層比較濃味嘅嘢,呢碗烏冬啱啱好可以清清味蕾,令成個餐飯更加平衡!😌總結:矜貴之選,值得一試!🌟總括嚟講,MINATO嘅「謎の三重奏便當」無論係食材、味道定係擺盤都非常出色!💯 每位$438,雖然價錢略貴,但絕對物有所值!👍🏻 每日限量20份,想試嘅朋友仔記得早啲book位啦!🔥 絕對係週末同朋友、另一半嘆個靚brunch嘅好選擇!💖📍 MINATO 地址:香港灣仔港灣道23號鷹君中心地下G4-G6號舖 營業時間:12:00-15:00、18:00-22:30 電話:2345-0663 #MINATO #謎の三重奏便當 #灣仔美食 #日本料理 #週末早午餐 #香港好去處 #相機食先 #食好西 继续阅读
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