港铁鰂鱼涌站 A 出口, 步行约4分钟
07:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 19:00
🥗 small salad (4 choices)Nood每日都有8款沙律選擇,日日都會轉款的,我曾經見過既有藜麥、羽衣甘藍、凱撒沙律、南瓜、青瓜、蕃茄、紅菜頭、豆。基本上藜麥同羽衣甘藍日日都會有,只係唔同調味。沙律嘅調味多數都係牛油果、紅菜頭、杏仁、羅勒、薄荷葉等等。沙律有大細揀,細既可選4款沙律,份量好足,店員壓得好實的,細都絕對夠飽,兼且好飽肚續航力好高。係好味既沙律,調味非常好。沙律類既食店,nood係我心目中首選,款又吸引,味道又好。中意食沙律記得試吓。
Have been craving for the chicken and guacamole wrap so i have decided to reward myself with the wrap plus the acai bowl after the daunting trx blast workout with my boyfriend.Having the lovely experience of the acai bowl in Maldives and Bali, we were disappointed by the acai bowl we had today.First, we ordered the classic but it doesnt look like a classic at all. As it tasted like the sesame one on their menu, and it lacks variety... we saw the staff putting frozen banana in it but not much of other ingredients. This costs us $75 which is very pricy.But we enjoyed the wrap after all. Will go for the wrap...
今日唔太肚餓想食salad做午餐記得公司附近有間外賣既salad店我揀左最細份量 4個choices $70其實都幾貴佢款式選擇唔多得8個種類選擇諗住最近成日出街食飯食d菜清下腸胃返到公司沖左杯熱茶嘆下😂我就揀左呢四款南瓜同蕃茄比較硬身我鐘意食林一點仲有揀左豆、青瓜如果唔大食既話都飽肚的我呢個都食唔哂我覺得味道一般食完唔會覺得好味到下次要再買囉🤣間唔中一次半次都ok既價錢貴一點始終健康食物會稍貴😊
Cold squeezed juice becomes popular these years. I tried a small cup of apple juice before and i really cant tell the different between the traditional one.Using the apps, i can get a bottle of free drink here. The queue was long before the redemption time. I chose Yin-Yang because of the reddish. However, i dont like the taste, the carrot and ginger flavour were too strong. i prefer to hv stronger apple,orange,lemon grass and lemon taste.My girlfriend chose All the Whey. It is very good. Since i like the coconet flavour. The texture is also amazing, very smooth and juicy. The vanilla taste was balaning the whole. I like it.
After my workout, I've been stopping by the nood bar to pick up a large Mint Chocolate Protein Shake which is advertised to have 45g of protein. One day, I noticed that the server only put in one scoop of Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein which is only 24g of protein (I know because this is what I drink at home). I asked her what the standard was and she said it was 1.5 scoops so she added another half scoop. However, this is still only 36g of protein which is only 80% of what was shown on the menu. Second time I ordered and a different server told me the same thing which is only 1.5 scoops. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but this is wrong and the recipe needs to be changed because this is clearly false advertisement. I have been ordering this drink for the past two years and I have been getting ripped off every single time. Make sure you check you check how much protein powder your server is adding!