2012-08-22 190 浏览
Artisan bread愈來愈流行, 連bakery café也在這陣子火紅起來, 不論在什麼地區,總有一間在左近! 偶然下得知上環開了一間新包店, 很好奇它如何融合日本及斯堪那維亞半島的創作風格, 令麵包糕點與藝術相配合, 可惜與外籍老闆只有很短的閒談. 說實在, 什麼那維亞半島 (Scandinavia), 要查一下才知道位於歐洲西北角, 橫恆於挪威和瑞典兩個國家之間, 不知道有什麼特色, 也不管是否一貫的宣傳, 於我來說質素最重要, 再精緻或講究也及不上味道, 所以我抱擁著一股對麵包的熱忱, 決定一試! 普慶坊? 哈哈, 我雖然對港島區一帶絕不陌生, 但要找到這條街道確實不容易, 經歷了好一段長征路才完成任務喔! 好, 回到主題之上, 未抵達之前, 已有心理準備包店是走高檔路線的, 真的, 整個店舖很有格調, 那種把麵包融入藝術的氛圍頗濃, 但相反地, 一般人未必認同, 而且價格偏高令人有點卻步! 我到訪了兩次, 不少款式也有品嚐過, 先說我欣賞的出品: Sultana: Sultana本身指青色小葡萄乾, 這個經烘焗後變得深色, 成為golden raisins似的, 份量
Artisan bread愈來愈流行, 連bakery café也在這陣子火紅起來, 不論在什麼地區,總有一間在左近! 偶然下得知上環開了一間新包店, 很好奇它如何融合日本及斯堪那維亞半島的創作風格, 令麵包糕點與藝術相配合, 可惜與外籍老闆只有很短的閒談. 說實在, 什麼那維亞半島 (Scandinavia), 要查一下才知道位於歐洲西北角, 橫恆於挪威和瑞典兩個國家之間, 不知道有什麼特色, 也不管是否一貫的宣傳, 於我來說質素最重要, 再精緻或講究也及不上味道, 所以我抱擁著一股對麵包的熱忱, 決定一試! 普慶坊? 哈哈, 我雖然對港島區一帶絕不陌生, 但要找到這條街道確實不容易, 經歷了好一段長征路才完成任務喔!

好, 回到主題之上, 未抵達之前, 已有心理準備包店是走高檔路線的, 真的, 整個店舖很有格調, 那種把麵包融入藝術的氛圍頗濃, 但相反地, 一般人未必認同, 而且價格偏高令人有點卻步! 我到訪了兩次, 不少款式也有品嚐過, 先說我欣賞的出品:
Sultana: Sultana本身指青色小葡萄乾, 這個經烘焗後變得深色, 成為golden raisins似的, 份量極豐富, 每一口也充斥juicy的提子, 味道清甜, 加上麵包很有texture, 密度很高, 看似很raw很粗糙, 但其實筋度剛剛好, 十分有口感, 愈吃愈有風味, 真的不錯! 另一款我很喜歡的是Oolong Fig. 其實用無花果做麵包一點不是新鮮事, 這裡以烏龍茶作麵包, 但不突出, 我反而喜歡無花果的美味, 可能由於fig本身含糖量高, 所以不用加上其他配料, 簡單的配搭就帶出一種香甜, 這或許是用oolong的原因吧!

這裡還有店方推薦的loaf, 他們說因為所有麵包現場天然製作, 沒有用上任何防腐劑之類, 不能保存, 所以當天即吃最佳. 我試了其中兩款: Madame chengOolong, 前者是豆漿而後者是烏龍茶, 兩者中我prefer前者, 有層很淡薄的豆香味. 雖則說以天然健康作賣點, 也因為dairy-free吧, 但說實在我覺得味道太light, 特別是烏龍, 茶味不能滲透出來, 整體很平淡, 有點失望…loaf的texture是可以接受的, 不要期望是那種很軟熟有彈性的方包, 外表較硬身, 而氣孔是可以的, 有種綿密感覺, 雖然整體上我試過不少更好的, 但始終不能與一般的作比較吧!
另外, 有我自己很喜愛的bagel, 所以買了bagel marricot. 據說bagel是一位維也納的猶太麵包師傅, 用經過酵母發酵的麵粉團所做的, 我喜歡的bagel正是一種外皮烤得硬脆, 而裡面麵包味道則特別濃, 而且質地煙韌, 紮實帶有嚼勁的, 可惜這裡的不對我的口味, 沒有嚼勁, 又吃不出是什麼味道, 即使低脂、低膽固醇、低發酵, 但真的太普通了, 味道上沒有層次, 想必定要配合材料同吃, 才能帶出一種變化吧!

我也是sourdough的忠實fans, 這裡的sourdough款式很少, 買了Agne sourdough 1/2, 但也要索價$60…是肉痛, 不過想試便沒有手軟! 我喜歡一種獨特的微酸, 是真正天然酵母麵包, 烘烤時間剛剛好, 表面挺身, 麵包中間仍保有濕潤度, 所以用手指頭壓下去也能使其回彈, 有外脆內軟的口感, 整體上是不錯的!

Olive vert是另外一款罕有之選, 超脆身, 用上green olive, 味道濃烈芳香, 怕olive的可能受不了! 但我反而覺得咸咸的, 味道絕無半絲苦澀, 顆粒細小而容易入口, 是挺fresh又crispy的口感, 可以一試! 想品嚐脆身口感的, 還有類似baguette外型的Po’s classic, 小的$14, 大的$28, 應該是麥包加法式長棍的fusion版, 味道可以接受, 不會太乾涸, 但我又覺得不太特別吧!
如果想試一些 “小型麵包系列”, 有Pruneaux au PortoChampignon, 但我確實不建議買, 十分pricy, 味道又一般, not worthy! 我只有麵包名字而忘記分別是什麼餡料, 所以先說其中一個以mushroom作餡的吧, 菇味很香但份量少, 而且沒有任何汁或其他調味?? 好像plain得有點那個…另一款是prune吧, 甜度夠, 但不太特別, 有兩粒而已, 可能是來自某種貴價的西梅?? 不好意思, 我見識太少又不專業, 不太能吃出分別來…

最後, 單純以味道而論, 我有很多更好的選擇; 以價格而論, 實在會質疑它的物非所值, 但我想有朋友會總會心思思想一試, 心底一句話, 我想支持一下那種細緻的用心! 這裡的出品很像精品, 真的像把麵包融入藝術之中, 是刻意把不一樣的精緻帶給大家吧! 我不認為它的artisan bread怎樣出色, 所以寫這個食評是有點難度的, 不知怎麼說比較公平…但總覺得麵包是有靈魂的, 看著他們很用心的製作, 吃下去會加分吧! (我的私心作怪! ^^)

p.s.不知老闆會否看到這個review, 應該說看不懂中文吧, 哈哈! 其實想特別感謝那免費贈送的ginger Danish, 是當天的today’s special, 薑味不太濃, 甜甜的, 味道很特別! (Special thanks to that fabulous danish!) 喜歡danish的朋友, danish很鬆脆, 作為小吃也不錯的!
Outlook...Elegant! Like a secret garden? ^^
147 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言
Sultana $45
113 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言
Oolong Fig $50
136 浏览
0 赞好
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Madame cheng $35
83 浏览
0 赞好
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Oolong loaf $40
87 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言
bagel marricot $15
100 浏览
1 赞好
0 留言
Agne sourdough 1/2 $60
125 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言
Forgot the name...( with prune) $20
98 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言
Free ginger danish (original price $20?)
124 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言
attractive bakery display...
236 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言
Open kitchen...
216 浏览
0 赞好
0 留言
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
5 分钟 (外卖自取)
Outlook...Elegant! Like a secret garden? ^^
Sultana $45
Oolong Fig $50
Agne sourdough 1/2 $60
Free ginger danish (original price $20?)
attractive bakery display...
Open kitchen...
2012-08-13 141 浏览
Sheung Wan is already lucky enough to have a couple of great bakeries and cafes, and now we have the newest kid on the block - Po's Atelier. Situated at the corner of Po Hing Fong, the bakery draws inspiration from the street name for its namesake. I initially thought the owner is someone called Po! It is a very simple bakery with a gorgeous, Japanese-inspired sliding front door. The bread and goods are all behind a glass counter. There is an understated simplicity in the design of the bakery wh
Sheung Wan is already lucky enough to have a couple of great bakeries and cafes, and now we have the newest kid on the block - Po's Atelier.

Situated at the corner of Po Hing Fong, the bakery draws inspiration from the street name for its namesake. I initially thought the owner is someone called Po!

It is a very simple bakery with a gorgeous, Japanese-inspired sliding front door. The bread and goods are all behind a glass counter. There is an understated simplicity in the design of the bakery which I suspect is what makes this place such a gem.

The owners, Jonathon and Vincent, are brilliant - they took the time to explain to me what the different breads are. I was especially interested in the cute little loaves with quirky names: Madam Cheng, Oolong and AOP. Madam Cheng is made of soy milk and so has no dairy. Oolong is also dairy-free but uses Oolong tea oil (or something close to that). I tried a bit of the Oolong and the tea taste is very, very subtle. I'm not sure if anyone can actually taste it. Perhaps if they use a stronger tea base such as Earl Grey the tea can shine through better?

My favourte is AOP, which stands for a French butter that they use in the bread. AOP is more like a Brioche, and it is incredibly light with a flaky crust. Simply divine. I bought one and ate it within an hour, and then went back to the bakery for another one!

The other bread I tried was the Oolong Fig bread. If I remember correctly, it consists of 40% figs which gave the bread a very interesting texture and natural sweetness. Try it lightly toasted with a drizzle of honey - sublime.

I wanted to try the Chocolate Danish but unfortunately it was sold out by the time I got to the bakery.

I understand that there will be a cafe at the back of the bakery opening soon, and I can't wait for the opening. It is situated at such a unique location on a quiet street; along with the likes of Cafe Loisl and Teakha, this 'hood is totally spoilt for choice when it comes to a perfect brunch spot!
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
  • AOP
  • Oolong fig