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食记 (161)
等级1 2025-02-01
322 浏览
話說今日年初三赤口,我哋一行五人行完山後四圍搵嘢食,機緣巧合搵到呢一間不起眼嘅餐廳,見到食評都唔錯,就決定揸車過去大美督試一試。餐廳本身係由村屋簡單改裝而成,裏面佈置及燈光(用白燈)其實不是吸引,非常一般,我哋到達後,有一位著住廚師服飾嘅仁兄非常熱誠招呼我哋入座,仲介紹咗好多不同嘅菜式俾我哋嘗試,最後我哋order咗佢為我哋度身訂造嘅海鮮沙律,同埋幾款主菜,除咗蒜蓉包外,仲送埋大蒜椰菜花忌廉湯俾我哋,食完發覺佢哋嘅食物很有水準及用心製作,烹調技巧媲美大酒店水準,非常好味,而價錢又十分平民化,我哋個個食得好開心,所以超讚👍及值得推介。 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-12-20
835 浏览
這家西餐小店,雖然沒有漂亮的裝潢,也不是打卡餐廳,但勝在服務和出品都非常用心,價錢合理,值得推薦!午市套餐有即叫即煮熱的餐湯,搭配免費的脆口蒜蓉包,加上一道主菜及飲品,價錢百頭,車泊門口,是一家有誠意經營的小店,下次來大尾督應該會再次光顧。P.S.好似只有假日才提供下午茶。 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-12-04
1046 浏览
Making the most of today’s exceptional weather, we planned a road trip this afternoon all the way from HK Island to Tai Mei Tuk (TMT) and Bride’s Pool. Our last visit there was probably two decades ago. The ride on Ting Kok Road was remarkably pleasant as, aside from the smooth traffic, the road was lined with lush trees and vibrant foliage. Having parked our car near TMT Village, we consulted Open Rice and learnt about this “hidden gem”, R&Y’s International Cuisine. It did take a while for us to “locate” the bistro, which, unlike other restaurants in the area, had no big pull-up banners showing their menus. At the front door, we were greeted by two nice ladies and later we found out they were mother and daughter. Seated, we were presented with two menus - one serving lighter dishes and the other a fuller meal. In the end we chose two sets - one with slow-roasted free range chicken and one with prawn spaghetti in creamy white wine sauce. The lunch set started with a well-seasoned salad serving a good variety of veggies, which was followed by toasted baguette and flavourful creamy soup. Seeing that we were enjoying the crispy buttered toasts so much, the young lady asked if we would like more, adding that customers could ask for as many as they wished. We thanked her and said we would like to save “space” for the main course. In a few minutes, the main dishes were served. The presentation of both was appealing. As we tucked in, we were amazed by the moist and juicy texture of the slow-roasted chicken and the creaminess and flavours of the spaghetti. Probably our contentment was so obvious that the older lady came and asked if it was our first visit to the restaurant and continued to offer a bit of its history, the essence of which was that the family had lived in France for twenty years and returned to start a bistro in TMT village where they could keep dogs and the dad could continue to do what he liked and excelled in. How amazing! When we left, the chef came out and thanked us for our coming. The two set meals which cost $320+ were exceptionally good value for money especially considering the quality, the serving, the service and the serene external environment. Frankly we did not expect western meals of such quality to be served at such reasonable prices in a bistro in a remote village in Hong Kong. We have just returned from trips to Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe. By today’s standard, R&Y’s International Cuisine is absolutely comparable to their counterparts in the said Japanese cities. 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-10-19
1326 浏览
出去食嘢,有好多感覺都因為你自己嘅心情因素而導致你對一間餐廳加分或者減分,最少我認為一般食客係咁。我唔係白老師又唔係安成宰,所以都比較唔太客觀及專業,不過睇完黑白後,對食嘢有啲新衝勁。香港,究竟邊度有黑湯匙?上網look過下,再靠第六感決定嚟呢間。去到菜單唔多選擇!good!經歷話我知菜單得幾樣嘅厨佢手勢及心態通常都唔會差得去邊。再睇下唔同菜嘅款式造法同定價,我感覺個厨對於pasta及用cream有啲信心。(再加上樓面可以講係完全0裝修,入到去我都知應該無選擇錯)結果,由第一度嘅Salad有8種唔同嘅蔬果加butter beans夾埋加了少少heat嘅dressing,因為明顯蔬果一定係今早去買,水份非常充足,食落真心好食過4 seasons那個。第二度係個soup of the day,來了個白色乜都無嘅白湯,waitresses放咗即磨黑椒。外表毫無特別,那時無乜為意,就好似在其他餐廳一樣,放一匙羹湯入口,你唔會太專心去等待佢會比到啲咩味道你…… 點知第一口就!Jesus!嘩! 我無出聲,我等太太都飲一啖先講嘢。佢望住我,我哋一齊講,我飲緊咩? 超好味! 係松露,但係白松露? 啲解個湯咁香又咁light 一啲都唔似其他地方嘅? 有啲令我想起之前在意大利飲過嘅味道but better。呢個湯個cream應該唔會係就就咁落,一定處理過。但我真係唔係專業,所以我哋只覺得超好味。Main我太太叫了個大蝦意粉,又係,佢個cream base真係做得好新鮮又好light,that’s excellent! (好多字了,唔寫咁多,真係要自己去試)之後,試佢甜品,今日係普通嘅chess cake,但結果我哋再加叫多一件。佢啲有奶或有cream 嘅嘢真係好唔錯!P.s. 我正餐食了羊扒,當然唔錯,但因為其他都好WOW,羊扒係好,但就無了個Wow factor了。 如果燒件炭,滴少少油上去,在上碟前smoke佢1分鐘,我就又會多一個wow factor了!我雖然唔係做飲食,但自己好鍾意食,又投資過幾間餐廳,近年自己又煮下,今次寫咁多字,因為,呢間餐廳真係值得我寫。我哋估,呢一間餐廳,應該係由一個厨師自己出嚟開,不主打環境,只係要幾個位就入厨房下厨do what he does best! 我留意到,雖然地方細細,佢唔會只著一件Tshirt ,佢會著住正規白色西厨衫,呢個respect 自己嘅態度,好值得支持! 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-08-28
1703 浏览
那天我和家人到R&Y食午餐,我和對面的食 客都叫了一碟芝士大蝦意粉。首先,以他和 服務員的言行也知道,對面的食客是熟客來 的,而因為某些原因,我們兩個的芝士大蝦意粉一直延遲,最奇怪的是居然服務員跟他們 道歉,卻不給我們道歉!之後居然服務員先給他意粉,再要我們等待!?!!?我就很疑惑:「明明是我們先叫意粉和先到餐廳的,為什麼他們偏偏給對面,而不是給我們先!?」就此我覺得他們服務素質有點問 題!最後,食物雖然是美味,但是吃完就是有點不舒服(心不舒服)。 继续阅读
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