港铁中环站 H 出口, 步行约4分钟 继续阅读
Members only ; Dress code : Lunch : Business wear Evening : Smart Causal
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
食记 (4)
⭐️評分:8.5/10-✳️乳豬飯 👍👍👍濃郁的油香味🤤慾罷不能✳️Olive Oil魷魚 👍👍雖然表面油油的但毫無油膩感魷魚爽身彈牙香口❗️推介-✳️蒜油炒蜆 蒜香味撲鼻,蜆肉有海鮮甜香-✳️Steak 牛扒❌❌比較乾身而且偏薄超失望,不太能接受😵‍💫😵‍💫-✳️海鮮飯 👍飯底吸收海鮮的鹹香鮮味濃縮成每粒飽滿的米粒-✳️半隻乳豬 👍👍外脆內軟🤤乳豬兩大大塊更有豐富口感-✳️蛋撻 👍👍👍必須吃!濃烈蛋和奶香味質感綿密順滑-✳️鱈魚 👍肉質軟熟,但薯仔作為配角卻更誇人🤤😂😂-✳️雞扒 👍肉質軟熟入味,帶淡淡焦香味-✳️他他 👍👍軟熟柔滑-✳️山羊芝士、無花果沙津 👍濃郁奶香,清新爽口-✳️炸蟹餅 👍外脆內軟,蟹肉鹹鮮味齒頰留香--⭐味道 9/10⭐️特色 9.5/10⭐️環境 9/10⭐️服務 9.5/10⭐️賣相 7.5/10 继续阅读
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等级4 2021-11-10
4158 浏览
My first time having Portuguese 🇵🇹 cuisine in Hong Kong and their bold flavours, use of fresh ingredients and hearty combinations definitely left a lasting impression.The chic simple design of its interior radiated an air of elegance while the dark orange sofas and large yellow lamps kept the environment cozy and relaxed. 🦪Fresh oysters fine de claire N.2I love raw oysters with just a tiny squeeze of lemon 🍋. Refreshing with a mild sweetness, perfect way to start a meal! 🦐Bisque de Camarão - Shrimp bisqueThis was a real delight as well. Extremely rich in terms of flavour (probably made with a good number of quality shrimp heads😍) yet light in consistency, being more of a clear shrimp broth than a creamy soup. With me being more a fan of clear broth than creamy chowders, this was perfect 😉 🥔Caldo Verde - Potato & kale soup If you love a creamy satiating soup, this would totally be your gem. Such a warm and comforting dish, topped with sliced chorizos for an extra kick of flavour. And if you aren’t a fan of kale, don’t worry because I would have no idea there was kale in the soup had it not been for the name of dish! 🥘Arroz de Marisco - Seafood riceA comforting dish of warm hearty flavours. The rice was soaked in a beautiful seafood broth and topped with a variety of fresh seafood. The tiger prawn was for sure the most memorable, it a lovely sweet briny flavour and a very bouncy texture.😍 Getting it out of its shell did require some skilful manoeuvring though🙈 This was also served boiling hot and so hot even after a solid 10 minutes that my tongue felt a bit fiery after the first bite.😂🥩Bife de Costela Grelhado - Grilled Argentina ribeye 12 ozBeautifully executed medium rare steak, with a delightful smokey chargrill accent to its moist tender texture. Had no idea Portuguese restaurants also specialise in steaks! 继续阅读
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等级4 2021-08-06
3450 浏览
今日朋友請我去Club Lusitano26/F餐廳fine dining午餐。餐廳環境舒適,窗外望到中環和半山,寫意。餐廳服務貼心。朋友發辦,選了些較健康的菜。前菜炸沙甸魚香脆,好味有營。香橙牛油果生菜沙律健康又美味。西班牙海鮮飯一流,是我最近吃過最出色的,飯內有鮮甜美味的大虎蝦,青口,班片,帶子和八爪魚。飯充滿海鮮和茄汁香料味,好正! 法國生蚝鮮美。麵包超好食,吃完一籃又一籃。飯後來杯二十年的葡萄牙波特酒,香甜好飲,酒不醉人人自醉! 再吃杯餐廳自家製開心果雪糕,大滿足! 继续阅读
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Club Lusitano 已有過百年歷史,座落中環核心地段,Sala Leal Senado 是有名的葡國餐廳,一直想去試試。今晚有幸能光顧,果然名不虛傳,吃了一頓美味滿足的晚飯。餐廳座位不多,地方雖小但環境優美舒適,侍應服務殷勤有禮,可惜疫情期間大家也戴上口罩,遮蓋了親切的笑容。Rocket Salad w/ goat cheese, fig, cured ham - 火箭菜很新鮮,無花果清甜且份量不少,goat cheese 軟滑加上火腿的鹹香,提升了整個沙律的味道。Crab meat with wasabi mayo & avocado - 非常推介這個頭盤,蟹肉鮮味,配上微辣的芥末醬和清香的牛油果,還有幾片薄薄的radish ,配合得很好,而且蟹肉份量比想像中多。Grilled Sardines - 吃葡國菜必定會選這道菜,沙甸魚燒得香口,沒有腥味,連同薯仔和蔬菜,小吃的女士可作為主菜了。Grilled Portuguese black pig - 侍應推介這個葡式燒黑毛豬,據說這個黑毛豬是吃素的,飼養環境衛生,烹調至七成熟也可以安心食用。猶豫了片刻,還是選擇試一試。賣相有點像牛肉,雖然不是西班牙燒豬般軟腍,豬肉有點「咬口」,但味道也不錯,真的很特別。Arroz De Pato (duck rice) - 這個焗鴨飯也是侍應推介的,鴨肉肉質嫩,飯先用湯料煑過再焗,比較腍,焗飯吸收了鴨肉的鮮味,味道不錯,個人認為多放些chorizo 便更惹咪。 飯後來個cheese board 和 port wine 真是很好的享受,這裡的餐酒價錢相宜,真的要多飲幾杯了。 继续阅读
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