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終呢間店主打唔同口味日式刨冰🇯🇵🍧一到秋天就轉menu~用1舊水食1舊水💸,大家又覺得值唔值呢🤣? -1️⃣「Hokkaido Pumpkin (w/ sweet potato🎃🍠($100) 」-膽粗粗抱住試伏嘅心態試,點知唔伏!個醬好creamy,食到底都仲有醬👍🏻食落紫薯味好真,南瓜味好香,係天然甜味嘅感覺👻✨中間有脆脆餅碎🍪,加上南瓜子同Oreo做topping,口感好豐富,但定價真係有d進取😭💸-Unexpectedly, this Japanese slaved ice is really good and multi-textured. The ice is served with creamy sweet potato and pumpkin sauce, with crushed biscuits inside and topped with pumpkin seed. However, it is quite expensiveTT
1️⃣「Hokkaido Pumpkin (w/ sweet potato🎃🍠($100) 」
Unexpectedly, this Japanese slaved ice is really good and multi-textured. The ice is served with creamy sweet potato and pumpkin sauce, with crushed biscuits inside and topped with pumpkin seed. However, it is quite expensiveTT
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