港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 D1 出口, 港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 L1 出口, 港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 N5 出口 继续阅读
09:30 - 21:45
09:30 - 21:45
09:30 - 21:30
09:30 - 21:45
09:30 - 21:45
09:30 - 21:45
Visa Master 现金
Live Music
食记 (8)
Got the munchies late at 10pm and threw caution to the wind. Deliveroo ratings seemed decent and I couldn’t wait.Big mistake.The palak paneer should have been the star of the show but felt like a cruel joke. This messy stain of a curry was underwhelming from the moment of its plastic box unveiling. Like Bruce Lee, it moved like water. Suspicions raised, we tentatively spooned some into our hungry mouths. Silence. We tried some chicken tikka masala. Decent flavour combination and a little kick. Trepidation turned into murmurs of gentle approval. But alas, too early.An unsavoury sensation lingered uncomfortably in the mouth and throat. It was my first experience of an oil-based curry. It wasn’t nice.In today’s world of facts and alternative facts, there is one truth I believe we can all agree on: Sher-E-Punjab Indian Restaurant enjoys oil.To be fair, I like oil too. Who doesn’t? It’s an escalator to flavour. Anyway, it’s not like I ordered a wrap from Mana. I do like a curry.Maybe Sher-E-Punjab Restaurant is a culinary pioneer in using oil as a core ingredient instead of just a coating. And maybe there is no to worry about bourgeois ideals like moderation and good food. Unfortunately, colourful grease for the masses ended up being my order of the day. I’m not ok with that. And I don’t think you would be too. In the spirit of fairness, I will add that the garlic naan was not great, but passable. Small mercies I guess.You have been warned. 继续阅读
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等级1 2019-02-12
903 浏览
This restaurant has multiple entries in Openrice, all belong to the same name with minor changes in the address. Now the horrible part, ordered some samosas as take-away from this place, had to wait 20 mins before getting the delivery (should have realized then something was fishy). The samosa itself looked stale, a few days old, deep fried again to suppress the smell from the inner stuffing. All of them had gone bad and had to throw them off. I am surprised such eateries get through the food inspection without any issues. Their food cam make you sick, very sick. My request to any of the HK food inspectors out there, please do a stringent check of such eateries, they thrive on unhygienic practice. 继续阅读
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等级1 2017-04-22
1219 浏览
We love Indian food.  but it has been probably the most disappointing experience of this kind. this restaurant is better to be forgotten about. After we tasted it my friend said that food had no Indian flavours. We ordered a menu for 338 HKD and another couple of dishes.. so we tasted something like 8 items on the menu.Unfortunately I wouldn't want to eat any of them again.The starter were almost okay  in flavour (but just okay) but you can taste they were not fresh. The samosa wasn't just friend or the tandoori chicken wasn't just made that day. they were just heated up.The two curries they were one of the worse I ever tasted. Bland, in one all you could taste was gloves and the other had no flavour at all, I felt I was eating boiled and old chickpeas.Garlic naan and plain naan were okay but I have tasted much better. I love cooking, I eat out a lot too but usually I don't write online reviews but I decided to write this to avoid to Indian food lovers a big disappointment and wait money in a place like this. 继续阅读
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I tried food at Sher-E-Punjab with my 5 friends and it was TOTAL disappointmentwe have to sit in arcade lobby and it was hot afternoonwe order chilled beer and 3 mango lassi 2 Chiken Tikka masala,        2   mutton biryani and2  plain  and 3  garlic naan Beer were not chilled mango lassi was too sweet......horrible, Chicken was smelly may be not fresh Mutton Biryani had a funny smell It wasn't mutton it didn't taste my mutton........only thing we find good  was garlic naan ......... my 2 friends refuse to eat mutton biryani after that funny smell.....what a HORRIBLE Experience 继续阅读
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等级2 2010-12-20
1050 浏览
每次去重慶大廈總要避開一個接一個的熱情南亞裔人, 他們像地產經紀般手持單張, 咭片蜂擁遞過來, 初次實在有點怕, 現在習慣了, 通常我光顧3 樓某間, 今次朋友推介1 樓這間, 其實坐位只擺放在走廊兩旁, 算不上餐廳, 屬於快餐店格局, 吊扇, 摺枱加靠背椅, 食客全是南亞裔人, 剎那彷如置身外地, 環境尚算乾淨, 難得不太嘈, 可以傾計, 但不適合大顆人去, 全是2至4人位, 雖然店子小小, 但餸莱款式多達六, 七十種, 我們二人點了以下: 印度燒烤雞半隻-------------用鐵板熱辣辣的送來, 好香!雞件表面乾身, 色澤帶橙, 有少少濃黑邊, 一共四件是下裝, 雞肉爽滑有肉汁, 啖啖肉, 鹹鹹辣辣加陣陣烤肉味, 還有少許洋葱, 甘筍絲配料, 好惹味, 值得一試!巴辣羊肉----------------------一碟橙啡色醬汁浸住d 羊肉, 印度餸多數汁多肉少, 另附上少許紫洋葱片, 羊肉切小件方便挾烤包, 汁屬中辣帶鹹, 羊肉入味唔蘇, 稔得來有些少咬口, 但加紫洋葱片一起吃就更辣兼搶喉, 或者我吃不慣, 這個配飯或烤包算不錯。烤麥包-------------------------看似簡單但並非間間好吃, 暖烘烘的, 跟一小碟青色醬汁, 包烤得算平均, 不會太濃, 有麵粉香味, 近邊位有d 脆口,中間一兩層軟綿中帶點口勁, 都幾有層次ga, 無論淨食, 挾餡或索汁都好味!! 唯獨青色醬汁唔啱我口味。青檸梳打----------------------鹹, 甜各一杯, 雖然見不到青檸, 但都有酸味, 少冰但夠凍夠氣, 我喜歡甜味, 解辣比較好, 鹹味配甜味餸莱可能會好d。 大部份價錢由$30.至$50.有羊, 雞, 蝦, 魚, 蔬菜類, 是次消費2 人一共$142., 下次我會試set lunch $35. 抵食d 樣樣有d, 招呼算唔錯, 上菜快又夠熱, 還主動問我們啱唔啱食,。 注意; 夏天來可能會熱。 继续阅读
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