港铁香港站 C 出口, 步行约8分钟 继续阅读
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 01:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 银联
Mixed Bbq,hot&cold mezzes,Turkish dumpling,Pides,
食记 (9)
等级4 2019-12-13
877 浏览
Summary: Another good middle eastern restaurant in a prime Central location, priced accordingly. Standout service and tasty dishes that are just about worth what they charge. Find a deal before you visit and ask if they can give you a deal on wine corkage; we left happy and full.I love middle eastern food – I can’t say I know it well enough to differentiate clearly between Turkish/Lebanese/Israeli but they’re all delicious and I’m thrilled whenever anyone suggests going. For Thanksgiving we decided to try Sultans Table, which I had been to previously when they were on Arbuthnot Rd and loved it. My friend had a 25% voucher off from an app,  so we were totally set for a giant meal.When I opened the menu, I admit I had a bit of sticker shock… Middle eastern food is generally quite affordable, and all the mains here were surprisingly over 220$ HKD, with many far over. Note that this is before the 25% off voucher, and the servings are pretty large, and come with a ton of sides (rice, fries, bulgur, chopped salad etc). I’d probably recommend 2 mains for every 3 people eating - we had so much rice and fries left over. There are also a lot of interesting looking baked items that i didn't get to order that are cheaper as well. I'd say the pricing overall, while it seems high, is maybe just 10-15% over what I'd pay at full price.The service is really terrific, they help out with whatever you need and are very engaging and friendly. I asked them about corkage before  we went, and he gave us a good deal for bringing couple of bottles. Amusingly he asked us at the end of the night if we could write an honest review on Openrice, as they don't get a lot of reviewers... i was going to do it anyway.Here's the menu:Lots of choices as you can see, and we didn't even get to try the burgers and pides.Here's what we had:Little Little in the MiddleVariety Mezze Platter - the Muhamarra was the only surprise for me (quite light and spicy), and oddly there's no hummus, but these are always delicious with good bread, which they offer. I will say that i felt the blocks of Feta and the Haydari (yogurt and cream cheese dip) were a bit boring; would have liked more unusual or complex dips. Home-Made Turkish DumplingsMuch chewier, with thicker skins than Asian dumplings. Quite delicious in the yogurt sauce thoughFeta Cheese Salad (no picture) - basically what you'd expect, but a nice change from all the meatAdana KebabAdana kebabs are amazing, and this one doesn't disappoint. Very lamb-y with all that delicious sumac and cumin coming through each bite. I like this dish to be a bit spicier (this one was very mild), but with the addition of the bulgur as a side, this  is a must-order.Minced Kofte with HummusSome people loved this, but to me they were a bit rubbery. While i'm sure they are homemade, it tasted kind of mass-produced. I was not a huge fan but we polished these off easily as a table.Beef Tenderloin FilletTheir centerpiece, and they absolutely make a huge show of it, slicing it in front of you, (very salt-bae vibe), sizzling it on a hot plate with a ton of butter, and serving it with lots of grilled veg and mushroom sauce. I didn't try it, but i heard the edges were bit over-grilled and tough, though the middle was perfectly medium rare and tender. The problem is that tenderloin isn't a particularly tasty cut of beef, so some extra salt was needed. At 888, it's actually not a bad value (if you ordered JUST this for 3 people, it'd be a full meal), but i'm not sure it pays off all the butter and showmanship. Give it a shot, but don't expect crazy flavor.Overall, I liked Sultans table. The food is nothing revolutionary but is solid, and with all the deals we had, it ended up less than 300 each with way too much food and leftovers for everyone. Places like Bedu or Francis are more experimental and modern, but for the classic Middle Eastern staples (and excellent bread!), Sultan's Table is a good choice (see if you can get a deal before you go though). 继续阅读
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Celebrated my birthday last night with my bf and two best friends. This place was recommended by a friend, we were told that they have really good Turkish and Mediterranean food. And it was not disappointing at all! Food was absolutely delicious. The owner and all staff were extremely helpful and friendly. For my birthday, they played a really funky Turkish style birthday song and it was hilarious. The great food, great atmosphere, great service made it a really enjoyable time. We all loved the place and said we will for sure come back again. I don’t normally write reviews, but this place deserves one 继续阅读
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等级2 2019-10-22
237 浏览
一直對土耳其菜不認識,亦沒有甚麼期待,但今晚真的改觀了。今晚慶祝 in-law 生日食飯,本來以為D中東燒烤肉會好乾好硬,點知原來係好好吃,soft and juicy ,燒得啱啱好,再加上個奶酪醬汁,真係好fresh! 餐廳老闆係土耳其人,佢好友善及健談,一邊介紹食物,一方面介紹土耳其文化,搞到我哋食完即刻想去土耳其玩! 继续阅读
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等级4 2019-07-02
687 浏览
最近常常告訴自己:心情越壞的時間,就越要多想生活中美好的事物。接二連三的壞消息,心口堵得無以復加,因此反而決定分享一個加碼好消息:感謝 Turkish Airlines 的邀請及安排,不久的將來很可能踏足土耳其,感受一趟與別不同的歐亞之旅~  這場晚飯早在6月初已經約好,雖然中途身心都頗累,但答應了就如期赴約吧,這也是甜魔媽媽第一次參加航空公司舉辦的活動呢。晚餐在中環 The Sultan’s Table 舉行(要小心別搞錯是另一間 Sultan's Corner,那邊是快餐店),一進門就是充滿風情的佈置,以及多款富有土耳其風味的美食,大家也不客氣填飽肚子再說~  香港供應土耳其菜的餐廳不多,我自己也極少吃,對於食材及烹煮手法都很不熟悉,因此正是謙虛學習的機會。地理上,土耳其與甜魔媽媽的 dream destination ----希臘(但不是雅典,我只想去有藍白小屋的海島)位置頗近,所以吃的也頗為相近,不少頭盤都以乳酪、豆類及茄子下饌,其實都幾對口味呢。而個人始終對芝士情有獨鍾,雖然味道鹹一點,但也非常喜歡這味烤芝士,配上一杯 cocktail 感覺更妙。 去到主菜環節,明顯地多了肉類;特別一提,由於土耳其90%以上人口信奉伊斯蘭教,所以國內很少會吃到豬肉,這晚吃的也是雞、牛、羊肉,賣相十分震撼,味道也不差的。 除了分享土耳其美食,這晚我們還可以分組玩遊戲,勝出的一組可獲香港至土耳其來回機票!雖然甜魔媽媽所識不多而且笨手笨腳,但在神隊友的分工合作之下,還是勝出了比賽,全組都可以獲獎!謝謝土耳其航空同時,也非常感謝每位組員的付出。   但願同樣的福氣,也會臨到香港及熱愛香港的港人身上。香港人,真的一個都不能再少,請大家都要堅強!一起加油! 继续阅读
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等级1 2019-02-22
724 浏览
Don’t be backed off by the price tag, it is located at the center of central, located right next to Tai Guen. They are not crowded on a typical Friday night. The environment is spacious, stylish, new and comfortable.The food offering are authentic Turkish food, in sufficiently large portion for sharing with friends.It is a good choice for friends gathering! 继续阅读
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