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所有分店 (3)
以Funk音乐为灵感,设计成「录音室」的手卷主题酒吧,供应精致的日美料理;还有多款精选的日本酒及鸡尾酒,让你尽情饮饱食醉。 继续阅读
Dining duration: MON - FRI Lunch: 2pax-4pax:75mins 5pax-8pax: 90mins 9pax&above:120mins-Lunch Set Menu Dinner:2pax-5pax:90mins 6pax&above:120mins-A La Carte Menu SAT - SUN & PH Brunch:120 mins-Brunch Set Menu Dunch:120 mins-Dunch Set Menu Dinner:120 mins-A La Carte Menu
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 21:00
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 21:00
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 21:30
11:30 - 15:15
17:30 - 21:30
*(Mon-Fri) Lunch last booking 14:30 - Set Lunch Only (Sat & Sun & PH) Brunch last booking 14:30 - Set Brunch Only (Sat & Sun & PH) Dunch last booking 15:15 - Set Dunch Only (Daily) Dinner last booking 22:00pm - A-La-Carte & Tasting Menu Available
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食记 (31)
等级4 2024-04-11
291 浏览
今日黎到灣仔,搵到間可以放慢腳步chill一chill既餐廳,仲有Brunch Set,每位都只係$248😆😆.⭐️前菜有三款,for share一齊食~ 有炸雞,沙律同三文魚,炸雞炸得香脆又唔會乾柴👍🏻👍🏻B-Karaage RRB-Cabbage Salad RRB- Salmon tataki RR.⭐️手卷,每人可以揀兩款口味~ 有唔同特別既口味可以試😍 幾特別!B-Wagyu Beef RRB-Kalifornia RRB-Spicy Tuna RRB-Salmon Avocado RR.⭐️刺身+卷物+大阪燒,刺身夠新鮮,卷物飯唔會壓得太實,剛剛好😆 仲食到大阪燒可以止一止思日本既心☺️B-Sashimi 8pc + 98 RRB-Okonomiyaki RRB-Big Ass Mak RR.⭐️甜品,爆谷雪糕同炸香蕉雪糕做完美作結,又唔會太甜,唔錯!B-Poppin Ice Cream RRB-Fried Banana RR 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-02-14
425 浏览
We looked online and saw a Valentines Menu which did not specify at which hours they are serving that so we booked for lunch. At the website, they asked if we want a booth seat or a counter seat. We chose booth seat.When we arrived, we saw our booking name on their screen, assigned with a booth seat, but the waiter took us to a counter seat. After clarifying, another waiter came and sat us on the booth. When we asked about the Valentines menu, they said it is for dinner only, which has not been mentioned on their website. Halfway through our meal, two customers came in. We heard the staff apologised for not being able to sit them at their usual seat - where we are sitting at. Then we realised the reason they sat us at the counter even though we have booked for the booth, was to please their usual customers. Although it’s none of our business, it’s still worth-mentioning that the people sat next to our table had their orders messed up 3 times. Other than the unclear menu and the poor service, their food was also really average considering the price. The chicken cutlet sando was served cold and it was dry and flavourless. The salmon tataki has no salmon taste at all. The crunch was supposed to add texture which we get, but it’s also a bit stale. We ordered both desserts to try and they are both disappointing as well - popping ice cream was Kowloon Diary vanilla ice cream with stale popcorns on top, the olive oil and nori were pointless. Had to say though, their hamachi hotdog was delicious. And $50 for 300ml of sake was very reasonable.We tried other Japanese restaurants from the Pirata Group and had some great meals. Hence didn’t expect this quality of food and service at all. 继续阅读
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啱啱同閨蜜撲去TMK嗰間fusion日本餐廳食午餐,話說櫈仔坐落落,環境𠻹得嚟D嘈雜,但係喺咁既熱鬧氣氛裡面,我哋有個出奇唔意料嘅美食體驗。🍱 餐單選擇多得滯,最後我揀咗Temaki set,閨蜜去咗Maki set。開胃菜就係三文魚Tataki,又酸又微辣,鮮味得嚟口感一流,啖啖肉嘅三文魚超級惹味👍。我個Temaki set,手卷清爽得嚟包裹嘅海鮮爽彈,真係食落去嘴裡有種喺海裡嬉水嘅暢快感覺。傍邊仲有多兩卷壽司,海鮮同米嘅配搭做得絕啱,一啖一啖都心情好晒。閨蜜嘅Maki roll就重口味啲,滿滿嘅口感同層次感,尤其係果啲鋪滿辣味美乃滋嘅卷,嗌得佢話好食極啦!最尾甜品就真係要點嗰支雪糕 - 開心到飛起,滑溜溜嘅質感加上啱啱好嘅甜度,為呢場午餐生活畫上咗完美嘅句號。TMK嘅fusion風格日餐,真係送俾大家一次難忘嘅味覺盛宴,下次記得要約埋其他班友一齊歎!🎉 继续阅读
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於2023年12月27日晚餐。和灣仔分店一樣,都是以60年代音樂為主題。場內佈滿舊唱片、照射燈等懷舊美風裝飾,很適合打卡。朋友說TMK的食物要不很喜歡,要不很討厭,因為它是打破菜式的常規,我拍拍他的肩膀,不用擔心,至少上次我在灣仔分店的體驗很好。朋友點了omakase,廚師會跟據人數調整。Salmon Tataki 🧡吃得出三文魚被輕輕灸燒過,把魚油逼出,配上酸酸辣辣的醬汁,上面有蘿蔔絲、黑椒、脆粒,非常開胃又有口感。Karaage🍗炸雞醬粉不厚,咬入去都有汁,和雞肉嫩滑。榨一點檸檬汁配原本的調味已經很足夠,很香口。 Wagyu Tataki🥩 牛肉薄片熟度是Medium,上面的薄蒜片超香,超級惹味,配合紅菜頭和蔥花,又是很多酸甜的汁配搭着,口感香軟且入味。The Original Tuna Hotdog🌭日式的熱狗,紫菜飯包着呑拿魚,再拿去炸,脆卜卜,都是有不留情的醬汁配着,打破了日式壽司的宿命,又保留着熱狗多醬的概念,但對我然言,過份油膩感。Mentaiko Udon🍜紫蘇葉不是我喜歡的,但這個烏冬熱撈時,它的味道都不算太明顯,就像站在後背後暗暗為這道菜打氣。明太子的辣味和厚厚忌廉醬,竟靠紫蘇葉的香味中和,烏冬每條都是掛醬的,口感豐脥。多謝你,紫蘇葉。Poppin Ice cream🍿雲尼拿的雪糕配上帶點粟米味的橄欖油,聽起來很奇怪,但吃起來出奇地香滑,而且雪糕上有原粒爆谷和紫菜碎,咸咸甜甜,為味蕾帶來衝擊。TMK做菜的風格就像它的裝修一樣,大膽的Rock n Roll,調味醬毫不吝嗇,揮霍自如,愛醬料的朋友不要錯過。 继续阅读
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等级3 2023-10-05
796 浏览
食物:作為我最喜愛pirata group的其中之一品牌,野食水準穩定,超級適合送酒,會不停飲又不停食!黎得就唔會expect食香港人認知既「日本菜」,TMK都係我最喜愛鬼佬壽司既餐廳~4.3/5-環境:3間TMK裝修最鐘意哩間,亦都覺得係最花心思既一間,設計想按達既訊息明確,而且相比起上環灣氣店風格都明顯有啲唔同。入口既vintage色燈箱海報,餐廳入面一大版黑膠碟feature wall加埋幾個disco ball & lighting, 大量美國80年代feel既deco,音樂海報、電結他… 樂有氣氛&代氛感5/5-服務:秉持pirata group一貫服務態度都係穩定地好,友善,哩間餐廳既server同chef都好有耐性~見我地5個女仔,雙數既食物份量會主動分多一件比我地,最後又好有耐性幫手影相,大like!5/5- 價錢:都係秉持pirata group一貫性價比高!3百幾蚊食可以食到相當唔錯又勁飽既晚餐,仲環有好service靚裝修靚廁所,香港真係數唔出幾間, 絕對唔希望佢執所以想多啲支持下(因為dinner真係完全無生意咁濟….)5/5 继续阅读
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