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食记 (12)
等级4 2014-08-24
1734 浏览
從網上看到這間cupcake 推出了 moon cupcake, 一心想著今年不用再送傳統或冰皮月餅作禮了~看到實物後, 小小的一個cupcake, 其實從未嚐過這間店, 於是,便買了一個cupcake 試一試!從bestseller中,選了這款士多啤梨雲呢嗱,淡淡的雲呢嗱味,而且蛋糕本身都幾鬆軟, 上面的topping都幾香, 只是整體上也是甜了點點呢~以這個價錢,其實試一下便可…試完,結果還是買了moon cupcake 卷送禮用… 继续阅读
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等级2 2014-08-19
1386 浏览
食韓登有一個好處,就是可以睇下其他餐廳的人氣。奇露比一邊食一邊留意到近LIFT口的那間TWELVE CAKES,不時有4,5人排隊購買,令奇露比食完韓登後,都忍唔住去望兩眼。原來12號係慶祝佢12TH ANNIVERSARY,有特別折扣,本身$25/@,變成$30/2個。再加上,SALES姐姐話佢地公司的CUPCAKES的賣點係鬆軟,同蛋糕及上面TOPPINGS都係用低糖。聽起來好似比較健康,立即忍唔住,買左半打。最後拎返屋企,用兩日先食哂。花生JELLY CUPCAKE(第一行左一)中間JELLY是提子味的JAM,旁邊圈上一圈很濃的花生味的CREAM,下面的蛋糕是牛油蛋糕。奇露比與家人SHARE,刀一切下,就感覺到個牛油蛋糕真的很鬆軟。一口咬下去,濃濃的花生CREAM充滿口腔。真係幾好味!RED VELVET(紅絲絨)CUPCAKE (第一行中間)這是這公司的招牌CUPCAKE,下面的CUPCAKE是紅色呢!上面TOPPING的BUTTER CREAM本以為會好甜,點知道所有CUPCAKES最唔甜的一個,亦令奇露比記起SALES姐姐話D CUPCAKES 用低糖整的。DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CUPCAKE (第一行右一)TOPPINGS係朱古力CREAM加上粒粒朱古力,下面是朱古力蛋糕。蛋糕同樣鬆軟。鐘意食朱古力的人一定鐘意。COOKIE AND CREAM CUPCAKE (第二行左一)這個CUPCAKE與DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CUPCAKE有一點似,因為蛋糕都是朱古力蛋糕,但TOPPING是滿滿的COOKIE & CREAM及4分之一的OREO 曲奇,好似食緊COOKIE & CREAM的雪糕一樣,不過OREO曲奇要快快食,不係放在雪櫃一日後,會「淋」左,唔好食。ESPRESSO CUPCAKE(第二行中間)個咖啡cream 同cake 都充滿淡淡既咖啡味。TOPPING上有粒咖啡豆,一咬之下,原來係朱古力扮既咖啡豆,可能放左雪櫃,蛋糕無之前咁鬆軟,cream 都變得有番咁上下「實」,但都不至於「漏」同「黏」住喉嚨!食後咖啡味仲徘徊喉嚨一段時間!士多啤梨牛油CUPCAKE(第二行右一)底下係牛油蛋糕,上層係士多啤梨味既 cream, 加上一粒粒既芝士!牛油蛋糕鬆軟,入口好快就融化!配上淡淡士多啤梨既味!唔會太甜,食完唔洗飲水,無「黏」住喉嚨。減價真係會吸引顧客多買幾個,不然$25其實有點貴~~ 继续阅读
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等级2 2014-06-06
1193 浏览
I've had my reservations regarding this shop. When I first stumbled upon it in Causeway Bay, undoubtedly I was thrilled to give it a shot! First chance I got (and when my brain remembered) I went and gave it a go, but it was rather disappointing. I don't know about you, but when I imagine a cupcake, I imagine something quite delightfully magical! But I must say, that if I was looking for gourmet, I probably should've hopped my booty over to some michelin star restaurant; I digress. The cupcakes here aren't devestating by any means, they're quite alright actually. There's just something about the way their cakes are made, that makes it seem more like I'm eating a muffin, rather than a marvellous cupcake! Putting aside my prejudice towards Twelve, I decided to stop by this cupcake stand on my way to the gym (oh the irony!). When I got there, the stand was empty, with a sign placed stating the girl who was there would be back. I'm not blaming her for going to the restroom, but I'm just saying that not all customers are patient, and sometimes people are in a hurry, and thus become frustrated and leave. Anyway, she did take quite a while to come back though, and as I was about to leave, she came back. I ordered the red velvet, and she didn't ask if I wanted it packed or eaten right then. Instead she assumed I would like it all packaged up, and I didn't have the heart to tell her otherwise, since she'd already done so. I know this isn't a page where we protest against wasting resources, but c'mon, can't you just ask, thereby, reducing waste? In the end, I just threw away the packaging and kept the plastic bag until I could recycle it. People say that 'third times the charm' - not in this case. There is a big dallop swirl of cream cheese pasted on top of the cupcake. I took a bite of just the cheese, and it just had an overwhelming taste, and it was definitely not 'airy' as written on the cardholder at their stand. It just tastes like regular cream cheese that I used to blend, and it's thick on top of that! When you take a bite with the cake, all you get is a mouthful of cheese, and granted the cake doesn't have much taste either (nor does Kisses, let me just state that, to be fair!). Surprisingly, their cakes seemed to have improved, or perhaps it's just this one. The cake isn't as dense seeming as the other times I've had Twelve. Although, their cake just tastes like those marbo cakes you can get at your local supermarket. Overall, nothing spectacular... the cake just made me feel indifferent towards it. I don't feel inclined to try their red velvet again. However, Twelve is a good place to go for inventive flavors distributed! They've got some rather interesting flavors like peanut buter and jelly, peanut butter chocolate (which I've tried, and was rather disappointed by, because yet again, it only has an overwhelming peanut butter taste), and cookies and cream to name a few!  继续阅读
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等级1 2014-05-17
1115 浏览
其實cupcake一路比我既感覺都係爆甜既蛋糕,所以向來都唔太會花錢去買黎食。今日我經過既時候,比佢地既賣相吸引住,好似呼喚緊我買佢地番去。店員好有禮貌咁介紹啲款式,口味比我。而且又好仔細咁介紹佢地既cupcake有咩特別。既然佢介紹得咁正,就買左六件試下。六件都店員推介話要試既口味。買完之後,店員仲再三提醒我要小心啲唔好俾人撞倒就可以平安咁拎到番屋企。即刻九秒九跑番屋企,係六個入面,我最中意red velvet同 Baileys chocolate....red velvet係店員推介,話係佢地既招牌,如果大家去到一定要試red velvet...佢上面個vanilla cream cheese 配合埋light chocolate既蛋糕,吃洛又唔會太甜,岩曬怕肥又想吃甜品既朋友們!因為佢地真係絕配既組合!我係一個唔飲酒既人,但見到Baileys  chocolate就出於好奇咁去試左哩款口味,佢上面個cream原來係baileys 整既,配埋佢個朱古力蛋糕真係好好味,令我對酒改觀了!搞到我依家好中意吃用baileys整既甜品。而且整體黎講,佢地啲蛋糕吃洛去好鬆軟,因為店員話放係室溫可以放一日,唔洗放係雪櫃,唔似外國個啲咁好硬,而且又唔會太甜,所以最後我同呀妹一齊ko左六個。 继续阅读
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等级2 2014-05-12
946 浏览
服務態度差,店員dup 低頭玩電話,我企左係個蛋糕櫃前面左望右望都無招呼,到我揀好想要邊幾件嘅時侯嗌佢佢先有反應,仲要黑晒面勁唔想做咁,都算啦...又無train 過佢地點樣擺d 蛋糕 佢求其幫我放入個盒就算,個盒鬼死咁大,佢入面個設計已經有一個個lone 俾店員塞個蛋糕入去,佢竟然無一件有塞入個lone 度,仲要放係一個裝到十盒咁大嘅袋入面俾我,我只係行左5分鐘嘅路程,(我無fing 過個袋成盒ja 住係手),d 蛋糕都可以變成咁,張相入面我己經執番起四個塞番入個lone 度,最後一個執唔起,因為佢d toping 太軟 一pat 野咁,點執? 外國果d cupcake topping 會硬身少少 而佢嘅topping 軟到好似溶左嘅雪糕咁,你整咩花上去都無用啦,d 店員又求其,你叫人點食 继续阅读
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