全人手製作薄餅,即叫即做,不論創意款式或經典口味,皆可配以啤酒和葡萄酒。 继续阅读
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食记 (51)
等级2 2013-01-08
670 浏览
今日放工同同事一齊去左wildfire食dinner~~~~因為平日夜晚關係,所以都唔使點等就入得去lu,間餐廳黑黑地咁都幾好feel!!!!我地叫左個cesar salad~~呢個就不過不失~都係平時咁,d salad source都冇咩特別,但幾fresh既!!十分推介個Buffalo mozzarella cheese pizza!!!pizza size都算大個,最緊要係d芝士熱辣辣時好香,直情可以拉出黎咁,好正好好好味!!!!!!!個餅底都好好味,唔係硬骨骨咁ga,反而係好好咬口lo!!!!同平時大型連鎖既pizza 鋪好唔同, 真係想食多兩件!!!我地仲叫左個意大利雲吞呢度既意大利雲吞係用白汁整,都幾creamy!值得一讚!至於雲吞入面既餡就麻麻地,都冇咩特別~~但呢道菜都好飽肚!!!overall唔算好好好味,但個環境好舒服, 同埋個pizza真係好吸引,所以一定會再返黎食lo!!!!!!! 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-08-24
400 浏览
Haven't been to Wildfire for ages. Casual dinner with a friend visiting HK, before shopping in Causeway Bay. wtc seems easy to find a dining place without reservation. 2 dinner sets available on top of a la carte menu; the luxury set doesn't look that nice, so both of us picked the ordinary one, 3 courses with soup/salad, main course with choices of steak, pasta, etc and dessert.I had steak and my friend ordered pasta, both are quite delicious, not bad Medium rare rib-eye, rich and juicy flavor, yummy.Dessert menu is not that attractive, pudding, ice-cream, but the chocolate mousse offered with the dinner set is not bad.They put advertising stickers that covered the windows, blocked the view; anyway, the opposite side currently is a construction site so nothing nice. The lighting was too dim, and there is no candles on the table. Overall environment is not bad. 继续阅读
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等级2 2012-08-14
90 浏览
打波前要打定個肚仔 去左有下午茶既wildfiretea set 有兩層既~~~一層係帶子海鮮pizza 大愛!!!!pizza叫左薄批 脆卜卜 而且帶子大大粒 啖啖肉!!!超有口感!!第二層係小食有炸物 他他醬多士 甜點...最愛他他醬多士 酸酸地 幾開胃~~另外 炸洋蔥圈就真係好一般 個皮同餡分開既兩個人黎食既份量岩岩好 而且咁岩可以坐正窗口 仲可以睇到海景呢個high tea真爽 继续阅读
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等级4 2012-08-01
61 浏览
生日飯,黎到WILDFIRE食。因為貴,所以無乜人,都唔使等位!呢個沙律,不是我的口味!因為有啲苦0既菜,不喜歡!帶子,真係好巨下!我想有藥樽的樽蓋咁大吧?而且好鮮甜!又不會剪得老,剛熟就夠了!三文魚扒,夠晒肥厚之餘,還保持滑溜,JUICY的口感!帶帶風情的PIZZA,最愛的千島海鮮醬!好開胃!而薄薄的薄脆餅皮,很有口感!甜品,係朱古力的蛋糕!朱古力味都幾濃郁,啱晒我! 继续阅读
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(非会员) 2012-06-17
70 浏览
Is a wonderful date that I came to this restaurant. The deco is dark, but the service was so attentive and detail. Even from order till dessert. Is a big supprise for me first time to try this restaurant. Especially for their wood stone pizza. So thin and best in quality. This looks like when the time when I was in Italian. Unfortunately, this is an American restaurant. In fact that they are so attention to detail and please did it more offen. Come again 继续阅读
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