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香港係華洋共處既地方,為大家著想,我不得不用中英雙語寫依篇食評。As Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan city, I can't help myself but write my review in Chinese and English for everyone's sake如果你放午飯想入到一間餐廳等近一個鐘然後都係冇野堂食,最後急急腳打包離場,仲要遲到返office,Wingman一定係你不二之選!If you are having your lunch break and want to find a restaurant that keeps you waiting for almost an hour and finally turns your dine-in experience into takeaway, not to mention being late back to office, then Wingman is a great choice for you. 我地一行六人食飯,落單後30分鐘未出菜,侍應聲稱食物已經係樓下,只係差未拎
As Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan city, I can't help myself but write my review in Chinese and English for everyone's sake
If you are having your lunch break and want to find a restaurant that keeps you waiting for almost an hour and finally turns your dine-in experience into takeaway, not to mention being late back to office, then Wingman is a great choice for you.
我地一行六人食飯,落單後30分鐘未出菜,侍應聲稱食物已經係樓下,只係差未拎上黎(我地坐樓上),但好奇怪,明明條樓梯唔係好長,點解再過15分鐘D野食都未黎到 (唔通係"古惑的梯")
We were a group of six. No meals were served on our table for 30 minutes since we finished ordering. The waitress claimed that the food was ready at downstairs waiting to be served (We were sitting at the upper floor). The most incredible thing was that after 15 more mins there was still no food on our table despite how short the stair might look like to us (Amazing stair in Hogwarts!)
再隔左一段時間先上左部分野食,Q爆佢之後先話承認係廚房出左問題 (出多媽嗲! 早知求先Cancel order起身走人算啦! )但再留係度食落去都唔係辦法,你估我地返工係當上興趣班咩? office需要我依個奴隸! 所以我地叫佢俾外賣盒我pick返公司食算喇,至於o個D未黎既薯條就轉外賣啦。點知道佢將我地6個人份量既薯條放左入2個盒!你冇聽錯,係2‧個‧盒! 佢一定係預我地返到office仲可以係腦細面前食住外賣仲四圍傳盒薯條? 真係諗起都刺激!
After god knows how many more minutes, some food finally appeared. After being friendly asked again and again and again...the waitress at the end admitted that there had been some "difficulties" encountered by their kitchen staff. (Wow! Wait a minute. If I knew this beforehand, I would have told them to cancel our order and then left to save them some trouble ) Anyway, we couldn't stay and eat those food. They did not expect us to treat work as nothing, did they? We needed to get back to work! So we asked them to give us meal boxes to pick those food and change the late-coming chips to takeaway for us. But you know what, they put 6-person-serve chips into two boxes. You hear me right: Two boxes! They must think we dare to circulate those two boxes of chips around the office in front of our supervisors while eating our own lunchbox during work hour, huh? What an exciting idea coming from a brilliant brain!
由於真係急到裙甩褲甩,我只係影左我o個份pack得幾靚,集雞翼、沙律、漢堡於一身於一個細盒既外賣。(唔記得倒埋D汽水入去添! 對唔住囉Wingman)
Since we were in a rush, I only took a photo of my beautiful takeaway with chicken wings, salad, burger mixing together in a small box. (I forgot to pour my soft drink in it as well! Sorry about that, Wingman )
We made a complaint when we were checking the bill. The waitress (with blonde hair) really displayed her likable attitude by saying "it's the kitchen staff's faults, not mine!", "you want to speak to the manager? the manager is on the plane right now", "See! I didn't include any service charge in you bill. Nothing else I would do." and "what can you do other than giving us a bad name?".
Oh silly, a nice person like me will never spoil your reputation. Honestly, the food tasted normal, save for cold chicken wings, soft chips, warm salad and soaking wet burger though. But no big deal, right?
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