17 浏览
Much thanks to Openrice for the 2 free movie tickets for the local love comedy, Don't Go Breaking My Heart. We decided to redeem the tickets at Times Square at 5pm. A movie would had been less enjoyable without some snacks to go with, yet popcorn is a way too unhealthy and thus unthinkable choice, and since i had previously bought some groupons to be used with Yo Mama, we went for a cup of the frozen delicacy and sneaked it into the theatre. yes, i had been a bad girl in breaking the house rules
Yo mama offered only the tarty original and the green tea flavours at CitySupers' and, as a usual practise due to my greediness, i took both flavours and ended up having two cones in my large cup. We further picked 3 extra toppings to have along with the 1 topping which was included, and was handed a big bowl with generous serves of kiwi fruit, strawberries, almond flakes and mochi.
Second of the fruit toppings. I love how the kiwis (not sour but sweet and fresh, not over-rippen as they were not mushy and too soft) were cut into thick big chunks, and the strawberries were cubes but were frozen to taste. Still it carried a pleasant sweetness but i would prefer it fresh instead of frozen.
Last on the dry and grainy toppings - love the almond flakes but it could have been thinner and thus more crunchy to bite. Was kinda tasteless too but it worked great in adding a crunchy texture to the soft frozen yogurt - i love incorporating strong contrasts into my frozen yogurts whenever i got to choose ie. vy having some crunchy toppings to go with the silky smooth froyo. This worked great! As for the mochi, the serve was GENEROUS and the taste was great, with a hint of vanilla and the thing itself was pretty soft instead of rubbery-like chewy.
The large pot of stuff would have costed us $50 but with thanks to the groupon, i ended up paying a net $35 ($15 for coupon and $20 extra in cash). Should have bought two separate cups to utilize the discount however - but i would definitely be back (and have to be back) since i still have another 2 groupons unused in hand. A true delight it had been - and i hope whats been claimed on the leaflet is true ie. this is a healthy attitude instead of a fattening one!