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鸡翼三蛋饭 🍳Triple Sunny Side-up Eggs on Rice with Chicken Wings Cost💰: ~$35 终于可以来朝圣~其实咪就系3只蛋加2只鸡翼,但唔知点解又会觉得好正。可能系因为食完有3倍嘅喜乐!其实都系藉口,想赖落间铺 - 佢哋招牌菜,所以无理会健康记得有叉烧就一定要叫叉烧鸡蛋饭喔(咁啱比隔离嗌咗最后一碟)...)平日午餐时段等候需时,包括等位同叫野食。员工唔系个个有礼,有D都几恶......Coming for the sunny side-up eggs. They said this is the easiest way to triple your happiness 🥰Probably it’s an excuse for me not to consider the health issue when eating 3 eggs...and I prefer blaming the cha chan teng that this is their signature dish, and so ended up ordering
鸡翼三蛋饭 🍳
Triple Sunny Side-up Eggs on Rice with Chicken Wings
Cost💰: ~$35
其实都系藉口,想赖落间铺 - 佢哋招牌菜,所以无理会健康
Coming for the sunny side-up eggs. They said this is the easiest way to triple your happiness 🥰Probably it’s an excuse for me not to consider the health issue when eating 3 eggs...and I prefer blaming the cha chan teng that this is their signature dish, and so ended up ordering
Get the Cha Siu Rice with Eggs! (Sold out a min before I ordered...)
There’s always a queue during lunch hour on weekdays. Not all staff are friendly......