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Half Smoked Salmon Sandwich $22厚吐司包住芝士🧀、青瓜🥒、红萝卜🥕、烟三文鱼🐟、绿珊瑚生菜🥬 份量十足 食半饱都够饱✨ 烟三文鱼同芝士既咸味可以平衡较为单调既蔬菜🤣 整体食落非常清新 好适合夏天食☀️Sandwiches w/Carrot, Cheese, Cucumber, Aqua Green and smoked salmon were fresh🌱, healthy🌿 and suitable for having it in summer time😍 Milky cheese and smoky salmon enriched the whole flavors of it💫 The portion size was generous, so half was enough👌🏻评分: 9/10🌟Mixed Berries & Cereal Greek Yogurt $29相信好多人都唔钟意希腊乳酪既酸味同质感 但佢比起普通乳酪真系健康得多😎 虽然单食既味道会较浓同较酸🥲 但加埋甜甜地既杂莓🍓同谷物就会有一个酸甜都平衡既味道😛 成个感觉好清新 值得一
厚吐司包住芝士🧀、青瓜🥒、红萝卜🥕、烟三文鱼🐟、绿珊瑚生菜🥬 份量十足 食半饱都够饱✨ 烟三文鱼同芝士既咸味可以平衡较为单调既蔬菜🤣 整体食落非常清新 好适合夏天食☀️
Sandwiches w/Carrot, Cheese, Cucumber, Aqua Green and smoked salmon were fresh🌱, healthy🌿 and suitable for having it in summer time😍 Milky cheese and smoky salmon enriched the whole flavors of it💫 The portion size was generous, so half was enough👌🏻
评分: 9/10🌟
Mixed Berries & Cereal Greek Yogurt $29
相信好多人都唔钟意希腊乳酪既酸味同质感 但佢比起普通乳酪真系健康得多😎 虽然单食既味道会较浓同较酸🥲 但加埋甜甜地既杂莓🍓同谷物就会有一个酸甜都平衡既味道😛 成个感觉好清新 值得一试😋
I know many of you don’t like Greek yogurt because of its taste or texture🥹, but trust me! It’s really a healthy alternative to mayo, sour cream, regular yogurt, and others🥰 The sour taste was more intense than regular yogurt🫣 with adding the sweet berries and cereal, it tasted nice!🤩 The sweetness and sourness were well balanced, and worth a try!🤍
评分: 8.5/10🌟
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