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Weekend time , go and visit puppy dog and nephew again. My hobby to buy them food and I visit them. Sharing food is happy and warm. 蒸肠粉同粥, and dim sum, 即叫即蒸架肠粉淋埋甜酱油,热辣辣又潮溜溜We all like to eat 烧卖,especially tong kei’s has added shrimp, filled with a lot of pork and shrimp. Juicy and tasty精选蒸饭 daily special. Everyday the selected steam rice price is very valuable一家人口味真系好相近架,都系钟意食滑滑的胶粉同点心
蒸肠粉同粥, and dim sum, 即叫即蒸架肠粉淋埋甜酱油,热辣辣又潮溜溜
We all like to eat 烧卖,especially tong kei’s has added shrimp, filled with a lot of pork and shrimp. Juicy and tasty
精选蒸饭 daily special. Everyday the selected steam rice price is very valuable